Falling off the "wagon"

I did really good for 2yrs at losing weight and going to the gym. Living an all around healthier life than I had ever. I went from an unhappy 226lb wife and stay at home mom to 137lb single mother with a career. Then i fell off the wagon. Right now I weigh 158 and hating every minute of it. I worked so hard to lose that weight and it seems so much harder to maintaine it. Every pound I have gained i feel it weighing on me emotionally to. Unfortunately everything in my life is affected by my weight. I have had some back problems that kept me out of the gym for the past 6 weeks which has set me back and depressed me even more. I know i need to get out of my head but i can't seem to do that. I've made some strides but not enough to get me back on that "wagon". I know im not the only one going through this but I feel like I am. :(


  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    Only thing I can say is wake up every day and try again, if you aren't at least trying it definitely won't happen. One of the times it has to work eventually, right!?!
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    good for you for realizing the problem now. a lot of people don't realize till they've gained ALL their weight back.
    just keep trucking, and the weight will go back down.
  • shellylb52
    shellylb52 Posts: 157 Member
    Hang in there. I am on this site for the same reason. Do your best every day and things will fall into place :flowerforyou:
  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    1st off, don't be hard on yourself. This is life and nobody is perfect... I know how you feel as it takes so long to lose the weight and it finds its way back so fast. If you are feeling better then it's time to get back into the game and just do what you can. You already know it won't be easy because you did it once before.

    So you know you can do it again this time around!
  • worldtrekker1
    I am familiar with this feeling. I will not pretend to know the answers, though I can share some thoughts and experiences.

    When I am discouraged about weight gain (discouraged being a euphemism for having an internal tantrum), I do the following:

    - make a plan for one week - food/exercise - stick to it - just one week at a time
    - think about trying something new - a new exercise/dance/yoga class, a hike in a different area, renting a DVD or trying a youtube video for fitness (if you are still injured, could you work with a physical therapist? They may be able to help guide you safely back to exercise)
    - wear lipstick (I go in phases :tongue: )

    I TRY to remind myself what else I gained - perspective? time to chill and reflect? time to hang with my friends and family? realization that I am being a poo and don't like it? Hopefully something valuable

    Good luck! If you would like some extra encouragement, please feel free to friend me :smile: