Looking for Positive friends who log regularly



  • RitzyFritz
    RitzyFritz Posts: 10 Member
    I'm new here but in the past, when I lost 138 pounds, I was a daily logger. Feel free to add me if you wish. I'm happy to help and encourage any way I can.
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    Ooh, ooh pick me! pick me! I would love to add new motivated friends with open diaries! :flowerforyou:
  • emilypink573
    emilypink573 Posts: 133 Member
    add me!
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    Hello hello. :)

    I'm pretty positive even on a bad day.. my only pet peeve is when I I see girls eating 700-1200 calories and posting crap about feeling bad about eating 100 calories over... fasting the next day to make up for it oh and doing 600-800 calories worth of cardio a day... I don't entertain that crap. Most of the time I'm good on my dairy.. in a blue moon ill eat tons of crap but that's not often enough. I'm workin hard to lower my bodyfat and even tho I eat 1700-1900 calories daily I've managed to lose a few pounds. Feel free to add me I'm pretty pleasant. :)
  • dltp223
    dltp223 Posts: 28 Member
    Request sent!
  • thistimewillbedifferent
    thistimewillbedifferent Posts: 217 Member
    Anyone on this thread can add me if they want! I started MFP awhile back but struggled mightily with daily logging until this past December, when I had a real attitude adjustment. Since January 1st of this year I've logged every single bite except for the week I was on vacation at a health resort (where I figured I was "safe" since I was exercising so much and eating such healthy food). I also hired a personal trainer back in January, and the combination of logging and training has resulted in a loss of 32 pounds (14.5 kilos) so far. I don't log my exercise or my weight, but the food portion of my diary is highly detailed, and I'm a very positive person. I try to eat very little processed food, but you'll definitely see goldfish and alcohol sneaking their way into my diary on a semi-regular basis. Good luck to everyone with their efforts!
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    I am on here every day and I log my calories every day :) I will add you and anyone else that would like to add me can to. I try to comment on everything. We can definitely motivate each other!

    I have 120+ lbs to lose.

  • Hi - I just joined today and am also looking for a few folks to join me on the journey. I would like to lose the last few pounds to my goal weight, then maintain. I am very interested in fitness and nutrition and tend to eat a clean diet with cheese, wine, scotch and chocolate being the exceptions. And I would TOTALLY sneak goldfish, but they don't have them in NZ:(
  • lindz221
    lindz221 Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm on all the time, and a super positive (albeit sarcastic) broad. :)
  • CzyAbtTiffanys
    CzyAbtTiffanys Posts: 27 Member
    super positive <3:) add me
  • YolieCreator
    YolieCreator Posts: 173 Member
    This is my second try at MFP.I've gotten more dedicated lately and more active. Anyone feel free to add me. Love to add new faces and try my best to be helpful.

    25 yr old stay at home mom/ wife CW 283 GW 165

    Also have an open dairy.
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: hi, i am a regular on here & would love to be a friend who will give support & motivation! i have sent a friend request your way! i am on here several times a day!
  • PaliDNAnge
    PaliDNAnge Posts: 81 Member
    Feel free to add me =)
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm Rebecca, 28 yo, UK.

    Starting weight - 297lbs - Current Weight - 242lbs. I have logged on everyday for nearly a month and am very motivated! I love to discuss how to help people achieve their goals :)

    My philosophy is clean eating, no processed or junk food (although last night was unavoidable) and working out at the gym 3 times a week as well as daily walks. I've been overweight/obese for my entire 20's and I don't want to be in the same position in my 30's!

    My only objection to friend requests is I do not want anyone who is purposely trying to starve themselves and pretend they are not - I had an ED in my teens and I'm trying to promote a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. I'd obviously give any support to anybody who has an ED and WANTS help, but some people are trying to attention seek by their lack of calories - I'm not game for that, sorry! :embarassed:

    I log in daily and properly and always about! x
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    I have logged for 280 days. I used to be 290 lbs last june, now 189 lbs.
    Add me if you want :)
  • LillyBoots
    LillyBoots Posts: 114 Member
    Hi there, I've logged for the last 85 days, so feel free to add me.
  • galaxysue
    galaxysue Posts: 83 Member
    Feel free to add me me I am on here most days. I try to do healthy eating no faddy stuff. I go to gym classes 5 times a week. Love spinning classes. My husband and I also love walkingvand cycling.I started my journey in 2011 when I was a hefty 18.5 stone I got down to12.5. I have gained a little and find MFP the best way to keep on track. I promised myslf I would be fit and 50 which I did thetarget now is sexy at 60 just 10 yrs go
  • Twinklegirl34
    Twinklegirl34 Posts: 59 Member
    Hiya anyone feel free to add me! Log every day, open food diary and great at giving support!
  • LJAYB1985
    LJAYB1985 Posts: 2 Member

    I am new-ish to this. I've had the app for a little while but it's only now that I'm making a real effort with my weight. I am currently at my heaviest and I don't really confide in many people about it apart from my husband... so having some friends on here that are going through the same thing would be amazing and encouraging.

  • amakkun
    amakkun Posts: 5
    Since I started I've been logging every day; the good and the bad... It'd be great to find some friends to help me keep coming back and hopefully stop me from falling back into my old habits!