holleysgirl Member


  • http://www.fitsugar.com/Cause-Red-Face-After-Exercise-How-Prevent-12918635 Great article with regard to this issue :)
  • After plenty of fishing around online and meeting some nice people but not the right ones for me I decided to spend the money and joined E-Harmony. I met my wonderful husband there. I have never been so connected to anyone and we are very happily married. I have never had such a good dating experience with any other…
  • I actually had a trainer tell me to eat an orange before my workouts to help avoid this. She didn't explain why, but I did find that it helped! Not a nice feeling for sure....that or the headache that sometimes comes with working hard.
  • SHUT UP! U are an amazing inspiration to me. I have been off and on the weight loss wagon for quite some time now, and have not been as inspired as I am right this minute...not once! Thank you for giving me the juice to keep moving....hopefully one day I will be posting my victory pictures just like yours :) Way to go!…
  • Hey Judi! Southern Ontario here :) Also looking for friends to move along the path to better health with. Good luck!
  • Thanks! Cheers to you and your journey! :)
  • Cheers to THAT!
  • Hey there! I could have written this myself *sigh* My big goal is to get under 200 lbs. I have been waffling around off and on the weight loss wagon for a long time. I decided it was time to stop when I saw the scale tip over that 300 lb mark. Not sure how I thought just under that was ok, but somehow that 300 number…
  • Southern Ontario, Canada here! HELLO OVER THERE :) Please feel free to add me!
  • Hey there! My suggestion...get out of the gym! I know you may be thinking good will THAT do me? I have a lot of weight to lose, and I have joined the gym twice....both times I found it was a chore to get there and would make excuses not to go. Why not try to find some things that are sort of outside of the box, like…
  • HELLO! Another gal from Ontario here looking for support and friendship on myfitnesspal. I am a fluffy kind of girl with a long way to go, but one day at a time, right? :)