Online Dating



  • s_yeatts
    s_yeatts Posts: 753
    I met my husband on ICQ. We found out that we were only 5 minutes away from each other lol
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    I met my current boyfriend of 5 years on OKCupid, and he's amazing and the love of my life.

    It's not that hard to filter out the creeps online - you never have to meet them in person. Yes, you'll meet some nice guys online and will have to go on some awkward first dates that don't go anywhere for various reasons... but that's true of dating offline as well.

    One-third of recently married couples met online. It's a totally normal way to meet someone these days. No need to be afraid of it or stigmatize it, just be smart and trust your instincts, but also trust that there are normal and nice guys, just like you are a normal and nice girl, looking for love online as well.
  • TayzerFun
    TayzerFun Posts: 45 Member
    I met my now husband back in 2006 online. If you take things slow and really are smart about it, it can be a great way to go. My husband is from Illinois and I'm from Minnesota, we met after 2.5 years of chatting online and were pretty serious by that point. (Not saying you should really wait that long to meet someone you've talked to online! It just so happened to work out that way for us!) The best thing about it was, we really learned to communicate well- since that's all we really had. It's definitely worth a shot! I would've never found my husband unless we met online! Sadly, the website we used isn't up anymore but it wasn't anything particularly fantastic anyhow. lol. Best of luck and be picky! :P lol!
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    I had a relationship with someone I met on a dating website. Its hit or miss. Much better odds on MFP
  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    I'm much older, but I used online dating for many years and met some really nice guys, especially on Match. com. I agree with telling the truth. Also, try not to generalize...No "loves to walk on the beach." I was always careful to 'vet' anyone that sounded interesting, and always met at a public coffee shop.
    My son met his future wife on Match. She had actually worked at the University where he taught, but they had never met then. After she moved to a location a half hour away, they met online.
    I eventually married an old friend that I reconnected with after a long time, but online dating can be another good way to meet someone.
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    I got married to a person I met on a dating site. Though she told me she had met a few creeps.
  • Fiercely_Me
    Fiercely_Me Posts: 481 Member
    I've tried OkCupid Plenty of Fish, and My experiences reflect how dating usually goes in real life. Some guys want a hit and quit, some want to just be friends, some just want casual dating, and some want a relationship. It's up to you to use common sense with a hint of intuition to decide if what they want matches what you want. And if they sound crazy as hell, they usually are!
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    I've been on a few okCupid dates a few good a few bad. But no one was creepy in real life and I had fun every time although nothing went further than a date, it is still nice to go out to dinner or a movie. I would like to actually find someone who want's to actually date on there but that has yet to happen. Be prepared to ignore 75% of your messages. I would say go for it!
  • cfl68
    cfl68 Posts: 48 Member
    Like any other form of meeting people, you come across all kinds. I met my fiance on-line. I met some ladies that have become good friends. I met some people where there just wasn't a connection but overall there were a lot of shall we say "different" people out there LOL!!!!
    Not gonna lie, you have to weed through the thorns to find the rose, but that's really no different than meeting someone at a club or the gym, etc. WIth on-line, you just have access to more at once.
    Be honest in your profile, don't rush to meet. (my fiance and I msg'd for 3 mos before meeing in person). Like anything else, the work is required but the reward can be priceless. Good luck
  • callmestephanie
    callmestephanie Posts: 90 Member
    I met my now husband online. Been together 10 years almost, married 5 almost. We didn't met on a "match" site though. We're nerds and met through a nerdy forum haha
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    Thank you everyone! I know that I always follow my gut on things and I consider myself a pretty good judge of character. I feel like my issue is someone of my age should have more experience in this area where I do not ... so I feel like I am starting behind the 8-ball so to speak. I know once I get over my initial fear of putting myself out there to be sized up, rejected or admired over, I should be good lol. I am extremely level headed and smart in all other aspects of my life, but since I have not put the time into this area, I am behind. But, just like everything else in life, you gotta work for it! Thanks again for all the tips = )

    PS: Is MFP as happening as others have said it is?! I guess one persons food diary is another persons love boat =p
  • holleysgirl
    holleysgirl Posts: 12 Member
    After plenty of fishing around online and meeting some nice people but not the right ones for me I decided to spend the money and joined E-Harmony. I met my wonderful husband there. I have never been so connected to anyone and we are very happily married. I have never had such a good dating experience with any other website as I had with E-harmony. You get what you pay for folks.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    Great advice! Okay here's my story, be prepared! I signed up for eHarmony. Most of the guys they selected for me were not even interesting enough to talk to on the phone. After being on eHarmony for a month I had enough and wanted to quit.

    One day, I was traveling, and had just boarded a plane. I was struggling to put my carry on into the overhead bin. A really nice, good looking gentleman offered to help me. We sat together and chatted the whole flight. He told me about the business he owns, and I told him a bit about myself. Eventually I told him about using eHarmony.

    Get this; eHarmony turned him down. They wouldn't take him. I said "Seriously? eHarmony wouldn't take you? They rejected you even before you started? I emailed eHarmony the next day to ask if they ever reject anyone. It's true! You can be turned down by eHarmony even before you start. Yes indeed, you can be an eHarmony reject.

    p.s. I don't even try anymore. If I happened to meet a great guy, I would be delighted. Just won't go out looking.
    p.p.s I wish eHarmony would have turned me down too.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    this site is free and has a better success rate

    good luck OP
  • cakebatter07
    cakebatter07 Posts: 814 Member
    Great advice! Okay here's my story, be prepared! I signed up for eHarmony. Most of the guys they selected for me were not even interesting enough to talk to on the phone. After being on eHarmony for a month I had enough and wanted to quit.

    One day, I was traveling, and had just boarded a plane. I was struggling to put my carry on into the overhead bin. A really nice, good looking gentleman offered to help me. We sat together and chatted the whole flight. He told me about the business he owns, and I told him a bit about myself. Eventually I told him about using eHarmony.

    Get this; eHarmony turned him down. They wouldn't take him. I said "Seriously? eHarmony wouldn't take you? They rejected you even before you started? I emailed eHarmony the next day to ask if they ever reject anyone. It's true! You can be turned down by eHarmony even before you start. Yes indeed, you can be an eHarmony reject.

    p.s. I don't even try anymore. If I happened to meet a great guy, I would be delighted. Just won't go out looking.
    p.p.s I wish eHarmony would have turned me down too.

    So did anything happen between you and the guy on the plane?
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I think it's a nightmare. I've ended up on dates with married guys, guys who just want to hook up, one guy who "wasn't gay, but was seeing a guy on the side", people 100 pounds heavier than their photos appeared, people much older than claimed, etc. I gave up.
    I had the same experience! :ohwell:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    As a single full-time working mother...I tried it because it's far more convenient than anything else these days! It was nice to go on some dates with nice men. Sit and have a conversation and enjoy that. I had been so miserable in my marriage that just doing that was refreshing. I met some nice men just no chemistry...and then the game players and weirdos and liars. That's not so much fun.

    I took a hiatus from it because I found myself getting more jaded towards men..and that's not good. The last experience i had I met up with a guy a couple of times. It seemed good and we made plans for another night. I ended up not feeling well and asked to push it a few days (from Tues to Fri)....he said that was cool. So Thurs night I contact him asking what he had in mind. And he responded "Oh I'm sorry, I started seeing someone and don't think I should see you anymore" lol...uhh I wished him luck..and he said "I wish we could have spent more time together". I said "err...well that kind of takes being understanding when someone needs to postpone a date! haha" moved on. And two weeks later he contacts me again and says "I'd love to see you again..that woman wasn't for me".....and I said "I'm not either. Good luck!" :wink: :laugh:

    I think online makes people lazy and not feel they have to make an effort or be understanding about life. And as a mother of 4 and 7 year old boys, I simply need understanding. It won't work any other way.

    I'm sure there are plenty of nice guys online.....I'm a nice person and I was on there...but it's tedious weeding through the ones wasting your time.

    Recently just the everyday encounters. The men rushing to open a door for me or offer to carry a box, the man at the grocery store who picked up the bag of coffee I dropped while standing in line to pay juggling stuff.....and then he went out of his way to find me a basket to put it all in! A flirty patient (I'm the technician and insurance person for eye doctors)....etc....these things are giving me hope again for meeting a cool guy. It may take longer the old-fashioned way but will be better in the long run. Or maybe I'll meet them on MFP! :wink: :tongue:

    It could be fun for you to try it....just keep open-minded and know there is an abundance of people but the odds of them being compatible to you are not much more than out at a crowded bar or restaurant. It's just a lot more convenient to be at home relaxing and talking with men! :laugh:
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    OP, I am in your shoes! Only been on two dates during my life, both of them with ok dudes but no connection.

    Thought online dating would be worth a shot, since I'm not exactly getting any younger and the blasted old biological clock is starting to tick away.

    I haven't tried eHarmony or Match but I suspect that since they are paid sites, that people may be more serious about relationships.

    OkCupid, however, is definitely not for everyone. After about one week, it became obvious that 80% of the dudes were messaging me "copy & paste" nonsense and one liners. Maybe I don't know anything about dating, but it seems nearly impossible to snuff out the genuine messages/guys apart from the others (especially over the internet). Also, one guy I thought was genuine and gave my phone number sent me sext messages after two days. Not exactly what I had in mind when I said "take it slow."

    If you do online advice....Be wary, be cautious.
  • arlene785
    arlene785 Posts: 3 Member
    Do not give out private numbers or email. I would not give anything close to your first name even.

    there are a lot of scammers on that site with fake profiles. Be wary of people who want to chat.
    they are often scammers who are tyring to get either money or private info out of you. They see to be from foreigh countries. Their English and writing is often broken. From foreigh countries.