SMC_chick Member


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  • Heather. My mother calls me Heather Annie. If I'm around my best friend, I'm H2 (She's H1). My husband calls me Heathen for the fun of it. My boys call me Mom or Heathen (darn husbands). Mostly, I'm Heather.
  • Who was your favorite Bond girl, James?
  • Height: 5' 1" age:36 starting weight: 136 current weight: 122 goal weight: 115 I do the 30-Day Shred five times a week. Sometimes I do other things in addition to that. I told MFP that I was only going to work out 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, so it gave me a net calorie goal of 1200 calories. I wear the Fitbit One,…
  • We are part of a seasonal CSA. I love all the lettuce, eggs, and squash, both summer and fall varieties. I have no clue what to do with all the tomatoes. I really need to learn how to can. I wouldn't mind being part of a MFP CSA group if you start one up. :-) By the way, lakecountryzoo and I are in the Twin Cities.…
  • Lakecountryzoo and I have 4 kids: 8 year-old boy (in 2 days anyway), 5.5 year-old boy, 2 year-old boy, and our little girl just turned 1 two days ago. He says his motivation to lose weight is to make it to his daughter' s wedding, and mine is to be a good role model for well as a photography model for him. :-)
  • And find some friends on here, from a group maybe, who are highly motivated and can help you stay that way. Sometimes it takes a challenge, like the reason some groups are formed. There is nothing like working toward a goal side-by-side with people. But, yeah, don't beat yourself up about it. Just get back to what you were…
  • Or just search for breastfeeding in the food search. There is one that I'm using that I think is probably the most accurate that just assumes 500 calories for the day but also gives you protein and fat allowances. That is definitely in breastmilk. It is 500 for the entire day, so I just stick it wherever I want, like a…
  • I have an HRM, and it is great for actual exercise periods, but I'm a SAHM right now. I don't have a gym to go to and I find it difficult to escape my 11 month old and 25 month old. I've been doing the 30 Day Shred, but that is the only set exercise I have really been doing. My life involves picking up 17 and 27 pound…
  • Aside from us having some things in common ( I am married with 4 kids and my last 2 are 14 months apart), I wanted to say that you have worked through a lot of emotions in your life and might be able to help someone else with a similar experience. Check out and send me a friend request if you want,…
  • I just about gave up. I have 3 sons: 8 (in 13 days), 5 1/2, and almost 26 months. My baby girl was a surprise. I like to have the last one potty-trained, at least mostly, before the next one comes. I so didn't want to be pregnant again that soon. But I love her, and at least God gave me a girl if he didn't want to give me…
  • I'll be 36 on January 28th, 8 days after my baby girl turns 1 and 4 days after my firstborn son turns 8. (There are a 5 1/2 year old and a 2 year old in there, too. :-) )
  • Woohoo! You're my birthday twin! But, judging by the kg measurements, you are probably not aware of the other event that happened one January 28th. The shuttle Challenger exploded on my 9th birthday, killing the first teacher to go to space before she even got there.
  • I'm with you. I'm lifting weights because my husband tells me it is the fastest way to get results, but I'm bored by it. It is way too repetitive, by definition. I would do zumba if I was coordinated enough! :laugh: I'm doing the 30 Day Shred and that is kicking my *kitten*. I'm also using a Smith machine to do squats and…
  • Almost 9 months, I think...but then it is just my baby girl. ;-) I do need to update it. She's crawling around now.
  • 1) Run your stairs. My two-year-old thought it was hilarious. He eventually gave up and sat on a step, telling me to "go!". 2) Get an exercise DVD. Even if it is geared toward adults, your kid will think it is fun. Mine tries to mimic the moves. 3) Put on music you like to dance to. Pretend it is the coolest club in town.…
  • I'm a SAHM until I can find a job. I graduated from a medical assistant program 6 months ago. I have 3 sons ( 8 in 22 days, 5, and 2) and an 11-month old girl (1 in 18 days). I want to lose the weight, but it is so easy to get caught up in trying to keep up with the kids. I get wrangled into being a model for my husband's…
  • I got a FitBit One from Santa! Anybody wanna friend me there? I'd love some friends on MFP and/or on FitBit. I'm SMC_Chick there, too. :-) This is my FitBit URL at FitBit: This is my mate, Doug: Lakecountryzoo (on MFP). Feel free to add him here and on FitBit, too. This is his profile URL…
  • Another use that no one has yet mentioned is for dementia. My father and my hair stylist's parents take 2 tablespoons a day for dementia and they can tell the difference. I often wonder if it would work on my ADD brain.
  • I kind of agree with IveLanded. I would just get off of here for awhile. I did. I recently had my baby and that was the first thing I did when I got pregnant. Honestly, you can keep coming on here and focusing on exercise and just quit logging food and weight changes. You don't have to ditch MFP completely if you want to…
  • My mother-in-law is a little eccentric, but she's got that right as a farmer's wife, the mother of 9 children, and now a grandmother and great-grandmother. She's pretty cool. I have to say, though, that our relationship is kind of skewed by her being old enough to be my grandmother. I'm 8 years younger than my husband, the…
  • That really stinks! I don't know if I could handle that and probably would be searching out that new job to calm the waters.
  • Good luck! This is easier than doing it manually. Just make sure to check the nutrition information on here if you have the stuff in front of you.
  • I need more friends, too. Add me. :glasses: Have you tried weight training or something more strenuous?
  • Ginger was my saving grace for nausea during pregnancy. It has never done anything for heartburn for me. If it happens regularly, you should see a doctor. It may be nothing or it may be the symptom of a serious problem. At the very least, your doctor can prescribe something to control it. When I was pregnant, the baby was…
  • I'm kind of new, too, and, just like you, I never introduced myself. It looks like we both have the same reason for gaining and thus wanting to lose weight. My baby was born in November. You can add me if you want. :-)
  • Hey, Amanda! I'm pretty new,too. Good luck and have fun! --Heather