Heartburn & Ginger?

pocketsam Posts: 134
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I have started getting terrible heartburn recently. Came on yesterday while I was teaching, I had to leave and go buy a yogurt to cool it down. This morning at Zumba I had it again and then it has returned this afternoon.

All I can think is that I have just bought a couple of new teas that have ginger in them. Would this aggravate it.

I have the blood pressure 'of an athlete' apparently, I do not eat processed foods and vary vary rarely eat meat. I have dairy every day, I am not 'stressed' and I am not overweight

I did have Bullemia in my late teens/early 20s and when I was 'recovering' I had it crazy bad every night. I literally drank Gaviscon by the bottle and had to sleep upright - something to do with stomace acid constantly been brought up and preventing valve at the top of my stomace closing properly causing excess acid to travel upwards which didnt help my already damaged esophagus. Maybe TMI
(btw not a sob story just some facts that may help someone help me figure this out lol)

Anyway - if anyone knows any thing about heartburn and could possibly look at my diary to see what could be causing it. It hurts! Blergh :(


  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I don't know if it's the ginger...I used ginger while pregnant to help my heartburn and nausea.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I was actually just gonna ask if you could be pregnant?
  • Ok so ginger is supposed to help lol its not that then.

    Nope I am not pregnant :) You can just see the shape of my lunch lol Does a food baby count? XD
  • SMC_chick
    SMC_chick Posts: 36 Member
    Ginger was my saving grace for nausea during pregnancy. It has never done anything for heartburn for me. If it happens regularly, you should see a doctor. It may be nothing or it may be the symptom of a serious problem. At the very least, your doctor can prescribe something to control it. When I was pregnant, the baby was all in front and took up a lot of space. He caused me severe heartburn that Pepcid and Zantac couldn't even touch. I was put on an ulcer medicine called Carafate (generic is sucralfate). This controlled it. So, whatever the cause, your doctor can help. I doubt it has anything to do with the ginger. I don't think it is anything you're eating. Everything you eat is very healthy and not spicy.
  • Thank you SMC chick!! I got it when I was on anti biotics and when I broke my foot and had to take a lot of painkillers. I just put up with the foot pain, easier than that heartburn! When I get it, it seems to take forever to go!

    If I get it again tomorrow I will make an appointment. Its just there niggling at me... maybe I can blame jillian Micheals :P
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