Any CSA members or seasonal eaters out there?

I get a big box of fruits, veggies, and eggs every other Wednesday and more fruits and veggies every other Saturday from another CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). While I don't partake (I'm vegetarian), my husband also gets meat and fish from CSAs.

Only one of our CSAs regularly gives us a head's up about what they're giving us, so meal planning can be a little challenging. It often feels like an episode of Iron Chef or a race to use everything before it goes bad. I'd love to compare notes with other people who belong to CSAs or primarily eat fresh fruits and veggies - chances are that there'll be some overlap in our ingredients for the week. Please feel free to add me as a friend, and if there's any interest, I'm thinking of starting an MFP group. :)

And because I love our CSAs...if you're in the San Francisco Bay Area, please check them out!

Fruits and Veggies: Eatwell Farms and Phat Beets Produce
Meat: Marin Sun Farms
Fish: Siren SeaSA


  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Yes, I belong to a seasonal CSA here in the St Louis area. Ours runs from April - November.

    The rest of the time I get produce basket and a market crate from our local Coop and farmers market.
  • squeakyfish
    squeakyfish Posts: 109 Member
    I'm a little south of you in the MB area. I don't bother with CSA's anymore because the farmer's markets are so plentiful. I live about 3 blocks from the monday market. I do have a fish share that I get through a group called local catch. I love, love, love it. I never know what I'm getting until a day or two before. Tonight, I was late picking up my single filleted share...and instead got a family share of whole fish. Guess I'll be learning how to clean sole tomorrow. I think I just found a source for local meat and am going to talk to them to see if they do shares as well. The best part is trying all sorts of seafood that I would never have chosen myself. We actually liked herring! The sablefish was the only one that became dog food...

    I had a winter share of veggies last year when we lived on the east coast. It was my first experience with it. Luckily it was a great one. We joined up with a really awesome farm. We never knew what we were getting though. It was very eye opening to see my very first stalks of brussel sprouts. I honestly had no idea how they grew. I quickly learned that when it comes to winter vegetables, anything is good if you roast it! It really opened up my family to a whole bunch of veggies that I had always ignored in favor of the spring/summer ones.
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    Don't have one that I'm aware of, but will be checking into it. Sounds awesome. We have a Farmer's Market in the Summer, but never heard of this. Thanks for sharing even if it was to find others that already have it. :)

    ETA: Just did a search and we do have some in our area. I'm sooo excited, thanks again for bringing this to my attention. :drinker:
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I LOVE CSA'S!! Unfortunately, I'm not partaking in one now, but I *loved* it when I did! I was an adventure and prompted me to try new things. Nothing ever went to waste because I would cube it up and freeze anything before it went bad and pop into smoothies or into a soup base. I wish I could find another one in Phoenix.
  • SMC_chick
    SMC_chick Posts: 36 Member
    We are part of a seasonal CSA. I love all the lettuce, eggs, and squash, both summer and fall varieties. I have no clue what to do with all the tomatoes. I really need to learn how to can. I wouldn't mind being part of a MFP CSA group if you start one up. :-) By the way, lakecountryzoo and I are in the Twin Cities. Yeah...Minnesota. That would be why it is totally seasonal. :-)