

  • I am glad that you survived the heart attack.. What a wake up call. I dropped the ball too after losing some weight and gaining it back. For me it is hard to not be self-critical. But I realize the self criticism and feelings of shame make be feel awful, overwhelmed and not willing to try. I have decided this time to make…
  • I am just a few years older than you. I don't think it is selfish at all to take care of your health. Taking care of your health will allow you to be there more for the people you love and will allow you to continue to do the work that's important to you. I know that feeling of looking at a photo and cringing when I…
  • I wouldn't worry about it. 2 pounds in normal fluctuation in a day. Keep focusing on creating a normal calorie deficit every day and make that your goal. Also try to choose foods that will give you the maximum amount of nutrition and be active every day. If these are your goals, the weight will continue to come off. For…
  • I'm also looking to lose 25 lb. I'm trying to do it by healthier eating and increasing exercise and activity over time, not really dieting. I am open to friend requests. Also, having people look at my food diary might discourage me from going over my net calories, which I have been doing too much of lately. :embarassed:
  • SW = 170 GW - 145 2/1 167.5 2/7 166.8 2/14 166.3
  • My weight on 2/1 was 167.5. On 2/7, it was 166.8
  • I'm late for this 2/7: 166.8 I logged it in my own reporting section but not here because I did it from my phone and I'm not so tech savy to figure out how to do it from my phone.
  • Congratulations and I agree completely. I think if you never get to eat the foods you want, what's the point? I am just starting, but I still eat "goodies" like cookies and ice cream, especially if I burned more calories exercising and I am still in my limit. I think it's not the food that's important, but why I eat it.…
  • I hate to exercise too. I was allergic to gym growing up. :smile: I did a challenge in December for 20 days in which I had to do 20 sit ups, 20 push ups and 20 jump squats every day. It was only 5 to 10 minutes of exercise. Since then I have built a work out of 20 minutes almost every day. For me, starting small and…
  • Count me in and please invite me for the 110 day challenge. My overall goal is to lose 25 pounds, but I am doing it focused on improving my health with the number on the scale being secondary. With that being said, am pacing my weight loss at 1 pound per week. I am guessing off the top of my head if I keep with this goal…
  • Wow! You lost 115 pounds?! That is amazing! Good for you! :happy:
  • I think I can do this! I have been keeping track of my intake on MFP every day for two weeks and I started using an activity monitor over the past week. In total, I lose two and a half pounds. Okay, I have a total 25 pound weight loss goal, but this small weight loss did not feel like a struggle. I just focused on my MFP…
  • Amazing!! Losing weight can feel so overwhelming, but your progress not only lets you know it's possible for you to do it, but you inspire the rest of us too! Way to go!!
  • Who knows? I have the opposite. I lost very little weight but lost 2.5 inches off the widest part of my waist in a month. I guess if we strive for being healthier by eating healthier and exercising, it probably doesn't matter.
  • I know for me, when I feel bad I eat to feel better. But while the eating initially reduces the tension, it doesn't actually make me feel better and the guilt and self-criticism make me feel worse. My advice is to accept the pattern that you have and try to do SOMETHING ELSE to reduce bad feeling ( journaling, meditation,…
  • Congrats!! That is AWESOME!! And what a great example you are setting for your daughter!
  • I agree. I love how the program makes it so easy to look at what I am taking in and how much I am exercising in such a brutally honest way. I don't get to "forget" or mindlessly eat anymore. Also, I find myself getting up early in the morning and getting on the treadmill and *RUNNING* to earn extra calories for the day.
  • Congratulations and keep going! I have always told myself and others that I am not athletic and don't like exercise. When I was younger, I was blessed and cursed with being able to eat whatever I wanted and stay slim. I say cursed now because I didn't develop good eating habits or actively take care of my health. But now I…
  • Great study! Thank you for posting!
  • My advice is to recognize this as their issue and not let it in. Often when a person grows and changes and gets better, the people around them don't like it. It kind of ricks the boat. Most people don't like change and sometimes the mean comments are attempts to make you feel small and in doing so, undermine your progress.…
  • Awesome! Congratulations for all your work and for your health improvement so far! Your story keeps the rest of us motivated!