

  • I second a low carb/low sugar diet and increasing your caloric intake. Also, have you taken any measurements? Just because the scale isn't moving doesn't mean you're not making changes in your body. Often times tracking your measurements can show much more than the scale alone every would. Don't give up! 20 pounds to lose…
  • If I could +1 this I would +1 this so hard. ^_^
  • For those who long for the days of text-based games... I'm just gonna leave this here.... <.< http://adarkroom.doublespeakgames.com/
  • The first cat I got after moving out I named Alikor, which I came up with from Drow words that translate literally to "shadow dark". He's all black. I adopted two kittens from a shelter and named them Crash and Glitch. I learned HTML in the summer of '99 when I was 16, because I had just moved, had no friends around, and…
  • I'm with you, Sarah. I have suffered from depression most of my life. I've been on and off meds, and finally, a couple years ago, started on Effexor. I'm currently on what my shrink says is the maximum dose, and yet I still have days when I don't feel like moving, never mind exercising. It fluctuates so much, making weight…
  • I think I have the opposite attitude from my boyfriend that you have from your husband. He stopped being intimate with me little bits over time as I gained weight, never feeling like he could tell me that was the reason but rather make up excuses all the time. He still loves me, and tries to be supportive, but I find that…
  • Hi and welcome! I, too, have been back and forth on trying to get into a routine to get healthier. It's not easy. I suffer from depression, anxiety, and on again/off again borderline personality disorder where I will just not be on the same planet as everyone else. It's makes it hard to get a clear perspective on my…
  • It's interesting that posting in the "Support" forum has garnered so much animosity. *shivers* While I never had to turn down my mother's cooking in fear of weight gain (she's always been a lazy cook and her meals aren't all that appetizing), my boyfriend/life partner likes to eat out a lot. He has a very physical job…
  • I'm from NH. I wouldn't call myself a "fanatic" yet, but I am trying to learn a fit way of life. Feel free to add me. :)
  • I used to have to force myself to consciously drink water. Then I got Crystal Light Liquid. I'm not trying to advertise for them, but by slightly sweetening the water, I drink so much more now and it's no longer a struggle. I would definitely recommend trying it. :)
  • The thing that works for me is spending a night planning out a menu for the upcoming week, then shopping for all I need for that menu. I find that I can often get a whole lot of items on sale to keep in the cabinets and freezer, and the fresh stuff I'll pick up once or twice a week. I look at lots of recipe sites that…
  • I weigh in once a week in the morning right after I get up. I started doing it on Fridays because I tend to go out for lunch with coworkers, so if I've counted my calories all week, any fast food weight gain won't be noticed right away. My boyfriend had been weighing in the same day and we were writing our weight on a…
  • Add me! I'm new here too and so far the friends I have made have been a great motivator and support.
  • Add me too! The experience there must be incredible, and you'll have plenty of stories to take home with you. Cardio and water are your best friends for losing, something I often forget. Keep up the good work! I'd love to hear how it goes in the next couple weeks. ^_^
  • I actually managed to lose quite a bit of weight with Carmen Electra's Fit to Strip DVDs. I got the box set off amazon and it was a great mix of different types of dance. Going through the learning parts helps too because repeating it over and over could be a workout all in itself. I spent a lot of time with the hip hop…
  • I'm just getting started here. Your before pics are about what I see myself as right now (I'll get pics up later). Your after pics are just... absolutely gorgeous. I keep thinking that I was a healthy 156lbs in high school, I was in dance classes three days a week and went rollerblading with friends on the weekends. I have…