Water -- Recommendations to get it in???

I posted this to one of my MFP friends -- so I thought I would get suggestions from anyone who has any......

I need an IV for the water....I just looked at the clock 4:13 and then looked at my full water bottle. How pathetic am I -- not an ounce all day. I wish I could be better at the water thing. I know how much it would help my weight loss, disposition and skin etc etc etc.....got any recommendations????


  • difyance
    difyance Posts: 18
    I used to have to force myself to consciously drink water. Then I got Crystal Light Liquid. I'm not trying to advertise for them, but by slightly sweetening the water, I drink so much more now and it's no longer a struggle. I would definitely recommend trying it. :)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    open mouth. pour in. swallow.
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    Set a reminder on your phone... like every hour drink a glass of water...:drinker:
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Instead of adding in a pre-sweeter, with chemicals; try adding in any of your citrus fruit, berries, or even cucumbers to your water to flavor it; drink and enjoy.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DH has health reasons to drink a certain amount of water daily. He fills a Brita filter/pitcher to the correct point each morning and drinks until it is gone. He measured his amount in the first place, and put an indelible line on the pitcher so that all he has to do now is fill to the line. It has been a big help. He hasn't been perfect, but he has made a big difference in his health this way.:flowerforyou:
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Set a reminder on your phone... like every hour drink a glass of water...:drinker:

    Good idea ... till it becomes habit and you drink water every hour on your own! :drinker:
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    Yeah, like the other young lady said, you have to force yourself if you're not used to drinking water. You get used to it. I go through a ton a day, but i only drink bottled water. Not that i think it matters, but for me, being able to just grab a bottle and start drinking is easier than constantly replenishing a glass.
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    I have always been a thirsty fool, so drinking water has never been bad for me. There is an app called "Water Your Body" that is supposed to help.
  • fergybob9
    fergybob9 Posts: 2 Member
    Have a smaller glass, and when you have a drink, make yourself finish it. It's easier to drink a little glass of fresh cold water lots of times than wade through a plastic bottle full of tepid water that's sat there all day. Also, put a little squeeze of lime in and ice to make it more special again.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    camelback u drink soooo much and dont even realize it!
  • Indymom45
    Indymom45 Posts: 7
    I alternate my drinks ,for example if I have a glass of tea or pop the next glass I drink is water.so for every drink I have, I have also drank the same amount of water.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    Drink a glass every hour you're awake. You'll have 12 in before you know it. Keep a water bottle with you wherever you go.
  • Megz2006
    Megz2006 Posts: 122 Member
    I'd set a reminder and add lemon to your water or other fruits.
  • Astacia74
    Astacia74 Posts: 166 Member
    Instead of adding in a pre-sweeter, with chemicals; try adding in any of your citrus fruit, berries, or even cucumbers to your water to flavor it; drink and enjoy.

  • luckyclover78
    luckyclover78 Posts: 115 Member
    Try using a straw. I find it goes back way easier. Add lemon or fruit or a few slices of cucumber is nice too!
  • phyllisgehrke
    phyllisgehrke Posts: 238 Member
    I drink a glass of water every hour.

    If I get tired of water, I add lemon to it. Then I am able to drink more water.
    I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I used to have to force myself to consciously drink water. Then I got Crystal Light Liquid. I'm not trying to advertise for them, but by slightly sweetening the water, I drink so much more now and it's no longer a struggle. I would definitely recommend trying it. :)

    ^^ me too!! Or Mio is another good one... I drink so much more now!
  • DancesWithDogz
    DancesWithDogz Posts: 107 Member
    Great way to get your water in every day....

    Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body:

    2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal- helps digestion
    1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack apparently drinking water at bed time helps prevent night time leg cramps.
    Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.

    Who knew!

    AVOID THE CHEMICAL CRAP ADD INS LIKE CRYSTAL LITE AND MIO...I add fresh lime, or fresh cucumber slices, or lemon slices to a big jug of water when i'm at home - i get through alot more that way
    good luck
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    don't know how many oz you have to/want to drink in a day - but what has helped me is the jumbo smart water bottles. It's 50.7 fl oz. I chose personally to operate under the idea of "half my body weight - in oz of water a day" as oppose to the basic 8, 8oz a day. So I thought, "JEEZ I'll be swimming in water by the time I'm done" (for me that'd require almost 200oz!!!)

    So I was using cute little cups, with the straws that they have at Walmart these days - looks like the cups you'd get frozen drinks from Starbucks in.....I was never hitting my quota!!

    When I changed to these tall (no funny shapes, colors, or designs) basic bottles - I was able to hit my quota almost daily of 4 bottles....(i could do a bit less than 4, but i did 4 for a nice, even easy to remember #)
    And now it's like - cool, i can do this...ONLY 4 bottles - where as the cups were like almost 20 refills a day required to meet quota. So not having to drink what my brain VISUALLY SEES as "as much" helps a bit - and with these smartwater bottles - i can usually kill each bottle @ 3 different drink times.

    So type of bottle has helped me - and the other thing is - a rule that i drink NOTHING ELSE til quota is met. So i don't know if your drinking other things during the day (as seems like your orig post said something like it's the end of the day and my bottle is still full...so are you drinking other things?)
    I sorta made a deal with myself - kill these 4 bottles (AT LEAST 2 a day)---and then you can drink something else.

    Hope this helps! :)
  • emilypurplefrog
    emilypurplefrog Posts: 92 Member
    Try Mio, lemon or lime juice or caffeine free tea