oh dear oh dear!

well week 1 was fantastic lost 5lbs, week 2 stuck with it but only lost a pound! this week started well on Monday but has gone down hill the rest of the week majorly! its always week 3 that gets me but now I have to try and keep at it so week 4 is clean and I don't keep going back! Finding the social side hard feel like I don't want to go out anywhere with friends because of restaurant food and drinking! finding going to the supermarket every 3 days for fresh stuff is financially more expensive. not happy and so angry with myself, need to loose about 100lbs why cant I find the strength to do this!


  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    well week 1 was fantastic lost 5lbs, week 2 stuck with it but only lost a pound! this week started well on Monday but has gone down hill the rest of the week majorly! its always week 3 that gets me but now I have to try and keep at it so week 4 is clean and I don't keep going back! Finding the social side hard feel like I don't want to go out anywhere with friends because of restaurant food and drinking! finding going to the supermarket every 3 days for fresh stuff is financially more expensive. not happy and so angry with myself, need to loose about 100lbs why cant I find the strength to do this!

    because you're putting too much pressure on yourself. you didn't gain the weight overnight and you won't loose it overnight either. if fresh is too expensive buy frozen. i'm talking fruits and veggies. buy and eat more eggs, beans, stir fry dishes. if you're going out with friends get in a longer workout, an extra workout, a more difficult workout something that will give you extra calories so you can enjoy yourself to a point. light beer, a light appetizer for a dinner instead of a meal. you can do it you just have to stop sabotaging yourself.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    I agree you are putting too much pressure on yourself! One pound in week 2 was fantastic! I would stop looking at how much you have to lose overall and break it down into mini goals, that's my strategy. Also, planning is your friend! Research the menus of the restaurants you go to with your friends and find the healthiest option that will fit into your calories. Research the drinks you like and see if they fit into your calories, if not, what else could you choose that will? :wink:

    Please remember this is a lifestyle, not a diet. Which means you can enjoy yourself and still lose weight! Don't become a hermit, that doesn't help anyone! :flowerforyou:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    The first weeks are harder because you have to think and plan a lot. Later, it gets easier because you develop a better sense of what you should be doing and a lot of it becomes habitual.

    I always lose 5 pounds the first week, but that's not fat. It's the energy stored in your muscle and the water that it's bound to. One pound is a great loss.

    Check out the restaurant menus in advance and plan your night out for healthier options.

    Frozen fruits and veggies are frequently healthier than fresh. Also try to incorporate dried beans - they've got great nutrients, are very cheap and are quite filling with all the fiber.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    It takes, on average, 21 days to make a habit. Stay strong for that amount of time and it starts to become natural. It's hard a first, and if you don't have people around you on board it's a struggle. But like people said before me, research restaurants, and don't be so hard on yourself.
  • GnomeLove
    GnomeLove Posts: 379
    Baby steps. You have lost 7 lbs so far! That is good! You can still go out, just get healthier options and budget your calories for it. If you want to have a couple drinks, do some exercise to burn them off. Have you tried frozen vegetables? They are not as expensive and you can keep them a long time.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Go out. Drink less and eat less. You can still socialize. First month or so is generally a beach. Hard to do but you will get less hungry as you adjust. I ate grapes and nuts and drank an ocean of water.
    My family hated the change because pizza and pasta went away for menu choices and I pretty much refused to go out in the first months.
    I carried my own food when I found myself in a Nutrition Desert (or Waistland if you like).
    Dramatic measures result in dramatic change for the diligent.
    Good luck -- and stay the course.
  • pinkpatron
    pinkpatron Posts: 154
    Just to put things in perspective for you

    I'm on week 6 at the gym, I am there for about 3 hours. Intense cardio then literally use all the weight machines. Week 1 & 2 combined I lost 7lbs, week 3, 4 and 5 I've lost maybe 1 or 2lbs, and this week I can tell I've lost another lb or two. But you know what, my clothes are more lose, my tight underwear are lose (lol), the medium size yoga pants I bought two weeks ago no longer fit.

    Don't get down on yourself because you aren't noticing the pounds dropping off. Ignore the scale for right now, use it as a guide but don't get upset over it.

    Keep at it! I'm almost to week #7 and I feel fantastic. I feel better than any of those damn numbers on the scale!
  • alliemarie77
    alliemarie77 Posts: 378 Member
    I had 150 pounds to lose when I started three weeks ago. I lost 5.4 pounds the first week. The second week I lost 6 pounds. Last week I lost 1 pound. This week I was sick, and didn't eat much.... I am going out this weekend for dinner, dancing, and drinks. My weight loss this week will be slim to none I am sure. You know what keeps me going?

    1. The thought of dying at 59 or 60.

    2. Developing type 2 diabetes.

    3. My kids.

    4. This quote, " Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!"

    Find your motivation, and keep on pushing. Trust me there is NOTHING I want more in this world right now than to be happy, skinny, and healthy!! Good luck to you!

    Edited to change that to than.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    You do not need to go shopping every three days to eat fresh foods. The vast majority of food will keep for a week. For the rare food that won't, like most berries, just make sure to eat them earlier in the week. Also, frozen fruits and veggies are nearly equivalent to fresh.

    Step away from the scale. Spend the next few weeks focused on your new habits, independent of the actual results. Eat properly and get moving because you are committed to long term health, not just to see new numbers on the scale.

    Invite your friends to do things that aren't food related: play putt-putt, go for a walk, jump in the pool.

    Most importantly, take a few deep breaths, it really does get better.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member

    This. Great website and she shows $25 grocery lists with pictures. You can do it. Just don't pressure yourself and don't beat yourself up when you don't lose the same each week. Give yourself longer than 3 weeks.
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Oh dear.

    You do know you have a blog here, right? Go to www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/yourlifeyourchoice and say whatever you like that doesn't require a response.
    Wow. Hateful. OP's tone led me to believe she wanted a response as well. I see a lot of "those" posts myself, so I hit the back button. You wouldn't believe how quickly you can get to posts with some substance if you do that.
  • thank you all so much for your help and advice I really appreciate it, I will keep going and try taking it step by step I guess its still early days!
  • difyance
    difyance Posts: 18
    The thing that works for me is spending a night planning out a menu for the upcoming week, then shopping for all I need for that menu. I find that I can often get a whole lot of items on sale to keep in the cabinets and freezer, and the fresh stuff I'll pick up once or twice a week. I look at lots of recipe sites that offer healthy alternatives to foods I love to eat, and I make sure that any restaurant I go out to with friends has a fit menu. They will list the calorie count near the items and it feels so much better knowing that I can get a 300 calorie meal and still enjoy nights out with friends.

    My biggest hurdle, and it still is a hurdle, was drinking enough water. I recently picked up a bottle of Crystal Light Liquid, mango passionfruit flavor, to add to water. Let me tell you: just a couple squirts into my water bottle was enough for me to drink a full 40 ounces between lunch and quitting time at work! It is sweet enough to curb my sugar cravings, but not too strong so it doesn't taste like diet! It's fantastic stuff!

    Just remember that this is a process, and it's going to take time to get into the habit. I've started and stopped losing weight so many times, and yes it gets frustrating, but I wake up every day now and remind myself that I'm going to do just a little better than yesterday. Any time that I find myself sitting around with nothing to do, I get up and try to either go for a walk, put in a Zumba game and dance, or even just lay on the floor in the living room while watching TV and do toning exercises (sit ups, push ups, leg lifts, etc.). It is a complete lifestyle change, and it's going to take time to replace all the lazy habits you surround yourself with with more active, get up and move habits, but it will totally be worth it.

    Don't give up! We are here for you!
  • Salt_Sand_Sun
    Salt_Sand_Sun Posts: 415 Member
    Yes, baby steps. 3wks in and you've already lost 7+ pounds. That is great!! You really don't want to lose more than 2-2.5lbs per week anyway. SLow and steady = better and more sustainable results!!

    Most restaurants have menus online now. Go and pick out something and then see if its in the MFP database. Most likey it will be. Alcohol is in the database too,. Just plan ahead.

    Remember why you started. Find ways to remind yourself to push forward and not go back. Put up sticky notes around the house, put a picture on the fridge of the old you...or the new you, give yoruself goals and rewards!!

    One step at a time - you've got this. Stay strong
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Do you have a refrigerator? Fresh vegetables do not go bad in 3 days in the refrigerator. Even delicate vegetables like spinach and arugula will last longer than that. If you don't have a refrigerator maybe eat more things like root vegetables, hard squashes, onions, etc. that keep at room temperature.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    I just read a really cool blog about how motivation is just the "sugar that helps the medicine go down". The medicine is commitment. We need to be committed to getting ourselves healthy to really get it done. It obviously helps to have the motivation, but first you need to be committed.
    Don't be so hard on yourself (does this sound familiar??). You will get there. Just remember to make small goals and not to stress about the numbers... that is when frustration sets in and commitment waivers. You got this! Just keep up the hard work! *hugs*

    I'd give you the site to the blog was I was asked not to.
  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    You're putting too much pressure on yourself. Don't avoid your friends and social situations just because you are learning how to make better choices when it comes to food. You can lose weight while enjoying alcohol and a meal at a restaurant. The first week is always misleading because most people drop more weight than they typically will in the following weeks. I, personally, lost 8 pounds during my first week of logging and counting calories and I was like WOOHOO! Then, the next week...didn't lose a pound! Of course I was discouraged and wondered what I was doing wrong. I thought "ugh this is so hard and I don't feel like doing this if I'm not going to see results!". Looking back, I acted silly and I'm surprised my friends on MFP stuck around LOL! Losing weight is a process. It's going to take time and it won't always be easy. You will have days that you go over your calories and that is okay. You will have nights that you go out drinking with your friends and that's okay. Plan for those days and make sure you have an AWESOME week before that Friday night out with friends. It won't affect you. This should be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. You will get the hang of it if you push through this rough period.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    well week 1 was fantastic lost 5lbs, week 2 stuck with it but only lost a pound! this week started well on Monday but has gone down hill the rest of the week majorly! its always week 3 that gets me but now I have to try and keep at it so week 4 is clean and I don't keep going back! Finding the social side hard feel like I don't want to go out anywhere with friends because of restaurant food and drinking! finding going to the supermarket every 3 days for fresh stuff is financially more expensive. not happy and so angry with myself, need to loose about 100lbs why cant I find the strength to do this!

    1-2 Lbs is good. That initial 5 Lbs...I can pretty much guarantee you that was a good 3-4 Lbs of water. Who cares about water...scientifically speaking, it's nearly impossible to lose more than 2 Lbs of actual fat in a week unless you have a lot (like obese/morbidly obese) to lose. Weight loss also is not linear...the sooner you get all of this through your head, the better off you're going to be.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I agree. Concretegirl's honesty was incredible rude. Don't worry everyone, I am going to spank her.

    OP, you can do this, yay OP!
    May I kindly suggest that you use paragraphs next time?
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