You know you're a Geek when.......



  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    Look noobs:

    GEEK =/= GAMER

    A geek is a someone way into science and tech. Anybody can be a gamer.

    You take the distinctions between "geek", "nerd", "gamer", "techie", and "fanboy/girl" REALLY SERIOUSLY.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Look noobs:

    GEEK =/= GAMER

    A geek is a someone way into science and tech. Anybody can be a gamer.

    According to what? Words are defined by how they're used. "Geek" is slang. Slang changes over time and is always defined by how it's used.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    Look noobs:

    GEEK =/= GAMER

    A geek is a someone way into science and tech. Anybody can be a gamer.

    So does helping build the Internet, data centers, and large systems around the world for 20+ years count? While working on prototypes for quantum computing? You can be a gamer and a geek.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    Look noobs:

    GEEK =/= GAMER

    A geek is a someone way into science and tech. Anybody can be a gamer.

    geeks aren't just science-y ;) per wikipedia, our all knowing source:

    The word geek is a slang term originally used to describe odd or non-mainstream people, with different connotations ranging from "an expert or enthusiast" to "a person heavily interested in a hobby", with a general pejorative meaning of "a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp[ecially] one who is perceived to be overly intellectual".[1]

    Although often considered as a pejorative, the term is also often used self-referentially without malice or as a source of pride. Its meaning has evolved to connote "someone who is interested in a subject (usually intellectual or complex) for its own sake."
  • ChuckNourish
    And no... you are not a true gamer if you sit on your *kitten* and pew pew to C.O.D. 24/7.


    In fact:


    Translating post since image is too big: "None of you should even talk to me unless you can bench press 250+ and were 2.2k in arna. WoW died cause you f^cking casuals want everything for free, left wing mmo design rapes mmos just like it's raping the world".
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Look noobs:

    GEEK =/= GAMER

    A geek is a someone way into science and tech. Anybody can be a gamer.

    I consider the fact I have a huge retro game collection to make me a geek but not the fact I own an Xbox, Ps3 and a WiiU
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    You started programming BASIC as a kid on a TRS80.
    Remember when Haynes Modems ruled.
    Remember the OSUNY days of the F80 and CDC that was ROACHED.
    Can identify with the green text on a black screen loaded from floppy that might start, "You're in a room. There is a small fire in the north corner. You hear talking...."

    I had a TRS80! My entire family still references this game as the most annoying/most fun of all time. pyramid.gif

    Edited to add: The old Tandy still works and lives, with it's friend the Vectrex, in my old room at my dad's house.
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    You have 3 days booked off for the release of GTA5 !! :blushing:

    Ok go!

    That is a wonderful idea!!!
  • sidewinder76
    sidewinder76 Posts: 287
    I took a week off for the release of Diablo 3 haha!

    I also frequently use game references in regular everyday talking and am worse by using movie quotes to make a conversation with friends.

    I also named my dog Link, everyone should know what that name is from XD

    That's just awesome!
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    And no... you are not a true gamer if you sit on your *kitten* and pew pew to C.O.D. 24/7.


    In fact:


    Translating post since image is too big: "None of you should even talk to me unless you can bench press 250+ and were 2.2k in arna. WoW died cause you f^cking casuals want everything for free, left wing mmo design rapes mmos just like it's raping the world".

    Your blood sugar sounds low.
  • MyseriMapleleaf
    MyseriMapleleaf Posts: 81 Member
    My kids are named from movies (Jocelyn- A Knight's Tale & Lily - Harry Potter Series), my dog is named Mario (Duh!) and my cats are named Xander & Willow (BTVS).

    I live in a 1,000 square foot house and have up and running; three flat screen TV's, two DVD players, a BluRay player, two desk tops, a netbook, a nook, a laptop, a nabi jr , two Nintendo DS' and mah smarty pants phone. I am a single mom w/ two girls. This is SO much plastic and wires! When my husband was still home you could tack 3 more computers, a 15tb Ray-ray server and approximately 20 gaming consoles and their games.

    My car has a Harry Potter quote on it.

    So- I might be a geek.. maybe? :)
  • ChuckNourish
    Look noobs:

    GEEK =/= GAMER

    A geek is a someone way into science and tech. Anybody can be a gamer.

    You take the distinctions between "geek", "nerd", "gamer", "techie", and "fanboy/girl" REALLY SERIOUSLY.

    Yes. Of course I do. It's all about semantics.
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    And no... you are not a true gamer if you sit on your *kitten* and pew pew to C.O.D. 24/7.


    In fact:


    Translating post since image is too big: "None of you should even talk to me unless you can bench press 250+ and were 2.2k in arna. WoW died cause you f^cking casuals want everything for free, left wing mmo design rapes mmos just like it's raping the world".

  • difyance
    difyance Posts: 18
    The first cat I got after moving out I named Alikor, which I came up with from Drow words that translate literally to "shadow dark". He's all black.

    I adopted two kittens from a shelter and named them Crash and Glitch.

    I learned HTML in the summer of '99 when I was 16, because I had just moved, had no friends around, and was bored. I now have a BS in Programming and work as a web app developer.

    I get super excited about new web languages and how dynamic CSS3 is.

    My boyfriend gets games from GameFly and if they are too puzzle based, I have to play them. Any games with "twitch" base I have to do for him. Most recent example: Far Cry 3. He couldn't get through a knife fight scene and died several times until he threw the controller across the room. I yelled at him for trying to break our expensive electronics, then beat the guy for him in my first try. He called me a show off and stuck out his tongue. :glasses:
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Look noobs:

    GEEK =/= GAMER

    A geek is a someone way into science and tech. Anybody can be a gamer.

    You take the distinctions between "geek", "nerd", "gamer", "techie", and "fanboy/girl" REALLY SERIOUSLY.

    Yes. Of course I do. It's all about semantics.

    I do have to agree. It is about the semantics.
  • ChuckNourish
    Look noobs:

    GEEK =/= GAMER

    A geek is a someone way into science and tech. Anybody can be a gamer.

    You take the distinctions between "geek", "nerd", "gamer", "techie", and "fanboy/girl" REALLY SERIOUSLY.

    Yes. Of course I do. It's all about semantics.

    I do have to agree. It is about the semantics.

    It's all about semantics. It's what people don't get. You don't go into a League of Legends match and start calling people NERDS.
    WTF is this horsesh%t? Semantics, people.
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    My boyfriend gets games from GameFly and if they are too puzzle based, I have to play them. Any games with "twitch" base I have to do for him. Most recent example: Far Cry 3. He couldn't get through a knife fight scene and died several times until he threw the controller across the room. I yelled at him for trying to break our expensive electronics, then beat the guy for him in my first try. He called me a show off and stuck out his tongue. :glasses:

    Your boyfriend = me
    You = my husband

    Far Cry 3 was hilarious. Laughed my head off every time you killed an animal and got grossed out, but never batted an eyelash at all the other gore and atrocity.
  • KokowithaK
    KokowithaK Posts: 88 Member
    You know you're a nerd when you realize you spend more time playing Pokemon (White) on your 3DS at the cabin then you are drinking at the bar. Or use Whedonite terminology in every day life. Or judge people who watch dubbed vs. subbed anime. Or judge people who judge comic-book based movies but have never read the comics.
  • Jimaudit
    Jimaudit Posts: 275
    I took a week off when Skyrim came out and logged 199 hours of game play that week. Probably one of the reasons I am fat. Haha.

    So you spent 28.4 hours per day on it? That is AWESOME--you defied the time continuum....sweet, very Matrix of you.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Honestly I don't get how a single persons personal definition of geek doesn't match watch everyone else thinks so in their perception a person is not a geek if it doesn't fit into the definitive category.

    Geeks are not just gamers, they are people that like technology, science, sci-fi, unusual intellectual pursuits or those that speak in mannerisms that are more of a intellectual or scientific nature.

    Now how would you define nerds? Would the descriptor both work for nerds and geeks considering both natures are so similar?

    BAH, just let people be what they are and describe themselves as they will, no point in telling them they are not who they think they are. It would be a losing battle.