

  • Sia's recent release is full of upbeat, motivating songs. Limp Bizkit is always good for a little blood pumping. Foster the People's EP... it's short, but really fun. A Silent Film's You Will Leave a Mark is epic... the sort of song that makes me want to move my legs faster. METRIC! Kanye - Power & Stronger are my…
  • I'm am 5'11" and change and STUCK at 150. My goal is to be between 140-145. Last summer, I got down to 137, but put a massive amount of weight on due to being sick and sedentary. Hopefully I can get my metabolism moving again and bump back down another 5-10 lbs. :-) Good luck to all!
  • I used to smoke and quit for a multitude of reasons, the biggest one being that I wanted to develop a healthier lifestyle. I was diagnosed with asthma when I was eleven and it progressed from exercised induced to full blown by the time I was fifteen. It never was really a problem until adulthood. I'm saying this because I…
  • I've been basing it on feeling and looking up rough estimates. Personally, the lower the better because if you're not giving yourself credit for calories you're actually burning, you're not doing any harm whereas, if you put that you burned more calories than you actually did, you're only hurting yourself.
  • Bethenny Frankel from the Real Housewives of NY has a bunch of great healthy recipes, even a lot of vegan and vegetarian options! Every recipe I've tried, my two roommates (one growing young man, one vegetarian male) LOVE.
  • Everyone has been saying Zumba, and I think that would be a great fit for you. In addition, belly dancing classes are great. I lost about 30 pounds in two months doing belly dancing because you move muscles you didn't know you have. Try a fighting class like Krav maga or kickboxing, those are great workouts. As far as for…
  • Going under 1200 calories a day will be more detrimental than helpful. Like someone else said early, eating more can help burn more, but in addition to that, if you're eating less than 1200 calories a day, you can put your body into metabolic shock. Doing this will basically slow down your metabolic rate and place your…
  • I'm on 1600 as well. I find 1600 to be really low, honestly, and have seen results from it very quickly. You have to remember that your body needs a minimum of 1200 calories just to survive and not slow down your metabolism. Once you add on the amount of calories you burn in your daily activities, 1600 makes a lot of…
  • I'm just shy of 6' and my goal weight is between 140-145lbs. I'm currently at 150 with a body fat percentage of 17%, my goal body fat percentage is between 14-15%. I can't be lower than 140 because I start to look scary, but conversely, I start to look pudgy at around 160-165. Definitely depends on body type, but keep an…
  • Get a body fat reader or have one of the employees at CrossFit measure your body fat percentage. I used to obsess over pounds, but when I started paying attention to my body fat percentage in addition, it really put things in perspective for me.
  • Don't worry about what it tells you... if you work out hard, keep your muscles going, and eat clean you might hit your goals faster than you think. Everyone's body is different and these things just kind of guess. I have faith that if you put the effort in, you'll surprise yourself and meet your goals in no time!
  • One plus about the lemons is that putting lemon in your water can increase your body's natural ability to burn fat!
  • Tequila is the lowest calorie alcoholic beverage. I tend to only drink clear alcohols because the color from the aging bothers my stomach. So typically one ounce of clear tequila has a mere 46 calories (the next lowest alcohol is vodka with somewhere around the 80s.) A shot with lime or tequila, water, and lime juice tend…
  • Sobe Lifewater is quite tasty, but here's the catch: 1. Stevia, the sweetener used in it tastes very much like sugar and is practically calorie free, but it can cause bloating. 2. The other additives are used for color and thickness. So, is it going to add to your health? Not really. It does have vitamins, but most of…