

  • I'll deff have to check this out, I love classical fusion so this might be right up my ally. Thanks.
  • I absolutely love zumba, i do it on my own at home at least 30 mins a day as part of my routine. I dont get bored with it because there are so many different song options to chose from. It gives you a really good cardio workout, i burn about 300 calories ever half hour.
  • If you like that kind of thing i would suggest zumba dancing, i do it at home all the time from videos online and dvds. Heres some of my favorite links... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWXKwuyQwLQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKYtqqyFafo&feature=related…
  • Thanks for the support and encouragement everyone!
  • Thanks, I think that would be extremely helpful, considering like you I have almost no extra free time working my 2 full time and 1 part time jobs.