2ahealthyme Member


  • Thanks for the suggestions! I'm hoping it's temporary, but my recovery is taking way longer than I thought it would. It's a two steps forward and one big step back recovery. I'm just anxious (and not too patient) to be among those burning 500-1000 calories a day! :)
  • You should all stay away from Southern Indiana then. We Warsh our clothes, and change the oral in our cars. :)
  • Thanks! I JUST posted a question about this. :)
  • Thank you for posting this!
  • I'm an oddball, because I only drink at work. Depending on my lunch / dinner / cocktail party schedule, I'd say I average 3-4 vodka tonics and 5-6 glasses of wine. Sometimes less, sometimes WAY more.
  • I'm 6'1", and I would never WANT to be a zero. I think that I look sick and unhealthy at anything less than a size 10. My 19 yo daughter, however is 5'3" and is a healthy size 0. She's my mini-me. :)
  • I toured a Toyota factory, and they have TWO large fitness areas right in the middle of their factory for their employees to use on their breaks or before/after a shift. They also have a Trainer in each of the areas. The plant is huge, and they have their major arteries marked with distance so people can walk as well. I…
  • Mine is $85 month which includes my husband. I like the indoor pool, and the variety of classes offered. I also like the cardio equipment better than at other places I've tried. The biggie for me is that it is open and staffed 24 hrs. We like to work out at odd hours.
  • 6'1" here. Feel free to add me. :)
  • I am right there with you! A few years ago, I went without sugar for several months. I felt SO much better during that time. I was amazed at how my taste buds changed. Everything tasted so much better. During that time, I couldn't eat at Arbys at all because they have so much sugar in their buns. Then I went to a birthday…
  • I've been looking into this as well. I'd love to hear some feedback from someone who has one.
  • I will be 48 in less than two weeks. I have a 21 yr old son and a 19 yr old daughter. I work full time in a very stressful job, so when I am not working, I want to have fun. I was very active and a gym rat until I fell down a flight of stairs at a Chiefs game (long and very embarrassing story). Since then, my only avenue…