

  • Last weekend I went to Vegas for work. The first day I did good. The rest of the time (2 more days afterwards), I had to eat the meals that were brought into our meetings. This food was not decided on 'healthy choices'. So I didnt' eat so well. When I got back, weighed myself and I lost 1 lb. Huh?? I still can't figure it…
  • That's great! Really, good for you! Wish I could say the same thing. The other week, my wife and I took our children to the movies and I took a bag of peanut butter m&m's and practically ate the whole bag. I usually have good control over my sweet tooth, but for the past month or so, I've not been doing so hot. It's like…
  • I always eat at least part of my exercise calories back. I get too hungry if I don't and I will binge almost everytime. Just make sure that every calorie you eat is quality. No candy, no cakes or cookies, and no fried foods. Calories from fish, chicken breast, whole grain pasta, sweet potatoes, and good veggies like…
  • SW: 1/26/2011 215 CW: 2/24/2011 204 I'm down 4.5 lbs from last week. Boy, this week I really made up for last week. I don't get it, I went over my calories some days, especially over the weekend.
  • I've seen a lot of before and after pics (not so much on this site, but others) where a girl lost a little weight and I've found myself enjoying the before pics more than the after pics! Now I don't like obese girls, but a girl that's soft and supple is where it's at for me. Not really fat, but not considered skinny…
  • I hit'em last week. It seems to be a trend because I've noticed this happen with more than just my legs. My bicep curls have gone up and down, triceps, back, it seems like it just goes up and down. I thought maybe it was the time of the day I work out. Early morning is great for cardio, not so much for weight training it…
  • I'm feeling a bit frustrated and don't really know how to fix this. I work out early in the morning. I'm up around 4:45 am, at the gym by 5:30-6:00. I'm lifting weights, trying to burn body fat, keep the muscle I have, you know the drill. Well, today was legs and I was very let down. My leg presses and squats were lower…
  • Beer and Cheese. I'm a big craft beer lover, I write up and rate all my new beers, go to beer festivals, even plan my vacations around visiting breweries and sampling beer. Beer is a hobby of mine that I have no intention of letting go. I've dropped my consumption substantially, from 1-2 a day to 1 every 1-2 weeks. Also,…
  • My first NSV was a week ago when I had to move my belt to the next buckle hole. Then there was last night. I took my pants off without unbuttoning or unzipping them. I gave a little push and they just slid right off. Yeah, that made me smile. :-)
  • Usually I have a shake with a frozen banana (sometimes strawberries too), 1 tblsp. honey, chocolate protein powder, and creatine. Sometimes I'll add a tblsp. of peanut or almond butter or 1/2 cup of quick oats as well. It depends on my workout that day as to exactly which I'll use. I'll follow that up later in the morning…
  • SW: 215 CW: 208.5 No change from last week. I have to keep telling myself that I'm ok with this. This past week has been very stressful with taking my 2 yr. old to the hospital on Sunday and a total of 3 days of shots ensuing to help fight a nasty ear infection that led to her ear drum bursting. I've just felt awful for…
  • My wife and I just skip it. It was her idea as well. We feel it's another holiday for businesses to make an extra buck by guilting people into buying stuff that will end up in the trash in about a week. Waste of money. Before you rebuttal with the whole "You don't need to spend money to show your love". Let me ask this, if…
  • I used to be in fantastic shape, had a very active job (construction), would get home and spend 2 hours in the gym and run 2 miles like it was nothing. Not so much anymore and I hate that. That's my motivation. It's hard to fit in time with my schedule. Once my day starts, it doesn't let up till about 9:00-9:30 pm. So I…
  • Count me in! I'm 31, married with 2 little girls. I weighed 215 a little over 3 weeks ago (heaviest I've ever been), now down to 208.5. I used to be an avid runner, but a hip injury has prevented me from running any more, so I've been using an eliptical. So far, it's working! I haven't given up hope on running…
  • "If there's no room for mistakes, then there's no room for improvement." - a friend of mine
  • Well, I'm 6'0 tall and currently weigh 208.5, down from 215 a little over three weeks ago. I'm very self-conscious of how fatty my body is right now. I've never been this heavy before. If it was mostly muscle, I'd be happy, but it's by far mostly fat. I used to be an avid runner, running 2 miles a day, 4x a week, and…
  • SW: 215 CW as of 2/10 is 208.5 (my weigh-ins are on Thursday) 3.5 lb. difference from last week's 212!
  • There is nothing that can be done to grits to make them taste better. They are just as vile doctored up as they are plain. Not all are greasy, but many are. Yuck! Blech! Just the thought...
  • I'll give it a go, if it's not too late. SW as of 1/27 is 215. CW as of 2/4 is 212.