Haters of V-day



  • DJH3
    DJH3 Posts: 243
    Wild sex......
    If you're only getting that on v-day then there is something seriously wrong.
  • DJH3
    DJH3 Posts: 243
    I don`t hate it.....but I don`t celebrate it. My husband I don`t do anything special, no chocolate, no flowers etc.

    I buy valentines cards so my daughter can take them to school but really I think of it a completely useless day for stores to try and make more money.
    Another holiday where commercialism trumps the original spirit of the holiday... much like Christmas.
  • BStayer
    My wife and I just skip it. It was her idea as well. We feel it's another holiday for businesses to make an extra buck by guilting people into buying stuff that will end up in the trash in about a week. Waste of money. Before you rebuttal with the whole "You don't need to spend money to show your love". Let me ask this, if you love your special someone, do you really need a holiday to remind you to show that and should you show your love only once a year? I hope not. I concur with the OP, hate this holiday. It's crooked.
  • JeanK56
    Okay, how many of you have gotten the question from family/coworkers the day of or the day after "What are you (did you) do for your spouse for Valentines day?" and when you said "not a darn thing" you get berated for it or get the look like you're a terrible person?

    I got the looks last week when asked what we do for Valentine's day. And you know what it doesn't matter to me one way or the other. When the kids were little it was about them. I don't expect anything as it is just another day for me. And he doesn't expect anything from me either.
  • tater8589
    This is probably the first year that I have had a significant other willing to celebrate with me and we have the money to do it. I must add for any guys grumbling- I spent more than my husband for today (but he out did me at Christmas). I agree with one of the above posters, Valentines day is like Mothers Day or Fathers Day. Since my husband and I aren't parents this is a day to remember eachother and show appreciation, that sometimes gets forgotten in the craziness of every day life.

    Also, I'd rather be single on VD than be with (my ex) a guy who wont celebrate it. I used to work at a jewelry store and had to endure my customers (who saw my ring) and my friends wanting to know what I got, then why I didn't. It sucks when you expect at least a little something and get nothing, atleast if your single you still might get something your not expecting and you don't have to stress about buying that "perfect" gift -- just sayin

    Regardless I hope every one has a good day :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jtgill
    jtgill Posts: 48
    *headshake at schpanks* Killing me...

    I'm TRYING not to get pummelled by the females here but why do a lot of women think they "deserve it" more than men do? If your man is a complete DB or you are a stay at home mom raising the little ones, then I can see the justification here.

    I am a stay at home mom with a 2 year old going through chemotherapy (VERY CRABBY!!!) and a 7 month old (teething) It was SOOOO nice to have my hubby take me out and pamper me a little! I just like to take the day to remind those I love how very much I do love them....no need to spend tons of money doing that though. I got my hubby a couple baseball caps and he got my nails done and took me out to dinner I didn't have to cook, clean up from or listen to kids during...He is bringing the kids home a surprise after work....It is FUN to have a special day here and there...Especially for us right now. But I totally see why people hate Valentine's Day...I used to and then I met my husband and he has made it so special for me every year, now adding the kids in it has been such a fun day for the past 7 years!
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    I don't really get the whole thing if you ask me.....If you are treated well by your other half the other days of the year, then why do you also need a "special" day just to prove that you are loved? and if I want something, whether it be jewelry, flowers, or a new pair of Docs...I am certainly not going to expect a guy to get them for me, I will do it myself, I'm kinda independent like that....
    Speaking from the point of my relationship, my boyfriend is a WONDERFUL man. He shows he loves me everyday in little ways that make me feel special. However, I think it's nice to be pampered a little bit and since I like flowers, it's an excuse for me to ask for them, even though it's kind of expensive. I don't expect chocolates and wine, but a day to remind each other how much we mean to each other is nice. But then again, I'm a romantic, not a skeptic <3
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    We don't celebrate Valentine's Day, but I don't hate it either. My husband isn't much of a romantic, but I'm not complaining. I knew what I was signing up for, and I love him as much today as I did when I met him 22 years ago. I'm not very high maintenance — at least not most of the time. :wink: He is my rock, and can count on him being here for me and giving me what I need every single day. If Valentine's Day was important to me, he would make an effort to do something for me, but it makes ME uncomfortable to put those expectations on him when it's just not who he is, if that makes any sense. I told him many years ago that I didn't need him to do anything for me, and he was so relieved and so appreciative. Our anniversary is in March, and that IS important to both of us, so that's our special day we go above and beyond to celebrate our love for each other. But for those who enjoy celebrating today, more power to you! :heart:
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I don't really get the whole thing if you ask me.....If you are treated well by your other half the other days of the year, then why do you also need a "special" day just to prove that you are loved? and if I want something, whether it be jewelry, flowers, or a new pair of Docs...I am certainly not going to expect a guy to get them for me, I will do it myself, I'm kinda independent like that....
    Speaking from the point of my relationship, my boyfriend is a WONDERFUL man. He shows he loves me everyday in little ways that make me feel special. However, I think it's nice to be pampered a little bit and since I like flowers, it's an excuse for me to ask for them, even though it's kind of expensive. I don't expect chocolates and wine, but a day to remind each other how much we mean to each other is nice. But then again, I'm a romantic, not a skeptic <3

    Not sure where skepticism would fall into my response....but whatever......still think its a silly marketed holiday like many others....
    that is all.................
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I guess I'll be in the minority! I love love love Valentine's Day!! Like all other holiday's it's meant to celebrate something, and love is my favorite ;) whether i'm single or taken, it doesn't matter, I've always loved valentines day. I think of it as a day to celebrate Love! which to me is the most important thing! I celebrate God's love, the love I have for my precious child, the love I have for family and friends, and even the love I have for people I don't know! Without Love this world would be nothing. It's the only good thing we have going for us ;) so yes, i'm a sucker for it. and I'm also a hopeless romantic, so I'm sure that doesn't help!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    However, I don't think it takes $$ or gifts to celebrate! If I have money, I will buy a gift, if not, a card will do. even if i'm sooo poor i have to make one on my own with crayons!! I show my love throughout the year, but it's fun to have one day to celebrate your love for each other!
  • leavinglasvegas
    Okay, how many of you have gotten the question from family/coworkers the day of or the day after "What are you (did you) do for your spouse for Valentines day?" and when you said "not a darn thing" you get berated for it or get the look like you're a terrible person?

    I get the "AWWWWWWW, I'm so sorry" look because I'm single. Then I get random meaningless texts and messages from friends or their bf or husband so that I can feel special too. If I let it, it would insult me.
  • DJH3
    DJH3 Posts: 243
    I get the "AWWWWWWW, I'm so sorry" look because I'm single. Then I get random meaningless texts and messages from friends or their bf or husband so that I can feel special too. If I let it, it would insult me.
    If I wasn't seeing someone and happy I'd hit on ya... (although after this thread I doubt I'd have much luck with anyone on this site other than my gal).
  • LMPRF97
    My Valentines Day SUCKS nothing EVER happens for me!!!!!!! :sad: :sad: !!!! If only the guys would freakin man up and tell me! or maybe i should MH/HS is hard