

  • You rock! That's so awesome.
  • I kept the same calories per day but readjusted what I was eating to bump up the protein. I also significantly increased my water intake. This helped me a lot with reversing minor gains/stalls and made a major difference overall. Make sure you are getting at least 60g protein per day and try drinking 3 liters of water…
  • My Virtual Model:
  • I'm going through the same thing. I lost 22 lbs in the last 6 weeks, all of which came off pretty uniformly, and a lot of the inches lost were around my ribcage. I'm not complaining about 22 lbs... but HELLO, what about my abdomen? Not much going on there. I have 40 lbs to go, and honestly I wonder if I'm still going to…
  • I've lost 20 lbs in a month on HCG drops. The only time I stalled was when I wasn't following directions. (I didn't start at the right time with my cycle in mind, and I was cutting protein due to low appetite and started retaining water.) It's a brutal regimen to get used to but it absolutely works. It forced me to become…
  • Treats! Pedicures, a new dress, shoes, a kitchen appliance you've been saving up for, a trip to the bookstore. Anything you consider a splurge. Reward yourself when you meet mini-goals. Sadly, I had to learn this from my Maltese, who is fickle, demanding and only trainable with treats. Much like her owner. :)
  • I love love love ethnic food so this info was perfect. Thanks!
  • I stalled and even gained a couple pounds when I wasn't getting enough protein; made me retain a ridiculous amount of water. Increasing protein 50% cured it right away. Up your overall calories, maybe cut the fat grams a bit, and pay attention to how much protein you're getting, especially with regular workouts.
  • Oh HALLELUJAH. Thank god I found this lush-friendly forum. I love you people already. :drinker:
  • I never cared much for the taste of sweeteners used in "diet" anything. They all taste fake to me, even Splenda. Note: when I was young, my father worked for the company that made "Equal" and he wouldn't let any of us in the family touch the stuff, EVER... I guess that sort of speaks for itself. :huh:
  • I've been a Coke, Dr. Pepper & Mountain Dew devotee for as long as I can remember. I discovered 7-11 Big Gulps at age 7, pretty hardcore. I became very sick last year and couldn't stomach the flavor syrup in any sodas, not even ginger ale. So I started drinking sparkling water (like Perrier, La Croix and San Pellegrino)…
  • Hello from another Music Junkie. :) Very cool, that "Voice Jam" app. Spent a little time on your YouTube. Good luck to you on your goals and feel free to chat at me anytime.
  • Enlightening AND entertaining: Stick with (unflavored) Vodka. Tito's is perfect, if you can get it where you live. Rum (especially) and the others have hidden residual sugars, which is why the hangovers are worse. Use a diet mixer if you need to, but I prefer my vodka straight/rocks or in San…