Diet soda addict

janetevans Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I've been trying to give up my diet soda addiction. It used to be regular Dr. Pepper, but I switched to the diet variety. I drink 3 or 4 a day, which is much better than my old time 7, but I know it still isn't the greatest. I've tried cutting back cold turkey, but I craved it and thought about it constantly. That sounds awful I know. I want to make better choices. I do. Is it better to go cold turkey and have the crankiness and awful headaches from the caffeine withdraw, or should I turn it off gradually? Thanks!!:smile:


  • well im not gonna bs you.....i had to do it cold turkey.......when i started on this site in the beginning of jan, i started with my husband and we both did it cold turkey and we were up to 5-7 caffeine pops a day each.......the headaches and dizziness were horrendous for 2 days and then we both were fine.....try it like that but give it a few days and you will feel soo much better after stopping it.....i promise ;)

  • I'm in exactly the same boat as you! I know soda is bad, but it will probably be the last unhealthy thing to go from my diet. It's not even the caffeine for me, so much as the sweetness and the fizz! My guess would be that tapering off might be easier -- just replace 1 of those 3-4 every day with tea or flavored water (the low-cal kind!), until you're down to just 1 or 2 a week. Allegedly, you won't even miss them after that! (I find that hard to believe, but many people swear by it!)
  • Madre2
    Madre2 Posts: 35 Member
    I think it's better to go cold turkey. That's how I broke my Diet Coke addiction. Use visuals to help you. There's a video on YouTube that really lays out how very acidic soft drinks are, and how damaging they are to your health. They actually leach all of the good nutrients from your body. And Coke is so acidic it's more acidic than battery acid. They use it to remove blood at crime scenes, etc., and clean out engines. At least that's what I'm told. Picture all of those toxins in your body. And, did you know that diet drinks are just as bad for you as regular soft drinks? Your body doesn't know the difference. So, in the long run, even the diet drinks make you fat. Once you stop drinking soft drinks, you'll start losing weight immediately. ... Vow to drink nothing but fresh, cold water with a slice of lemon. Best of luck!!
  • Hate to be brutal, but you've got to want this healthy lifestyle more than you want the diet soda. It's the only way addicts of any kind let go of the addiction. Whether you go cold turkey, or wean yourself off, whatever the reason you're doing it for has to be the most important thing....and you'll be able to do it.
  • wan2b21
    wan2b21 Posts: 147 Member
    I had the exaaaact same problem!! All throughout my life I was a terrrrrible cola addict, drinking about four to six a day on average, then I switched to coke zero's about a year ago.. Anyways I quit all soft drinks cold turkey about a week and a half ago and it was only hard the first couple of days. I still drink energy drinks but limit those to one every other day or so. I have coffee also to curb the cravings as well. Good Luck and You CAN totally do it! Just set your mind to making a change and DO IT =)
  • I am addicted to Diet Pepsi. I drink alot as does my husband too. My husband and I were just talking today about giving it up but I especially enjoy it with a meal. I know that when I drink it without a meal it makes me want something to eat with it. They were on Dr. Phil saying that we need to keep hydrated and Diet Pop is not the way to do this. They mentioned water and adding flavor packets to it.(Crystal Light) I know we could save alot of $$ if we could break this habit. Anybody have any tips on breaking this habit?? We pretty much said to each other when it's gone , it's gone and don't buy any more.
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I've been trying to give up my diet soda addiction. It used to be regular Dr. Pepper, but I switched to the diet variety. I drink 3 or 4 a day, which is much better than my old time 7, but I know it still isn't the greatest. I've tried cutting back cold turkey, but I craved it and thought about it constantly. That sounds awful I know. I want to make better choices. I do. Is it better to go cold turkey and have the crankiness and awful headaches from the caffeine withdraw, or should I turn it off gradually? Thanks!!:smile:

    LOL! You sound like me! I don't know if I can quit cold turkey - or want to. I do have a problem but I think if I just have one or two a day, I am doing okay. It really helps me starve off cravings. For some people, it tricks their brains to want more sweets like chocolate. But I think it is a psychological pacifier. I don't drink coffee or tea. Its what I like. :tongue:
  • yalisa0424
    yalisa0424 Posts: 173 Member
    If you read some of the medical concerns with diet sodas and the way it "plugs" your system, you won't want to drink it! I find that Crystal Light helps and adding fruits to my water does, also. I hope this helps.
  • i like the when its gone its gone that is a great way to give it for the crystal light im not so sure if thats a great substitute there is still artificial sweeteners in that and they are part of what your trying to give up....a nice cold glass of water is the best thing for your body if you like put some fresh fruit cut up in it for a splash of flavour.....good luck!
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    Hey you are on a good start. I used to drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day, now I'm down to 2. Just keep up the good work. If Diet Dr Pepper is the worst thing you put into your body, you're already much healthier then many people out there.

    I am starting the flat belly diet. They have sassy water. Its actually pretty tasty.
    In a large pitcher
    1 small thinly sliced cucumber-
    1 lemon (sometimes I use a lime)
    a few fresh mint leaves
    1 tsp freshly ground ginger

    Not only does it taste grate, but it also helps to clean out some of the waste/toxins in your body.
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    I switched to Diet Caffeine-free pop in an attempt to trick my mind. I think it worked. And while it does nothing for me nutritionally, it's not hurting, either. You would have to drink 14+ per day of diet pop over an extended amount of time to see the ugly side effects of diet pop. At least that's what my biology professor told me, haha.

    Letting go of caffeine is difficult - but you can do it :)
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    Hate to be brutal, but you've got to want this healthy lifestyle more than you want the diet soda. It's the only way addicts of any kind let go of the addiction. Whether you go cold turkey, or wean yourself off, whatever the reason you're doing it for has to be the most important thing....and you'll be able to do it.

    I have had to quit a few things in my time....every time I did it cold turkey and I wanted something worse than I wanted what I was quiting........
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I did it cold turkey, first month was the hardest the rest has been easy as pie and I feel great. I do drink Steaz green tea "root beer" which totally tastes like soda but isn't and its amazing. Ive been soda free for over a year.
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I am addicted to Diet Pepsi. I drink alot as does my husband too. My husband and I were just talking today about giving it up but I especially enjoy it with a meal. I know that when I drink it without a meal it makes me want something to eat with it. They were on Dr. Phil saying that we need to keep hydrated and Diet Pop is not the way to do this. They mentioned water and adding flavor packets to it.(Crystal Light) I know we could save alot of $$ if we could break this habit. Anybody have any tips on breaking this habit?? We pretty much said to each other when it's gone , it's gone and don't buy any more.

    I thought about doing the Crystal Light thing too -even tried it last summer. There was a previous topic on my fitness pal about how diet soft drinks are bad. Crystal Light has that same artificial sweetener. So I guess it's just as guilty as a Caffeine free Coke or Zero Diet Rite (Splenda.)
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    I have one can about 4-5 days a week and am still losing weight. No it isn't healthy for you, but it's an enjoyable treat for me. :smile:
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I was drinking a 2L bottle of Diet Cola per day about a month ago.
    I stopped cold turkey but ...

    started drinking Crystal Light singles instead. I don't think I'm doing myself any favours by doing this. I eat too much splenda as it is. I have 3 per day, each mixed in 32 oz of water. So I'm getting my water in no problem but it's definitely adulterated.
    I'm addicted to the sweetness.

    I have to say that when I drink pure water, my weight drops off faster than if I add the CL to it. I'm not sure why.

    Go cold turkey and get rid of the taste altogether. It only hurts for a little while. :sad:
  • Did the same thing about a week ago. Diet Mt. Dew was my choice, and I was up to 8-10 a day. I had 2 last Saturday and quit, switched entirely to water or Crystal Light. I thought the caffeine helped me stay alert and focused at work, and then I'd have several more at night while on the computer,etc. I was having trouble getting decent sleep, and once I stopped I have slept better in the last week than I have in probably a year. I'm not as tired at work now as I was when downing a Dew every hour or two. I could've switched to caffeine-free, but then what's the point of that? I had the withdrawl headaches for a couple days, but actually not as bad as the last time I tried to give it up. I may still have one here and there as more of a treat, but I'm giving it another few days without anything for good measure.
  • I've been a Coke, Dr. Pepper & Mountain Dew devotee for as long as I can remember. I discovered 7-11 Big Gulps at age 7, pretty hardcore.

    I became very sick last year and couldn't stomach the flavor syrup in any sodas, not even ginger ale. So I started drinking sparkling water (like Perrier, La Croix and San Pellegrino) because it helped with the nausea.

    After a few days, I realized it was the bubbles I was craving, not the soda itself. Now I drink sparkling water all the time and have totally broken my addiction to traditional sodas. It wasn't even difficult, so I didn't feel like I was doing anything "cold-turkey". I do have them once in a while, but they taste heavy and too sweet now to have much of it.

    Sparkling water comes in a million flavors if you want them, but I generally prefer the straight stuff. Generics like the Kroger brand are just as good; it's not high in sodium like some others can be. Try it, you might be surprised.

    Good luck
  • Okay, going to be the oddball here (of the replies I read). I see absolutely no reason to require yourself to cut diet soda from your diet, as long as you drink it in moderation. If you like it and you cut it from your diet completely, you're setting yourself up for failure. You're going to want it. You're going to want it a lot, and eventually you're going to binge on it. My personal diet plan is to have whatever I want, as long as I stay within logical boundaries. There's pie. I like pie. I'll have a small piece and track it, burn it off later. I see a new 2-liter of Diet Mountain Dew. I'll probably drink the entire bottle over a weekend, but I'll also drink plenty of water.

    I tried cutting out soda from my diet, once. I got severe caffiene withdrawal (headaches, dizziness, irritability, etc.) I decided it wasn't worth it.
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    I just try to limit mine to meals. Lunch and dinner. I can drink it first thing in the am like others do coffee and tea. I find it easier to drink hot tea in the winter with our hot water tap. Cold tea is to long to make lol.
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