
minky_77 Posts: 6
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Just wondered how everyone keeps up their motivation. I've lost 8lbs in 3 weeks using this site, and I have another 44 to go.

I know from past experience that once I hit the 12lb mark I start losing motivation and then find myself slipping back into bad habits both on the diet and exercise front.

Any advice or tips would be appreciated.



  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    You get the 12 lb itch and want to move on? I would set a mini goal for something just past the 12 pound mark. That way, when you get there you will still have something to work for. Maybe establish some reward for yourself when you reach this goal such as a new shirt, dinner and a movie or something relatively small that you feel like you would work for. It has to be something that is valuable to you...maybe even a day off to relax and a massage.

    Good luck, you can do this!
  • KandiLicious
    KandiLicious Posts: 210 Member
    I have friends at work who I get on board with dieting at the same time. We keep each other accountable while there. Of course you are accountable for yourself when not around them. I also see if they want to work out together....that way we harass each other to go to the gym.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I want to be 135 pounds. LOL I have 58 pounds to go. My motivation this time is looking hot this summer :)

    I don't know, this is sooo easy. I've lost 15 pounds in 3.5 weeks. I didn't even do this good with Weight Watchers!
  • i think one great thing to do is when you know your close to the 12 mark...... Just decide for that week you are gonna go as hard as you can. Buts some serious A*s for a week. Then Ill bet you lose more and maybe that will spike your motivation. I truely need to take this advice.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I have found having friends on the site helps. Having other encourage you, seeing their progress, and encouraging others really helps. Feel free to send me a friend request.
  • Treats!

    Pedicures, a new dress, shoes, a kitchen appliance you've been saving up for, a trip to the bookstore. Anything you consider a splurge. Reward yourself when you meet mini-goals.

    Sadly, I had to learn this from my Maltese, who is fickle, demanding and only trainable with treats. Much like her owner. :)
  • lruff1987
    lruff1987 Posts: 263 Member
    It's taken me a long time to reach my fitness goal(s) because of motivation issues. But I try to focus on how far I've come, where I have been before, and where I'm headed. So when I have a down time, such as not exercising for a long, long time, I try to think "Okay... I was 185 pounds just a couple short years ago, now I weigh 147 (or w/e I weigh at the time). That's a long way! I only have to pick myself up and continue to reach my goal. There's no more starting from the beginning, it's now just continuing with my journey." I don't know if that makes any sense, but it helps me to see that I don't have to start from the beginning anymore, I just have to keep going with my weight loss journey.

    Also... I lose weight slowly, so that when I DO have a bad time with lack of motivation or whatever, I don't pack on all of the pounds I lost.

    I hope everything works out for you. You CAN do it! When you hit that 12 pound mark, let it be a source of motivation to KEEP GOING rather than to stop. :)
  • you know what works for me is reporting my progress on here and on facebook. i've started using the Nike + app with my ipod which links to facebook and says "so and so ran 3 miles today"'s mentally rewarding for me. Not to mention, I love reading everyone's success stories on MFP/
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    I like peoples ideas to make a mini goal just past your 12lb mark....this will help you get past it. Also just log onto this site as often as you can and pay attention to others and what they are doing. The motivation on here is great!! Having lots of friends on here is very motivating!!! Its been 2 years since i stuck to any weight loss and this site is helping me stick to it!! Im addicted but its a good thing!!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I almost always gave up after 2 months- every time, like clock work. This time around before I started I set myself a minimum amount of time I would commit to it. I wanted to lose 39 lbs, so I committed to 39 weeks of eating as healthy as I could and working out as consistently as I could. 39 weeks, no matter what the scale said. I broke this up into 3 sub sections of 13 weeks- after each I do a mini- evaluation (#2 is coming up - the 1st week of march) and in between I join monthly and weekly challenges. I even have a list of weeks that I check off with each week either being a V (for victory of having met the goals I set) or not.

    That's how I keep on track- idk if it will be a helpful mentality to anyone but me, but there you have it.
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