

  • 1. I vary my workout regularly, so as not to get into a rut. Try new machines and or free weight routines. 2.I have a cheat meal once a month, I eat my *kitten* of for that meal and that meal alone. After i am done, all leftovers go into the trash. so i am not tempted later. A typical cheat meal will include for me a…
  • IT will go away but, You need to go to the gym and do some weight as well to build muscle mass under the loose skin. Most folks who lose a large amount of weight don't do that and end up with the excessive amounts of loose skin. Building mass under the skin replaces some of the fat lost during weight loss. keeping your…
  • Fluctuation is normal, If you are compelled to look at your weight daily remember that you must look at the average for the week. I work out regularly and can fluctuate as much as 3lbs in a single day depending on my activity. Always weight yourself, at the same time, under the same conditions, naked. Best time is when you…
  • Clarification, The Sugar you are getting form the Kellogg is from the Raisins, The raisins contain a processed sugar as an additive to them for taste. So take that into account when eating them. Those are the Sugar calories you don't want.
  • I disagree, IT depends on what your eating and when your eating it. If your eating after 9pm, you should try to refrain, and if you do, ,make it a non-carb snack. If your eating alot of carbs after 9pm and worse off if they are sugar carbs say from cookies and crap that stuff will turn right into fat while you sleep,…
  • Robert and poleboy are 100% correct , there is no such thing as zero calorie food. Count all foods and thier caloreic impact, especialy fruits with thier sugar content. Sweet (tropical) fruits are a dieters WORST! nightmare. Substitute Whole meats and Protein for fruits and snacks.
  • Quinoa is a very healthy food. As in all eat it in moderation, plain is best.
  • Irrelevant of what exercise you do 80% of your weight loss will come from diet. If you don't make a hard change your diet to match your workout and goals your progress will be 0.
  • (raises hand) I Measure all, I mean EVERYTHING! All meats precook weight , liquids (cup of milk) ECT, chip counts by weight. I measure down to the teaspoon if that's the portion. once you start to, you will realize that our diets are totally messed up and our problem as whole is portion.