Help with sugar...

I get 24g of sugar for the day. My problem is after eating my breakfast which this morning was Kellogg's Low Fat Granola with Raisins cereal w/ 1/2 cup skim milk and one cutie clementine I'm already over my sugar by 1 gram.

So I guess my questions are 1.) Do you pay close attention to your sugar or mostly just calories? 2.) Is 24g of sugar a lot or can I up that? and 3.) What can I do to reduce sugar intake... there is sugar in EVERYTHING!

Thanks for any help!


  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I consider naturaly occuring sugars in fruits, veggies, etc. O.K. It is the processed sugars I am trying to stay away from and I go over my sugar also every day. I have switched to sugar-free creamer for the mornings so maybe that will help.
  • ryzola
    ryzola Posts: 51 Member
    Fructose pushes me over my alloted limit, daily. I don't get caught up in it too much providing, as above, it's not from sweets, etc.
  • hgellings
    hgellings Posts: 295 Member
    Thank you!
  • Smilbuta
    Smilbuta Posts: 10
    The Sugar you are getting form the Kellogg is from the Raisins,

    The raisins contain a processed sugar as an additive to them for taste. So take that into account when eating them.
    Those are the Sugar calories you don't want.
  • hgellings
    hgellings Posts: 295 Member
    The Sugar you are getting form the Kellogg is from the Raisins,

    The raisins contain a processed sugar as an additive to them for taste. So take that into account when eating them.
    Those are the Sugar calories you don't want.

    Thank you. This sugar stuff is so confusing to me... :-/