HoudinisBox Member


  • Considering no autopsy was performed after John Candy’s death and the fact that he was a heavy smoker and drinker, not to mention the fact that he had a history of cocaine usage, I’m not sure you have any authority attributing his death solely to obesity.
  • I'm cutting out french fries as a side dish whenever possible. Though when I went to a Dodgers game a few weeks ago, I splurged on a hot dog and cheese fries. Worth it!
  • I've been using it for about 2 months now, and I've lost 21 pounds. But I've been eating better too, so the loss is probably a combination of both.
  • Typical breakfast - 1 cup cereal (TJ's Puffed Wheat or Fruity O's) and 1 cup almond milk But today I'm treating myself to a Thomas' Light Multigrain English Muffin with 1 packet of Justin's Organic Honey Peanut Butter.
  • I used to take Hydroxycut about 10 years ago. I lost about 20 lbs, but had to deal with rapid heartbeat, sweating, and tremors. One day I thought my heart was literally about to explode, so I stopped. After gaining all that weight back and then some, I started taking Garcinia Cambojia about 2 months ago. I've lost 20 lbs…
  • I feel ya! I live alone and some of my fav meals are: Bisquick Heart Healthy pancakes with maps or agave syrup and a couple sausages Sloppy joe (buy hamburger sliders and freeze in pairs for 1/4 lb servings) with ketchup, mustard, brown sugar on a sandwich thin Salmon filet thinly coated with mayo, season with salt,…
  • Hmmmm. My doctor put me on spirinolactone to help me with my hair LOSS. I still have patches of hair on my neck that won't go away, but I thought it definitely helped with my thinning hair. I lost about half of it throughout college.
  • Hi! I'm from Riceville, Iowa. But now I live in Los Angeles. :-) How ya doin'?