MegViking Member


  • Thumbs that look like toes, very wide and flat with a square nail.
  • I'm married and long past having to worry about this.... but toe thumbs. Of all things, guys with toe thumbs bug the snot outta me. :P
  • A great place for beginners is the Nerd Fitness website, There's a Video page with a lot of good body weight strength exercises ( If you want to do more serious power lifting, I would strongly suggest "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippletoe. It is THE…
  • This is indeed strength training. The only difference between it and traditional strength training with free weights or on a machine is the intensity and duration (i.e. few/no rests, lower weight/higher repetition) and that it uses your body weight. It's a perfectly good way to increase your strength, some say even better…
  • I know just how you feel, chica. Just put 23 over 18. (Although I was the same way at 18, too.) The good news is you can do it. All you have to do is actually want it bad enough to stick with it, and you sound like you do. Plus the other stories on here are inspirational. If you're a geek like me, you might also try…
  • FYI, fish counts as meat and is outside of the realm of "vegetarianism." Not to impinge on your style, but hey, fish are animals too. ;)
  • Being a veteran of Diet Coke and Coke Zero drinking, I'll tell you why. Have you been lifting weights and have you been drinking water? Also, how close are you to your monthly lady time? These are all things to consider. Diet Coke is loaded with sodium, which makes me swell up like a balloon. I can lose 2-3 lbs by drinking…