Scared. Fat. Embarrassed. 18.

tarahrah Posts: 9
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys! My aunt was the person to introduce me to my fitness pal about a week ago. She actually mentioned it to my mom via facebook and my mom asked me about it. Sure I considered it, but I didnt know if I'd actually try. Then today in Oklahoma practice (the musical. :smile: ) some of us girls had to be lifted on guys' shoulders. I was the only girl that couldnt get all the way up onto my partner's shoulder. And this guy isnt a shrimp. He's pretty athletic. Our choreographer even had me switch partners to the strongest guy. And still failed. I was so embarrassed. Here I am, surrounded by all of these petite little girls who can eat anything in the world. And me. I gained fifty pounds in four years. impressive I know. Well I'm ready to get rid of those pounds. And I could use some serious motivation.
I've tried losing weight, yes. But it is so difficult. It's hard counting calories and stuff with school cafeteria food and then with my schedule and not being the "head of the house hold", it is difficult to eat right and exercise.

Basically, I just need help. And a lot of it.


  • You CAN do it!! Don't give up!
  • joleciamichelle
    joleciamichelle Posts: 139 Member
    Just stick with it-consistency is key in this business and the support and advice on this site is great!
  • carrieloveshk
    carrieloveshk Posts: 128 Member
    Working out as much as you can (even if it's twice a week) is very important. I really hope you can achieve your goal. You can do it! Work hard, and don't give up.
  • safran01
    safran01 Posts: 6 Member
    I've also gained 50 pounds in 4 years, Thank you college!! :( It's really a struggle, I've been on here for 5 days. I totally know how you're feeling. Good Luck!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Welcome! The best advice I can give is do your best (lame, I know). Get some friends here. Everyone is very supportive. :flowerforyou:
  • Natolee72
    Natolee72 Posts: 122 Member
    AWWWWWWW!!!! You can do this!!! Just remember it's one day at a time and start by setting mini goals for yourself and just go from there!! Good Luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • hannahmayr30
    hannahmayr30 Posts: 93 Member
    You can do it and you'll find great support on this website!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Yes perseverance and patience even through the hardest of days and weeks is what loses weight. Make sure to keep up with this site daily. The encouragement and food tracking really does help a lot!!!! GOOD LUCK
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    You are a beautiful young woman, who is obviously talented since your in Oklahoma!
    Stay strong, make good choices, and get regular activity and it will happy for you!! :)
  • BrickHouse2011
    BrickHouse2011 Posts: 91 Member
    the first step you have already taken, by joing MFP, so Congrats!!!! Now just take it one day at a time. COunting calories is hard but you will soon realize that you will be more aware of what you eat when you see it written down. So just start slow and take it one day at a time and you will be fine.
  • mattsdad1961
    mattsdad1961 Posts: 65 Member
    You can do this! The calorie counter has helped me alot. Just be honest with yourself and track everything. You will find yourself becoming more educated about what are better choices AND the effects of all choices. I really enjoy music and know that my performance will improve as I get more healthy. Better breathing...better posture...more stamina. It will allow you to focus and concentrate more easily. I wish I had access to a valuable resource like this when I was 18! There are so many on the boards who will cheer you on. Go for it!
  • jsheph1
    jsheph1 Posts: 79 Member
    Your days of being scared and embarassed are over. You've found the solution. Welcome to your new life!
  • You can do it, its definately not instant, I've learned that. Find someone in your life that can do it with you or find an exercise class with others in your same position. I have not exercised in 7 years and found a boot camp class that I love and now I'm so into it. I now want to try harder. I find myself finally excited about working out. I finally think about what I eat. This cite is fantastic for calorie counting. I am on every day and log everything good and bad. It is worth the effort, to be healthy and to feel great about yourself. Ask your family if you can shop with them to pick out healthy items, maybe they will get into healthy eating too.
  • MegViking
    MegViking Posts: 7 Member
    I know just how you feel, chica. Just put 23 over 18. (Although I was the same way at 18, too.) The good news is you can do it. All you have to do is actually want it bad enough to stick with it, and you sound like you do. Plus the other stories on here are inspirational. If you're a geek like me, you might also try -- a lot of great people hang out on both sites.

    As far as counting cafeteria food calories goes, what are the chances you could convince your folks to let you pack your lunch every day? It's probably cheaper than a school lunch, in the long run, or just as cheap if you make your sandwiches yourself and bring fruit. Plus you can count your calories exactly. If not, ask your lunch lady what brand of food they're using to prepare the school lunches. Chances are they'll tell you, and if they do, the internet has its caloric content out there somewhere. Then you can enter it into MFP under your foods and voila, you've made your own database. I know it sounds like a little bit of work, but usually research and some creativity will get you around just about anything.

    Anyway, good luck and I look forward to seeing you progress on the site! :)
  • 750legpress
    750legpress Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome, Welcome! And there is so much support here, they are just wonderful.

    If you have an Android phone, put the app for MFP on it and use's really helped me a LOT! (in fact, went to dinner with my trainer tonight and logged my food right in front of him)

    And sit down with the "head of the household" and have a heart to heart talk..explain what you are trying to do and why...ask for their help in achieving your goals. Who knows, maybe your determination to live a healthier lifestyle will encourage them to do the same.

    If you have a friend who wants to lose weight and get healthy, enlist their help as can keep one another on a support system for one another.

    I'll send you a friend request on MFP....we can all be your friends here!!!
  • mommacool
    mommacool Posts: 138 Member
    You can't go wrong with fresh fruit and vegetables, or even frozen. Try to get your meat grilled or baked. Limit butter and oils. Stay away from fried anything or baked good and cookies. And exercise! And drink lots of water to fill you up!

    My daughter (almost 16) does not always have control, just like you said. She just lost 12 pounds by just being more careful about what she eats, and joining the gym and going 3 times a week. She does not log what she eats, she just started making better choices whenever she could.GOOD LUCK!
  • Hang in there. Eat lots of fresh veggies and fruit. Can you pack some for school?? Easy to put in a backpack! Also make sure you are eating enough protein (milk, eggs, meat etc.). That will fill you up. Watch out for fast food and pizza. Can add up quicklly. You can also try to get some more exercise but dont' go nuts. Let your family know this is important to you and to help stock up on healthy foods at home if they aren't there already. Good luck!
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    My 16 year old daughter has a similar problem. I told her to keep track of what she eats at school and just remember to put it into your food log. Even if you have to write it on a piece of paper for later. After logging for awhile you will see a trend as to what foods are the highest calorie foods in your log. Try finding lower calorie replacements for those foods. Look for whole grain foods (tough at school), if they have the option. Salads can get boring everyday, but they are certainly an option some days. If nothing else you can buy the normal lunch and only eat 1/2 of it.

    If you are strict about tracking the foods you eat you will see results. Working out whenever you can is great too, I know it is tough when you have school activities and such to do. Also try to remember to carry good snacks in your pack so you do not have to get garbage food from the vending machines on campus.
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    Welcome to MFP, & congrats on your new healthy lifestyle!
    having difficulty logging when not home?
    i hear lots of people say they have an app on their phones so they can log their food from anywhere.
    maybe this is an option for you.
    good luck!!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I LOVE Oklahoma!, the Musicall and the state, LOL!!
    Even if you can't get to a gym, you can focus on Moving more--walking or riding a bike instead of driving, and eating more vegetables & fruit and smaller portions of everything. Make small changes that you will be able to live with forever.

    Jeannie, from Oklahoma
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