Vegetarians out there?

clarityvskarma Posts: 13
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I've been a vegetarian for about 10 years. For protein, I eat nuts, beans, eggs (usually whites only), and occasionally eat fish ... because I get really sick of being gassy from beans (gotta be honest, right?). It's only my first day using this site, but seeing the amount of carbs, fat, and protein I get from food is sort of a wake up call. I kept checking nutrition labels today because I could have *easily* gone over my fat quota, but I'm a little more than halfway to my goal for protein.

This is so stereotypical of a vegetarian, but I need to get more protein, apparently, but I'm hesitant to break from my norm. I don't want to load up on eggs or beans, but nuts are full of fat. I know dairy products have some protein in 'em, but I'm lactose-intolerant so I have to go easy on the dairy. Any ideas?


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'm one-I'll add you.
    I Love protein shakes, and cottage cheese is KILLER
  • I totally forgot about cottage cheese! With fresh pineapple and strawberries... YUM. I've never had a protein shake but I'm open to it. What's the best brand out there?
  • Quinoa is a must if you're not already eating it. Yogurt, cheese and an afternoon latte if you're not vegan or lactose intolerant. I guess soy milk could work too.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    try soy milk, or tofu, or any meat-less main dish, like the chicken, or hamburgers. even the cookies i had this afternoon had protein in them. most people actually get too much protein. oh im vegan by the way. you can friend me and look at my diary for some ideas. good luck.
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    I'm similar, not really veg because I eat fish from time to time. Do you eat quinoa? It's a complete protein, so a great veg staple. I eat a fair bit of tofu, and I'm able to buy tempeh now at the grocery store. I also eat a lot of the Yves veggie products, and soy milk. I'm usually pretty close with the protein but almost always just a little below. My carbs are pretty much always over, but more because I've decided I can't completely deprive myself of sweet stuff or I just won't stick to it!

    And for the gassy factor, things like Swiss Herbal's "Gas Away" (like Beano) really work. ;-)

    You can add me too if you like. ;-)
  • MegViking
    MegViking Posts: 7 Member
    FYI, fish counts as meat and is outside of the realm of "vegetarianism." Not to impinge on your style, but hey, fish are animals too. ;)
  • I'm one too! Been going for over 20 years and my kids have never known anything else. I don't rely on dairy (doesn't like me:D I don't eat eggs either, but that is another story) but if you soak your beans first (a couple of hours or overnight if you can), then rinse, much less likely to cause gas. Nuts and seeds are a great source of EFAs and vit E etc. Just a small handful is needed per day. Sprinkle them over your breakfast or salad (mmmm....rocket, lettuce, spinach, beetroot and walnut salad!) Don't worry so much about the protein issue. If you don't eat meats, or too much dairy, your protein needs are much less. Check out what the great endurance runners eat, (Kenyans etc). Then you can notice the right balance of carbs/proteins. Soy is fine, but like anything else too much can be a bad thing. The recommendations on this site are for 'average' which generally means omnivores.(still a great site though!) I find my carbs are usually a little over and my proteins under. They work for me and I run endurance....lots of energy! As you can tell though, being veggie is not a guarantee for being 'thin'! :laugh: That is why we are here! Just continue to make healthy choices as much as will get there in the end - We all will! :flowerforyou:
  • FYI, fish counts as meat and is outside of the realm of "vegetarianism." Not to impinge on your style, but hey, fish are animals too. ;)

    I know. I'm a cheater. Used to be vegan and have a little self hating voice in my brain that says I'm a quitter, but whatever. There are no rules in life and as far as I'm concerned, the boundaries of dietary "realms" are fluid. I don't eat animals with legs? It's an infrequent indulgence so I tend to just tell people I'm vegetarian to avoid a long explanation like this :)
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I'm also a semi-vegetarian (I only eat a little seafood). I make smoothies and add unsweetened natural vanilla soy protein powder to them. I also can't do much dairy because of sinus problems so I drink soy milk. R.W. Garcia flax seed chips with soy are a good snack. I eat Kashi Go Lean cereal in the morning. It has lots of protein and keeps me full. Hummus is good too and it doesn't make me gassy. :-) Feel free to add me if you want.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    FYI, fish counts as meat and is outside of the realm of "vegetarianism." Not to impinge on your style, but hey, fish are animals too. ;)
    This! I'm a vegetarian and I find it make it's difficult when pescatarians say they vegetarians. I find myself in awkward situations where people want to argue with me that they knew a vegetarian who ate fish.

    As for protien suggestions quinoa is a big one and fortunately there are lots of options with it know. You can have it as a grain or in pasta form. I also find that some vegetables have a decent amount of protein in them. Spinach is one. I also like to add flaxseed powder to sauces or mix it in when I juice.
  • Do they sell Quorn where you live? I eat loads of this when I am dieting as is high protein, low calorie, low fat and fills me up for ages. They do breaded fillets which are yummy, chicken style pieces for salads or currys, mince for chillis/spag bol. I find it a wonder food as a vegetarian.
  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member
    have you tried eating blue cheese with your beans? the mold breaks down the compounds responsible for the gas so they can be absorbed.
  • here here but I've cheated in the past month :( I really want to continue my veg. lifestyle though!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    First of all have you tried cooking the bean/lentils with ginger. I used to have gas issues, but cooking it this way has solved that problem for me.

    High protein stuff that many others have already suggested as well as others I use:
    Quorn, edamame, greek yougurt, lentils, protein bars,soy protein powder, brown rice, almond butter, and natural peanut butter
    quinoa, nonfat cottage cheese, kashi, nuts,luna bars.

    I also found that whey protein powder in Isolate form have all lactose & fat already taken out of it. I have lactose issues as well & right now am able to do Whey Isolate protein powder mixes. I drink a lot of soy & had to limit how much I have, so have added almond milk & that's the reason I picked a whey Isolate protein powder mix.

    Hope all of this helps.
  • I love cottage cheese and protein shakes too! Quinoa is great too. I also east hemp seeds, it's the closest thing to protein meat without having to consume meat and has ton of amino acids so it's great for you!
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