follownocrowd Member


  • Potatoes!!!! That is a GREAT idea! I have a hard time keeping my potassium and sodium levels within normal ranges so I am going to try that! The Rock 'N Roll half and full marathons are in San Diego CA on June 3 2012. I am running to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I don't personally know anyone with a…
  • WOW!!!! You are on a role!!! Keep it up!!!!
  • I am sure if I were walking in the mall I would spend more time buying and shopping than walking!!! LOL!!! I have been bundling up and walking outside with my heavy boots and gear on. Sometimes my husband and I walk on the track at the YMCA....BORING!!!!! I feel like a rat going around and around and around.
  • Thanks for the tip! I will have to check it out!
  • Hi Mandy! Glad to have you! Yes, the weather is an issue...I AM in Wisconsin, but I get to the YMCA and try to walk outside on jot so cold days. Where do you live?
  • I am starting with one watch my serving sizes!!! I tend to not eat enough during the day and then want to eat a whole bunch in the evening!
  • tsh0sk - I am giving you a 10 because you are from my home state!!! twoscimitars - Love the eyes and lips. 10! Nicole
  • That is a great goal!
  • Congrats!!!!! You are an inspiration!!
  • Yeah it is a lot of friggin steps! I have yet to reach it since I am not running anymore....but that is going to change now! I have always wondered how you would figure out how many steps it would take you to get somewhere....if anyone knows, please let me know!
  • I am glad you joined!!! That is a great count for your first day!!! It is hard to stay in the routine but keep it up the best you can! Nicole
  • I think you get the award for the most steps EVER TAKEN!!!!! 89312!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!! I have not been on a lot lately either....don't feel bad!
  • I didn't log Monday either. No big deal! On the up side, I have gone to yoga every day this week!!!!
  • lol! We all have days like that!!! I didn't get as many steps in over the holiday weekend as I wanted to. My husband and I went for a walk in the woods Sunday before family showed up for our Christmas get to gether. Our walk was more vertical than it was horizontal for distance. We were staying at his parents house and…
  • Good job on getting 2172 steps out! Every little bit helps!
  • I didn't do as well as you did! I have been averaging 7k to 8k (on the high side) per day even with taking a 30 minute walk! I, unfortunately, have an office job and sit on my butt for about 8 hours a day. I get up every 30 mins or so and walk around but I am not breaking the 10k that I was hoping for!
  • Hi Jenn! I am glad you joined! 12k+ steps!!!! WOW!!!!! Good job!!! My husband and I have two daughters, 13 and 11. We also have a 2 year old son. No pets, it is already a housefull! I could not imagine having twin 13 year old daughters!!! That must be interesting!!
  • It is possible to drink to much water! Last April I landed in ICU because my heart rate dropped under 30 beats per minute and then stopped. My blood tests came back showing that I was fatally low on 5 major electrolytes. I spent 12 days in the hosital. I had a classic case of hyponatremia. I am a long distance runner, a…
  • The best things about winter are shoveling snow (yes, I strangely like to shovel snow!), making snow angels with my kids, snow shoeing with my husband, cross country skiing, lighting the fire place, sledding, I could go on!!!! The worst thing about winter is driving on icy roads and other drivers who don't slow down for…
  • I don't worry to much about being "behind" in my yoga classes. I do go with a bunch of short people. I think quality over quantity...or quality over speed. I don't want to be flying through something and miss out on the benefit of the pose. Maybe I feel that because I am special and tall that I can do my own thing!!!…
  • Hang in there Cheryl!! Don't give up on yourself!!! My best advice to you is to keep yourself accountable for what you eat and what you do everyday! Eat LOTS of veggies, lean protein, and whole grains!!!! Ask for new recipes!! Nicole
  • Hi all! I did my initial test yesterday and was able to do 20 pushups but they were on my knees. I am going to redo my initial test today but do full pushups and see how I do with those. I am thinking I will need to do the full ones if I can get out 20 on the knees.....I think all the yoga I have been doing is paying off!!
  • Proud to be vegetarian!
  • Hi all! I am 5'11" and LOVE to wear heels! I wear heels all the time! I love that my height turns heads!