

  • Yes I know I gotta move. I have to hype myself up. I have been walking and now I'm gonna do some yoga and some Jillian michaels
  • sending you a request! same struggles here
  • Every journey begins with the first step and you have taken that first step and you should be proud of yourself. Most importantly it sounds like the main priority is your health. Same here. Last time I lost a lot of weight it was for all the wrong reasons...not to say looking good isn't a reason but it's shouldn't be the…
  • I definitely would ditch the tortilla chips! SOunds like you are doing well so far. Add in some walking if you are not exercising right now. Keep it simple and aim for 3 times a week and make it a time for you to relax and clear your mind. I hate exercising and i am now loving my 45 minute walks around the community just…
  • I am 5'7 1/2 and my lowest was 150. Loved the way I looked but I gained weight and then had a baby. Looking back I would be happy with 175. my butt and thighs and calves will never be small and of course my body has changed so much after having a baby. What has been your lowest weight or have you always been the weight you…
  • I have done Yoli one full month and then did it loosely for the past few months. All I can say is that when i Stopped there was no weight gain . Of course I dont eat as much as I used to. This system is totally different from any other Ive tried and I agree that diets dont work so I was hesitant to start it. It was a…