New here & Looking for MFP friends!

I am seriously obese and looking for some MFP friends to go through this weight-loss venture with me.

Although I am serious about this, I sometimes find it hard to resist temptation and do NOT stick to dieting and feel lazy to exercise which results in my weight being stagnant or slightly increase.

Knowing that I have support and that I have like-minded people around me, will help me battle through this.

I look forward to befriending you all and returning the support too..


  • sending you a request! same struggles here
  • canafishdrown
    canafishdrown Posts: 25 Member
    sending you a request! same struggles here

    Thank you so much, I have accepted it.
  • tashlm123
    tashlm123 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi ????
    I hear your struggles. I'm the same.
    I'm happy to be a motivation buddy as I need help too ????
  • canafishdrown
    canafishdrown Posts: 25 Member
    Hi ????
    I hear your struggles. I'm the same.
    I'm happy to be a motivation buddy as I need help too ????

    sent you a request.
  • Dragonflize
    Dragonflize Posts: 22 Member
    I am back after slacking off again,,,,I could use support too,,,So I would be happy to have some pals ,,I need to get strong and healthy,,,try to kick diabetes before I would need insulin ,,and lower blood pressure,,and be happy the way a I feel and look,,,I am very positive most days ,,,I try ,,I am a nanny for two young boys ,,,so I move ,,,but I would like to incorporate some weights and some walking or maybe a program on the I pad,,,,I need motivation,,,,I am 60 ,,,and I do have a bit of Athritus in the knees ,,but I love walking,,,Let's do this !!! Together !!! Xo Di
  • lizzie14115
    lizzie14115 Posts: 77 Member
    Hello, i'm catrina, and happy to encourage and support you on your journey :)
  • Sparkles281
    Sparkles281 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey there!

    Sent you a friend request! We can do this! :)
  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member
    Most definitely understand......I can usually do great for about a week or so, then my exercise starts to dwindle. As for diets...I havent stuck to one yet...Sent you a friend request! Good Luck
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Hi all...always happy to make a new friend so add away, if you want!
  • same as :flowerforyou:
  • Feel free to add me.
  • New here and love this place!
  • QS82
    QS82 Posts: 65 Member
    Lots of my old friends don't come on here any more, always good to have support and support others, i'll add you!

    Open to new friends. :)
  • canafishdrown
    canafishdrown Posts: 25 Member
    For some reason I am NOT getting notification on my phone or by email when people post on here, but I do get the friend requests.

    So, do not think I am ignoring you if you are posting on here as I have to log on and then go to the forum page to read your lovely messages x.
  • Feel free to add me :)) I'm Cristiana, from Italy.i'm here to lose at least 10 kg ( my dream would be 18 kg)
  • whitehorse67
    whitehorse67 Posts: 101 Member
    You got it!....Motivation is the key!
  • Cantaloupe321
    Cantaloupe321 Posts: 53 Member
    I'll add you now! I love getting to see how everyone else is doing on here, it really does help out a lot!
  • Jrdswife904
    Jrdswife904 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey Everyone!! I have been on myfitnesspal for a long time but haven't really met many new ppl. I am hoping to find some friends to go thru this journey on and to connect with.

    My Name is Heather and I am from the middle of nowhere in Missouri. I just celebrated my 10th anniversary with my hubs and we have 3 girls....8, 5 and 7 months.

    Feel free to add me...Always looking to meet new people and support each other. :)
  • Beckeh87
    Beckeh87 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'm also seriously obese but looking to change that. I have sent you a friend request. Currently trying to lose 10lbs but that is just a starting point for me as if I set myself a big goal I will end up thinking I can't do it.