Enough's enough!

Hey there, my name is Ashley. I'm 28 years old, and I've struggled with weight since I was about 4. As far back as I can remember, so it might as well be my whole life.
I'm so ready to get this weight off! When I was in grade 3, I was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis in my right ankle. This heaviness only exasperates my pain. Now my knees are aching and my back is sore!
I also suffer from bulimia, which is going to make this that much harder for me.. but I am determined to not let food issues win this time.
On another note, I have supportive friends, family, and a cat named Charlie who THINKS his name is Puddin'.
Taking some time to focus on my health.. thanks for reading this! Hope everyone is having a good day :)


  • cocoinnyc
    Every journey begins with the first step and you have taken that first step and you should be proud of yourself. Most importantly it sounds like the main priority is your health. Same here. Last time I lost a lot of weight it was for all the wrong reasons...not to say looking good isn't a reason but it's shouldn't be the Main one. Do you have a plan of action! I need support to so I'd love to have you as a friend. You got this girl!
  • AshMsFitz
    Thanks so much!
    I dont really have much of a plan of action.
    I used to eat out a lot, or get delivery a lot. I've put myself on a strict budget for the next few months so that I can afford a trip to see my best friend.. this in turn will cut down (or even eliminate) the delivery I can get!
    I'd love to have you as a friend, too!
  • yossale3
    yossale3 Posts: 224 Member
    GO GO GO.
  • k8161819
    Hey! You go girl! I too am starting to get in better shape and healthy. I understand that this is going to get a hard journey, but if you wanna add me I would love to be able to help add a little support and encouragement (and that goes for everyone else too). I love having more friends on here, really helps with motivation. I'm also available for support emotionally to if anyone ever has a bad day and just needs to talk it out. We all get there.

    Just keep it up! Its hard but soooo worth it :happy:
  • nikitahunt123
    nikitahunt123 Posts: 5 Member
    The most important thing to me is being in the right frame of mind. When you're ready to achieve I am certain you will succeed anything! The thing that keeps me going (I have only been doing this for five days) is knowing that you have to reach all of the little goals to achieve your big ones. :)
  • Navywife913
    I use to struggle with both ana/mia. I often think of them but they no longer control me! Good luck with your journey and feel free to add me!!!