kimjj1025 Member


  • Feel free to add me as well. I have a demanding full+ time job and a six and three year old. I'm starting all over again after losing 20 pounds.
  • I sleep in my workout clothes...they are close to PJ's anyways, then I put my shoes and socks right next to the door. Then I literally have no excuses not to workout other than I'm too lazy to get up and go to the basement. Lazy and I don't get along too well, but sometimes she rears her ugly head and then I feel guilty…
  • I'm from Mechanicsburg! The side closest to Camp Hill.
  • Hi Everyone, I'm a 33 year old working mother of a 4 year old girl and a 1 year old boy. I am extremely lacking in motivation after at least of month of progress and some results. :sad: How do you girls do it all? I could really use some tips and tricks for staying on track and to fit in the exercise. I would love to share…
  • I haven't gotten to the second month yet so good for you! Did weeks 1 and 2 for like two months, three times a week and then started weeks 3 and 4 a few weeks ago and took a week off and realized I can't do it all 6 days, but three times a week and I'm usually sore and I've seen slight differences in the way my clothes…
  • I kept the sugar because I was eating a lot of processed foods and I've since reduced that and I wanted to be aware of the un-natural sugars I've taken in. I was surprised to see the number when the majority 90% off all my foods were whole fruits and vegtables. Maybe I will take it off once I've made the fruits and veggies…
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your appendix. I love your attitude towards it though! You are absolutely right. You do feel so good after finishing a week and your body definately thanks you. I've got my son's stomach bug today, but hopefully by tomorrow I'll be ready to go!! If I can't do JMBR than I think I will still get up…
  • I'm also re-starting, please feel free to add me. It is not an easy journey but I refuse to give up and the support I've received on MFP has been really great. Don't give up, life is going to happen, so don't beat yourself up!
  • I'm a working mom of 2 so the 30 minute workouts really got me to buy it. I'm on weeks three and four right now. I did 1 and 2 for about a month and I can see a difference in my body. I'm not going to remeasure until after I've moved to five and six. The only thing that I really struggle with is doing it everyday. I…
  • That is absolutely do you do it with little ones??
  • Hi, I'm a 33 year old working mother of two (almost 4 and 15 months). My diary is also open, so feel free to friend me. I could also use the support to get into shape. I'm currently using Jillian Micheal's 90 Day Body Revolution and I'm struggling to do it consistantly. I would love to gain some friends and support here…
  • Ugh...I fell off the bandwagon again. My husband even asked me if I was done exercising because I was doing so good! I've noticed a difference immediately. I'm exhausted and tired and I'm stuck in a viscious cycle again. Time to get up and get moving! Is anyone else struggling, how did you get over the hurdle? :sad:
  • I've been sitting at my desk for a good chunk this morning and I stood up and complete wasn't sure if I was going to stay up! I'm really loving 3 and 4, I'm hoping next week I can do all 6 days straight through! That's the goal!
  • I hear ya! I had to rest yesterday because I couldn't lift my arms over my head :) I did workout 4 today and i agree it seemed easier, but I feel it and I can't plank, but I keep trying. The other thing I thought was strangely hard in workout 4 was the lunging to the groud and back up again! It is something I do every day…
  • I'll be honest I didn't think I could do it at all and my shoulders are still burning from this morning, but I love it and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings :) I'll keep you updated. :)
  • I did workout 3 today for the first time (I slept in yesterday :() Wow! That one was hard. I knew it was going to get harder and I did my best to keep going. I feel good, but I'm surprised and excited about how hard it is. I wish I would have watched it before I did it because a lot of time you aren't in a position to look…
  • I completely understand where you are at. I'm a newish mother of two, my son is 14 months and my daughter is almost 4. I also work full time and I struggle everyday to have enough energy to do the things that HAVE to be done. It's taken me over a year to get motivated to try, fall of the wagon and get back on. I'm on week…
  • I have two small kids and a full time job and I have recently started getting up before everyone else and doing Jillian Michael's 90 Body Revolution. The workouts are definately working. After just 4 days I can tell a difference and my pants are a little looser. Plus it gives me some extra umphf to keep up with the kids,…
  • I hear you about the cardio. I feel the same way! I thought it was just me. I did that one this morning and thought that somehow it could be better because I love the circuit training days! I'm currently on week 2 (I did a lot of stop and start but now I'm committed)
  • I started around that time and I've had a lot of on and off before then. This week I'm determined to do all 6 days and then move onto week three on Monday! I'm still sore and I've done the same three work outs on and off for several weeks. My hamstrings are what is hurting me the most this week. I do feel a big difference…
  • Thanks for the motivation!!! Way to go. I'm attempting to do JM 90 Day Body Revolution and I can't seem to get past weeks 1 and 2. I'm not consistant and I'm frustrated with my lack of motivation. My head and my body don't always agree with each other and seeing your results is giving me the umpf to get out of bed in the…
  • Are you doing the kickstart diet too? I'm a little scared to do that as it is really restrictive. I haven't done the two a days yet, but I would like to, it is just hard for me with my work/kids schedule. Unfortunately I haven't used the recovery drink so I can't help you there. Good luck with everything!
  • Did anyone else fall off the exercise wagon this past holiday weekend? I didn't sit down much but I couldn't get up before the kids and work out. However I did do day 2 today and I'm glad I did. STILL MOTIVATED dispite a long weekend away!!:bigsmile:
  • What a great post! I'm always wondering what to do for lunch too. The one thing that seems to work for me right now is on Sundays I chop up a lot of lettuce and then I add things that are "drier" like cherry tomatoes, seedless cucumbers and throw it in a gallon ziplock with a paper towel and it keeps really well for 5 days…
  • FINALLY, got up this morning and did work out 1. No matter how many times I start at workout 1 it still kicks my butt! I absolutely love it! I need to be able to hold onto this feeling to make it through the next 89 days!! :happy:
  • I'm planning on starting tomorrow...again! However, I do have a renewed spirit and I'm ready. Does anyone want to buddy up? I'm a busy working mom of 2 who would like to get up at the butt crack of dawn to do this! I would love to have someone to keep me in check and I can do the same! :tongue: