Introduce yourself!



  • Hello,

    My name is Natalie. I am on my second day of JMBR. I am looking to get my body back into shape. I want to eat clean and stick with this program 100%. I am going to LA in June, so I would really like to be better than I am right now... I know I wont be anywhere close to what I desire, but anything is better than where I am now. Hopefully I can find some great friends on here.

  • Hi y'all... I am starting JMBR on Monday May 13th. I tried to start last week but got really discouraged when I started the jumpstart and could not eat the food or do the two workouts a week. I am thinking that I will start it on Monday do the two workouts a day for the first week but eat a different meal plan of lower calories. My problem is that when I try to do too much at once I get overwhelmed and just give up. I leave for disney world in 32 days and would like to drop a little weight before I go. Oh btw my name is Misty.
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    Hi everyone...I've had it for over a year and I started it many times, never making it through the first 3 dvd's. I've just done those over and over. Now that I've lost a little more, maybe I can get through more than the first 2 DVD's. I see some of your results even in a short amount of time and I have to say I am impressed, so here I go, I'm going to start these tomorrow night!
  • clur85
    clur85 Posts: 187 Member
    Hi all! I'm a true Jillian veteran, having most of her DVD's, 30DS was the first workout I did along with starting MFP. I injured my ankle around three months ago and since haven't done any formal type of fitness. I thought I'd give BR a try as it didn't seem too high impact on my ankle and would help me strengthen it up again, and of course get fit and my body back the way I want it!! I'd love to see some motivating pics/results to keep me going! I'm only on day 4 :)
  • lroxey
    lroxey Posts: 32 Member
    Hey ya'll day one for me! Im 43 and really trying to get there so I can rock Costa Rica this Winter!! Add me can always use some motivation
  • toniju
    toniju Posts: 23 Member
    Hey...I'm planning on starting JMBR on June 3rd. I have a mini-vacation scheduled for Memorial Day and I don't want to start and then have to take a few days off. I'm nervous about starting...but I am going to commit myself to finish this program. Hope everyone that has started is doing great...KEEP IT UP! :smile:
  • rhonnik
    rhonnik Posts: 32 Member
    Hi. My name is Rhonda. I'm 55 (gasp!) and purchased BR about a month ago. Today I finally did Day 1. I have a desk job, and eat sugar to keep me going when stressed out (too often). I am now logging what I eat, which helps me not grab those jelly beans. I have about 30 lbs to knock off. If I can make this a habit, I can lose weight and start enjoying a healthier me.
  • garfieldne
    garfieldne Posts: 2 Member
    I'm Rachelle. I'm on Week 2 of JMBR. This is the second time I've tried to start but I feel really good about this time so I'm looking forward to Week 3 next week (I never made it that far last time)

    I do have a question: How do you add these workouts into My Fitness Pal? I never know if it's circuit training, aerobics, etc and I don't want to count each squat and bicep curl to keep track of things that way. Any help would be appreciated.
  • garfieldne
    garfieldne Posts: 2 Member
    You can do it! Keep going and it will get easier!
  • pkinblue
    pkinblue Posts: 140 Member
    Hey ya'll day one for me! Im 43 and really trying to get there so I can rock Costa Rica this Winter!! Add me can always use some motivation

    Hi--I am 44 and also planning to go to Costa Rica this winter--want to wear a bathing suit..not just shorts and a fitted top.
  • kimjj1025
    kimjj1025 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm planning on starting tomorrow...again! However, I do have a renewed spirit and I'm ready. Does anyone want to buddy up? I'm a busy working mom of 2 who would like to get up at the butt crack of dawn to do this! I would love to have someone to keep me in check and I can do the same! :tongue:
  • leannmichelle
    leannmichelle Posts: 5 Member
    I will be starting tomorrow also. I have 3 kids, 10, 9, and almost 5 year old. My two boys are very busy with sporting activities in the evenings so my workouts have to happen in the morning. I had been doing Turbo Fire, but battled some illness this winter and so haven't exercised since last December! Really missing, back to it I go:) Looking forward to getting to know people on here:)
  • gfit123
    gfit123 Posts: 36 Member

    I started JMBR 2 weeks ago and I am IMPRESSED! If my body fat scale is accurate at all. it looks like I've already lost 1% of my 40% body fat in the 2 weeks since I started. I haven't been following the meal plan cuz I can't imagine limiting myself to 1200 cal, but I have upped my veggie intake two-fold and so far I'm down 4-5 lbs. Unbelievable! It usually takes me a month to lose 5lbs. Also, I have cut down sweets and increased my water intake - I had no choice because I do the workouts in the morning and then for the rest of the day I feel like my body is generating heat and I get super thirsty. Must be that revved up metabolism Jillian keeps mentioning. So far it's looking good for me to actually continue with the program. My goal is to lose 20 lbs in the 90 days.

    P.S. Workout 3 kicked my @ss
  • leannmichelle
    leannmichelle Posts: 5 Member

    I started JMBR 2 weeks ago and I am IMPRESSED! If my body fat scale is accurate at all. it looks like I've already lost 1% of my 40% body fat in the 2 weeks since I started. I haven't been following the meal plan cuz I can't imagine limiting myself to 1200 cal, but I have upped my veggie intake two-fold and so far I'm down 4-5 lbs. Unbelievable! It usually takes me a month to lose 5lbs. Also, I have cut down sweets and increased my water intake - I had no choice because I do the workouts in the morning and then for the rest of the day I feel like my body is generating heat and I get super thirsty. Must be that revved up metabolism Jillian keeps mentioning. So far it's looking good for me to actually continue with the program. My goal is to lose 20 lbs in the 90 days.

    P.S. Workout 3 kicked my @ss

    That is awesome!!! And Encouraging! Keep it up!! You are ahead of me in the program so keep posting:)
  • Nancy_30
    Nancy_30 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started workout 3 yesterday and workout 4 today-*kitten* kicked too! I was wondering why I am extra thirsty and what was said about body generating heat and metabolism revved up, it does make sense.

    I am sticking to the 1200 calories or there abouts, but could not go without some chocolate and other little treats, so using several of Jillian's recipes/food recommendations but not as strict as the first week-it killed me having no treats. I lost 2 lb first week but put it back on the 2 week as I fell off wagon as I could not see how I would stick to the extreme and strict diet for 90 days. So the 3rd week was much more easy with treats included and I still lost 2 lb. Started 4th week now, so will see how it goes, but going away for weekend-so challenges ahead but planning to hire a rowing boat for an hour on one of the days and do lots of walking on other 2 days and eat carefully.....

    Good luck everyone! :happy:
  • kimjj1025
    kimjj1025 Posts: 29 Member
    FINALLY, got up this morning and did work out 1. No matter how many times I start at workout 1 it still kicks my butt! I absolutely love it! I need to be able to hold onto this feeling to make it through the next 89 days!! :happy:
  • Nancy_30
    Nancy_30 Posts: 3 Member
  • gfit123
    gfit123 Posts: 36 Member
    It's great that you're planning ahead for your weekend challenge. You just reminded me that I have an all-you-can-eat- brunch at a posh restaurant this weekend. Instead of looking for more actvities to burn calories, I'm going to focus on making smart choices and not eating once I'm full - no matter how good and tasty the food is. I can always go back to the restaurant and try other selections. I workout so hard and all it takes is a few bad food episodes to side-track me`or completely set me back. I`ve dealt with that too much in the past and I am not letting it happen again.
  • pkinblue
    pkinblue Posts: 140 Member
    It's great that you're planning ahead for your weekend challenge. You just reminded me that I have an all-you-can-eat- brunch at a posh restaurant this weekend. Instead of looking for more actvities to burn calories, I'm going to focus on making smart choices and not eating once I'm full - no matter how good and tasty the food is. I can always go back to the restaurant and try other selections. I workout so hard and all it takes is a few bad food episodes to side-track me`or completely set me back. I`ve dealt with that too much in the past and I am not letting it happen again.

    that reminds me--I was talking to a skinny friend once about buffets and she said "why would I eat more once I am full? There will always be good food." And I was stunned at how different our attitudes were. My viewpoint was (well--still working on that past tense) that this food is amazing and is only here now so I should eat as much of it as I can.
  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    Good luck to everyone! :) I hope no one has given up yet.

    I'm Joan, I'm 21, and I'm currently on my 19th day of Body Revolution.
    I initially found Workout 3 and Workout 4 almost impossible to do. I kept having to take breaks.
    Already, I can finish the workouts... by next week maybe I can do the more difficult versions of the exercises ;)