

  • My wife said keep them because I might need them again. I said NO, I won't be that big again! and donated them. Now if my clothes start getting tight I know I need to get back on track. If I kept them it would be too easy to put on the old ones and gain a few more pounds.
  • Is almost losing my wedding ring down the drain a NSV? When I washed my hands at work yesterday it just fell off and rolled down into the drain. Luckily it got hooked on something and I was able to pull it out with a piece of wire. I noticed it was getting a little loose but now I know I need to get it re-sized.
  • Blizzard over McFlurry any day, the McDonald's ice cream just doesn't taste as good. For the flavor, in the fall - Pumpkin Pie Blizzard the rest of the year Hawaiian Blizzard.
  • For me on the treadmill I need the distraction but on the street or track I like to know what’s going on around me. I’ve played around with but usually just set all the songs on my phone to random. Maybe when I pick up my speed using music to keep pace will help more.
  • My new jeans that I got 2 months ago are now too big!
  • I'm in. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas I'm shooting for 5 pounds. I'd like it to be 10 but I need to be realistic.
  • I read through the Success Stories, it helps me realize I'm not alone. If all those people can do it I can too.
  • For years it seemed like the only time I was buying new clothes was when I needed bigger sizes. Over the last year I've lost 35 pounds and started donating clothes as they get too big. My wife made a comment about keeping them in case I put on weight but I decided that I don’t want that as an option. If I start gaining…
  • You look great! Are you writing your weight on the mirror? If so, I think it's a great idea and I might steal it.
  • I got the Fitbit Flex for a competition at work a few months ago, even though the completion is over I’m still using it. It notifies you when you reach your goal of steps for the day and looking at the wristband you can get a general idea of how close you are. It has an app that works with IPhone and some Android devices…
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