anyone else feel like giving up? :((

there are some days that i feel great and others (like today) i feel like giving up. what do you do to help get out of the funk?


  • Jennymcwb
    Jennymcwb Posts: 88 Member
    Reflect on the good, acknowledge the bad and move on.....
    Have you ever played gold? Dieting is the same thing for me, there's always the next the next hole/day and there are good strokes/parts of each hole/day that you can say worked well. Kind of simplistic, but works for me.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Sorry you feel that way. I try to stand aside from my feelings. If I feel bored or sad I don't have to go with those feelings -- I can just let them pass by and not get swallowed up with them. I can't wait until I feel inspired to take action.

    It always helps me to go for a walk outside. I walk in a nearby nature area a lot. Right now it's winter and very cold out there because of the wind coming over the fields, so I walk in town -- to a store, the library, anywhere. Exercise, especially outside, always lifts my mood. Walking is good because once I walk somewhere I'm stuck and am forced to walk back -- I can't just get off like on a treadmill.

    Do you exercise? A zumba class might be fun, anything to get moving. If you sign up for a class that would be a great way to keep going.
  • I read through the Success Stories, it helps me realize I'm not alone. If all those people can do it I can too.
  • rle2512
    rle2512 Posts: 44 Member
    Seeing results helps me get through those feelings, I hate working hard and not seeing results on the scale. I'm not sure what your goals are, but just today i took a look and a before picture of myself 20 lbs, 2 months ago and i was SHOCKED, so looking back on progress ive made helps. Set short term goals for yourself, I started my journey at 196 pounds, my 1st goal was 175, Im down to 158, with a short term of 150, but eventually want 140.

    Not to sell you my diet, there are sceptics who will put it down, but I started a very low carb diet a month ago tomorrow, it took me about a week to get used to but its working, your body switches from burning calories from carbs you are eating to fat you are eating. For me, it put me in control, you have less hunger and see more results, i feel like a machine. Ive been about 5 days on intermittent fasting, there are also a few ways to do that, right now I am eating one meal a day, high protein healthy fat low carb, and I'm not hungry during the day, and have plenty of energy for my work out.

    Sorry for the babble, but if you think it could work for you I'd give it a try because ive been struggling with weight my whole life and finally feel in control.

    Final word of advise, make healthy choices, but if you are feeling down, there is always tomorrow. I did zero work outs this weekend, and started my work out today with a bang and im feeling much better. Good luck stay positive! =]
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I been feeling like giving up for a while now, but here I am still trying to break a stall that has lasted months ! I wake up and something in my head keeps telling me to eat healthy and to stick to it ! I just keep making sure that I have healthy options in the house so even if I wanted to give up , I go see what to be bad with and end up with a carrot in my mouth ! lol

    - I tried eating less than 1200 calories for a week and scale still did not budge
    - tried slow carb - thought it worked after 1 week but after 3 weeks still playing with the same few pounds up and down like a roller coaster
    - tried more exercise , still nothing
    - tried drinking more than the 8 glasses of water - nothing
    - tried yelling at my doctor for putting me on high blood pressure meds that are keeping me from losing weight and he swears they do not ! LOL
    - This week doing Jillians 30 min body shred and see if it will help !!
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    I do! I find this time of the year the hardest. I'm always so much more fatigued and the temperature change makes me crave comfort food. That being said, I have to make sure I'm like super watchful to make sure I don't slip back into bad habits. Just make a list of why you started and refer to it often. track your calories and get your workouts in. Good luck and happy holidays!!
  • shawn1112
    shawn1112 Posts: 94 Member
    On days I felt like that, I would go for a long walk and mix in some running. Always felt better after that.
  • jigglyone
    jigglyone Posts: 410 Member
    I do! I find this time of the year the hardest. I'm always so much more fatigued and the temperature change makes me crave comfort food. That being said, I have to make sure I'm like super watchful to make sure I don't slip back into bad habits. Just make a list of why you started and refer to it often. track your calories and get your workouts in. Good luck and happy holidays!!

    that is EXACTLY how i am! Thanks hun and god bless! happy holidays as well!
  • jigglyone
    jigglyone Posts: 410 Member
    thank you everyone its good to know i am not alone in this:ohwell:
  • emilypink573
    emilypink573 Posts: 133 Member
    I do at the end of a day where i do awful (like today)but i know tomorrow is another day.
  • jigglyone
    jigglyone Posts: 410 Member
    thx everyone
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I read through the Success Stories, it helps me realize I'm not alone. If all those people can do it I can too.
    Lots of inspiration from the Success Stories.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    All the d@mn time. But just gotta keep going and eventually I'll be where I want to be. Quit now and it's just a big trip backwards....
  • jigglyone
    jigglyone Posts: 410 Member
    All the d@mn time. But just gotta keep going and eventually I'll be where I want to be. Quit now and it's just a big trip backwards....

    very true :)
  • Swimming is great for exercise, and it's so fun, you don't even realize your exercising! It puts you in such a better and happier mood to where you just can't give up. I lost 700 calories in ONE DAY just by swimming freely.
  • jigglyone
    jigglyone Posts: 410 Member
    Swimming is great for exercise, and it's so fun, you don't even realize your exercising! It puts you in such a better and happier mood to where you just can't give up. I lost 700 calories in ONE DAY just by swimming freely.

    thats sooo good! but i cant swim:sad:
  • summerroxygoodin
    summerroxygoodin Posts: 62 Member
    I got it into my head that this weight isn't going to go away in one day. I was hoping that it would but didn't happen. I'm down 10 pounds now and that is encouraging. Maybe next month I can get down to the 180s. All we can do is take one day at a time.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I have spent the last 4 years and 300+ lbs. of weight loss establishing that I am fortifying a lifestyle and I plan on living a very long time. When you come from being home bound and unable to walk to having the world and my future at my fingertips and how it is again truly unwritten. My motivation lies within that and I see no need for ever giving up, I have had the taste of success and I am hungry for more... This is the best way I described it..... You have to find that drive within yourself and just live....... Best of Luck
  • kczarnec
    kczarnec Posts: 28 Member
    Of course! =] On those days I try to ask myself what it is I really need and try to substitute a food answer for whatever it is (time off, bath, shopping, exercise, etc.). Or if it is something food related that I've been depriving myself of. . .. maybe I need a desert or a nice restaurant or a glass of wine. . . without going over board.
  • jigglyone
    jigglyone Posts: 410 Member
    thanks everyone. your words truly mean a lot to me
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    I have spent the last 4 years and 300+ lbs. of weight loss establishing that I am fortifying a lifestyle and I plan on living a very long time. When you come from being home bound and unable to walk to having the world and my future at my fingertips and how it is again truly unwritten. My motivation lies within that and I see no need for ever giving up, I have had the taste of success and I am hungry for more... This is the best way I described it..... You have to find that drive within yourself and just live....... Best of Luck

    Exactly this! Taste if success!!
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    Put on some good music and go for a walk. Always improves my mood and motivation. Or look at photos of what fat looks like. That usually scares me back into eating right!
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    I would call someone a liar if they said they never had that kind of day with anything, not just weight loss. Don't give up is the key. Focus on all the good you have done! When I really get like that sometimes I push my butt to the gym, that whole after workout thrill sometimes eases it. I'm a huge reader, so my other go to is a book. I get so wrapped up in books that WWIII could happen and I would totally miss it LOL! Just don't be too hard on yourself, we all have these moments. It's how you go forward that counts. Best of luck!!
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    there are some days that i feel great and others (like today) i feel like giving up. what do you do to help get out of the funk?

    Stick to the routine you have setup/outlined for yourself.
  • EllenKay63
    EllenKay63 Posts: 516 Member
    Some times I take a vacation from it. Some times I sit and think- what do I really want? Then I ask myself -Am I being lazy. What I do next depends on the answer.
  • Foxtrot2N
    Foxtrot2N Posts: 184 Member
    Yup, especially on days like yesterday. I must be going into hibernation mode but no matter what I ate yesterday it wasn't enough. Add to that the fact that with the holidays here and multiple jobs, my workout routine is pitiful if not completely non-existent. It becomes a downward spiral that gets me mad at myself and food becomes the easy way out. But, it didn't take one day to get as fat as I was and it won't come off in one day either. And one bad day is not going to ruin me. If we all had nothing but good days none of us would be here to lose the weight would we? ;) As mentioned above, music and a good walk are great therapy and help me immensely. I will use my lunch break if needed to get 20-30 minutes out walking with no people or issues to deal with. A little head-clearing usually ensues and I come back refreshed, mind and body, ready to start anew. Fight the urge and just get a few minutes of motion in. It just kind of hits a mental reset button and it's off to the races again. Keep going, and good luck!
  • Hitsujikai
    Hitsujikai Posts: 111 Member
    Every single morning I wake up and think about giving up and eating as much of what I want as I can, the only difference between my now and me 2 months ago is that I get myself up, out the door and I persevere because I'm seeing results.

    Each day is different so I'm learning to take them as they come and everyday that I do not give in I mark down as a win :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Sure! There are days when I'd love to eat all the foods because it's EASIER. Hell, that's why I was obese for nearly my entire adult life up to a couple years ago. Being active and eating right isn't easy, if it was there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic!

    I think the key is to establish some really strong short term and long term goals. Really think about WHY you want to lose the weight and get healthy. Family history of disease? Pre-diabetic? Half-marathon or tri-athalon on your bucket list? Or maybe you want to lose the "baby weight" or get down to the dress size you wore at your wedding. The however to setting goals is to make them realistic. Don't go by what you see on tv shows like Biggest Loser or Extreme Weight Loss.

    Make sure your weekly weight loss goal is appropriate for the amount of weight you have to lose. As your profile is private so I can't do the math for you, here're is a good guideline to use:
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.

    Also know that weight loss isn't linear. Very few people lose exactly 1 pound per week even if they're right on target with their calories. Water weight is a huge factor for scale losses - high sodium, not enough water, exercise routine changes, hormone cycle, etc can all have an impact. So in addition to tracking progress on the scale, take body measurements, take progress pictures, pay attention to how clothes are fitting (and keep a "before" item or two of clothing). Take joy in every success whether it's lost pounds, inches, belt notches or the need for a new pair of pants!

    You got this! Just be patient, put in the time and effort and it will happen. :)
  • There are days when I'm so sick of exercising. Then I turn on some music and it eventually causes me to get up and move. I can't resist it.
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Honest answer - No I don't. On days I eat more than I should, on days the scales go the wrong direction, it just motivates me to work harder.

    I like to suggestion above on goals. I signed up for a marathon in July when I weighed 200 + pounds. By the day of the marathon, which was October 20th, I weighed 155 pounds. To keep motivated over the winter - I signed up for 2 marathons in March of 2014.

    It comes down to determination & motivation. I decided that being fit, that being healthy, and the ability to run a marathon is what is MOST important to me. This morning I weighed 143.4 pounds. That is less than I weighed when I was 17-18 years old. 30 years later, I am the healthiest and in the best shape of my life. It was difficult, but it was worth it.

    So my recommendation to anyone that feels like giving up - assess your motivation, and don't let anything stand in the way of achieving your goals.