To Run With or Without Music



  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I've never run with music. Partly because I often run with a partner. Partly because I always run outside and sometimes in the dark, and I like to be aware of my surroundings (I don't have the best hearing anyway), and partly because even when I'm running alone, or my partner and I haven't said a word to each other for miles and miles, running is my time to get lost in my thoughts .... or to completely zone out and have no thoughts at all.
  • OnAllFours
    OnAllFours Posts: 170 Member
    I need my music when I run and ride. I do it all solo so music helps break up the quietness. But in both running and cycling, I make sure I can hear my surroundings. It only takes one car to wake your *kitten* up good when you cut them off cause you did not hear them approach.
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    WITH! I can't run without music, I focus too much on how hard it is, how out of breath I am, how much longer I have to go, etc.

    With music, I can focus on the emotions/energy the music brings. It is a distraction, but it also helps me keep a good pace.

    I listen to everything, but it has to be something with a good beat and energy to keep my pace up. My husband prefers to run to either classical or his "battle music" like Audio Machine.
  • fitfan11
    fitfan11 Posts: 544 Member
    Without. I found that I would run to the pace of the song that was playing which led to some inconsistencies in my run. Music is a disraction from the cadence that is in my head.
  • GBPackerFan14
    GBPackerFan14 Posts: 55 Member
    With, plus audiobooks and podcasts as well.

    Will second the yurbuds well worth the price
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I never run with music. Two reasons things in my ears when I get sweaty just really annoy me and I find distracting. The other reason is I like to hear what's going on around me not just for safety just because if I wanted to be cut off from the world I'd be running on a treadmill indoors. In reality it's a personal choice and I find people walking along texting far more dangerous than runners listening to music the amount of people I've seen nearly walk into oncoming traffic while texting far out weighs any other dangerous things I've seen people do.
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member

    I tend not to run with music during races so I can hear the crowds.
  • I can't run or walk without music! My faves are Bon Jovi, Madonna or Billy Joel for speed and inspiration to go longer and farther! My name is also Chris!

    There are some pretty funny comments on this thread!:laugh:
  • For me on the treadmill I need the distraction but on the street or track I like to know what’s going on around me.

    I’ve played around with but usually just set all the songs on my phone to random. Maybe when I pick up my speed using music to keep pace will help more.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    With. A: I usually run on a treadmill at the gym, so I need my music to block out the horrible gym music.

    I tend to go more punk for running; it's faster and quicker, like The Ramones.

    For weights, I need something a little heavier. Pantera is the end of the spectrum for me with metal.
  • snugglein
    snugglein Posts: 18 Member
    I feel like time is flying when I listen music.. I had to run once without music and 30 minutes were like 1 week for me..
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Usually with. From time to time I like to unplug from everything. I keep my phone with me for those "just in case" moments, but leave all other electronics in the car or at home. No HRM, music, GPS, etc...
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    My husband thought he would be cute and load the Star Trek Theme on my iPod.

    That would drive me nuts! My husband knows not to touch my iPod, and he wouldn't know how to download music anyhow. Star Wars music, OTOH, I would probably like.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    I do both. Indoors, anything goes. If running/biking outside on trails, I keep it low or pop out the L earbud (easier to hear passers). When biking in traffic, no music. Too many close calls. I really dislike being lectured about wearing headphones while biking/running. If someone is doing so in a safe, courteous & responsible manner, then MYODB.

    I mostly listen to 70s-80s rock, 90s alt & some modern rock/alt. If it's dark/gloomy, I queue up the Radiohead and other post-rock stuff. Sometimes need a little "guilty pleasure" mainstream rock, pop & rap. Other times I go all "glow sticks" and blast the techno/house/electro/dubstep/etc. Or random stuff (John Denver, meet Kraftwerk!) When I'm burnt out, I play podcasts.
  • If it's a shorter run of something like 3 miles I might listen to music, but the longer runs of 18 miles + I have no's easier to daydream and run on "auto-pilot" that way, of I run with friends and have a conversation.
  • synapse0782
    synapse0782 Posts: 25 Member
    Always always always with. If my headphones break or my battery dies, which has happened, I'll literally stop running to go to Radio shack to fix it on the spot before continuing on. I can't run without music, my brain is too loud. I'm primarily an outside runner, but I stick to running trails and other places where I don't have to worry much about cars, etc. What I listen to depends on the length of the run, if it's 3 miles I listen to something more upbeat like the Running station on Pandora or Top Hits on Pandora. If it's longer like 6-12 miles, I listen to indie music, usually my own complilation. I like the Snowden radio on Pandora too when I haven't updated my playlist. Also 8tracks has a lot of good mixes if you are looking for new artists.
  • I run without because I can't find ear buds that don't fall out. It's really not that bad. The only thing I find music good for is my pace because I have certain songs that I go faster with.

    this used to me an issue for me as well BUT i got the Beats by Dre Sport - they were totally worth the $$ because they DON'T FALL OUT !! they make "sloggin" (slow *kitten* jogger) so much more enjoyable
  • I thought the theory was that runners who run with music feel like they get tired less?
    I use an over the ear Bluetooth headset when running. I was an 80s kid so a-ha, Duran Duran is what I listen too.
    Recently started listening to audiobooks which I find even better.

    Anyone else tried a few audiobooks on their workouts? Or does that make me too old?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    depends on where i am. i do a mix of both. when i'm running indoors on the treadmill or the track then headphones are fine.

    when i run outside no headphones so i can hear what's going on around me. besides that my goal is to run 5 and 10K races and in most of those you arent allowed to wear headphones, so it's good to not get used to needing the music

    ETA I think whether or not outdoor running with music is a good idea will depend a lot on what type of area you live in. if you live in an urban area where you are sharing your space with cars, bikes, other runners, walkers, dogs on long leashes, etc then zoning out to music is going to be a bad idea.
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    Treadmill: MUST have music (or audiobook, or TV)
    Outside: silence, and its also safer
    Track: don't care, either way
    Race: silence