thinkskinny21 Member


  • Hey check out my profile pic! I have been working out and eating healthy and have lost weight but I still had all this extra skin that was loose and lumpy.You can see how the loose skin is a lot less bulky, I bet what I used would help get rid of cellulite too! I used one ItWorks body applicator wrap for 45 mins and the…
  • I lost 1.2 lbs this week not bad considering the week before I lost 4lbs. Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • Hello, I have mild scoliosis and my doctor has told me that when you work out do workout that strengthen your back muscles. Those muscle help your bones from shifting. While you are sitting or standing make sure you have really good posture (it sucks getting used to it) b/c that also will help it from getting worse. I am…
  • Shopping at SAVERS is the greatest thing ever... it is like a very organized goodwill. I know at the one closest to me everything is organized by color and length of sleeves for shirts and size, and jeans are all by size! They have the same prices as good will and some of the stuff is even name brand! I'm always game for…
  • I want in on this too!! So my goal will be 164 by July 5th sounds good to me!! So then are we going to post on here our progress or how does that work?? Sorry I'm new to this.
  • I drink CELSIUS.. Its an energy drink that is a dietary supplement. I can't have high sodium things and this only has 6g. it has 10 cals and I lot of vitamins. It also has metaplus in it that helps burn calories. my doctor recommended it. Not going to lie it kinda tastes bad but it could just be a got a flavor I don't care…