For the ladies, please!!!

Alright, I have that same old problem most of us do, CELLULITE.
I never had it in the past, so I think it started to develop when my weight somehow went from 124 pounds to 150 pounds. Eeggghhhhh. So I'm trying to fix this....

I'm losing weight, about 1 - 2 pounds a week, currently weighing 139. My goal weight is about 117 - 120 pounds, but I'm not too focused on scale weight. Trying to get my body fat down and I'm eating at a 500 calorie deficit, eating about 1600 calories a day.

I drink a lot of water, some green tea and occasionally some diet soda. I eat healthy cereal or peanut butter toast on whole grain bread for breakfast, and either an omelet with some vegetables and fruit or a salad with some meat for lunch, and a chicken breast with a salad for dinner. For snacks I usually stick with almonds or fruit. Once in a while, I'll eat a tiny little something, like a single Hersey's Kiss or something, and once every 2 - 3 weeks I'll let myself have something like nachos or whatever I'm craving.

For exercise, I lift weights 2 -3x a week for about 30 - 35 minutes. I do squats, lunges, deadlifts, chest flies, push ups, sit ups, crunches, things like that. Various forms of them, too, squats and lunges particularly. Instead of doing any form of cardio at home though, I think I'll get a sufficient amount of walking done with my job. I have to walk 1/2 mile to and from my work 2 - 3 days a week (sometimes maybe even more) so that's about 1 mile a day, and on top of that my job will keep me moving.

I also have a brush that I'm using, for "dry brushing" or whatever, and I massage the area for about 5 - 10 minutes daily.
Any other advice? What worked for you guys?


  • Also...should I start doing vigorous cardio or is walking enough?
  • Anyone, please?
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It is what it is. You can't brush or exercise it away. It may become less noticeable once you've got your BF down.
  • It is what it is. You can't brush or exercise it away. It may become less noticeable once you've got your BF down.

    Am I doing the right things to lower my BF?
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    Looks like you got a good plan set. I was 115lbs w/o cellulite and in 2yrs time I shot up to 163lbs (my highest) and the cellulite was very noticeable. I now weigh 126lbs and the cellulite is there just much less noticeable. I'm still working on lowering my BF% (goal weight of 120lbs @5'5") to help reduce. I heard of the brushing thing no clue if it helps or not but just keep doing what you're doing and see the progress in 3-4 weeks and make your own judgment on whether to continue the route you're on or to crank it up a notch (in terms of exercise + weights). Takes time so just wait and see.
  • Looks like you got a good plan set. I was 115lbs w/o cellulite and in 2yrs time I shot up to 163lbs (my highest) and the cellulite was very noticeable. I now weigh 126lbs and the cellulite is there just much less noticeable. I'm still working on lowering my BF% (goal weight of 120lbs @5'5") to help reduce. I heard of the brushing thing no clue if it helps or not but just keep doing what you're doing and see the progress in 3-4 weeks and make your own judgment on whether to continue the route you're on or to crank it up a notch (in terms of exercise + weights). Takes time so just wait and see.

    Should I add some cardio, like running or using my stationary bike maybe? Or can I lower my BF without cardio?
  • thinkskinny21
    thinkskinny21 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey check out my profile pic! I have been working out and eating healthy and have lost weight but I still had all this extra skin that was loose and lumpy.You can see how the loose skin is a lot less bulky, I bet what I used would help get rid of cellulite too! I used one ItWorks body applicator wrap for 45 mins and the defining gel! I lost 2 3/4 and I am super excited to wrap again! Hope it helps!!
  • Hey check out my profile pic! I have been working out and eating healthy and have lost weight but I still had all this extra skin that was loose and lumpy.You can see how the loose skin is a lot less bulky, I bet what I used would help get rid of cellulite too! I used one ItWorks body applicator wrap for 45 mins and the defining gel! I lost 2 3/4 and I am super excited to wrap again! Check out Hope it helps!!

    Ahh thanks but I'm not looking to buying anything.
  • Anyone else, please?
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    ok, BF% , is body fat % and it is 100% related to your weight and losing it, cardio will help but not that much, instead i will add weight training and yoga for my muscles to make them look better and it will take away ur problem :)
  • ok, BF% , is body fat % and it is 100% related to your weight and losing it, cardio will help but not that much, instead i will add weight training and yoga for my muscles to make them look better and it will take away ur problem :)

    Alright, thank you! I'll keep with the weights in that case. :)
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I think my diary is open so you can view for clean eating ideas: I have a little cellulite on the back of my upper thighs/buttocks, but it's a LOT less than when I was in my 20's!! Stretching (from yoga, tai chi & pilates), Strength training, hydrating with pure water & clean eating is key. The more strength training I do the better I look (alternating weights and having heavy vs light days also helps).

    Keep in mind though, every BODY is different, and what works for some may not always work for others. Genetic predispositions may also complicate matters. And no matter what companies guarantee or say, you cannot "brush" or "rub" away cellulite. Example: my Baby Sister is around 16% BF , 5'8" & 118lbs - she's a PT & certified fitness instructor - & I'm 18.6% BF, just under 5'6" & around 148lbs, yet we both have the same amount of cellulite on the back of our thighs/buttocks.
  • I think my diary is open so you can view for clean eating ideas: I have a little cellulite on the back of my upper thighs/buttocks, but it's a LOT less than when I was in my 20's!! Strength training, hydrating with pure water & clean eating is key. The more strength training I do the better I look (alternating weights and having heavy vs light days also helps).

    Keep in mind though, every BODY is different, and what works for some may not always work for others. Genetic predispositions may also complicate matters. And no matter what companies guarantee or say, you cannot "brush" or "rub" away cellulite. Example: my Baby Sister is around 16% BF , 5'8" & 118lbs - she's a PT & certified fitness instructor - & I'm 18.6% BF, just under 5'6" & around 148lbs, yet we both have the same amount of cellulite on the back of our thighs/buttocks.

    Thank you for this. So cardio isn't needed? :D
  • tmlombardi
    tmlombardi Posts: 4 Member
    Most things will be tomporary if the weight stays the same or goes up. But, I have done laser treatments that did make a difference but are very expensive. So, I turned to clay body wraps. For a short term fix it works pretty good at tightening the skin and reducing the look of cellulite. It is recommended to do at least 7-10 sessions space 7-10 days apart. Online you can find your own home recipes or most spas will offer it. There are mixed reviews out there, but it works for me.
  • Most things will be tomporary if the weight stays the same or goes up. But, I have done laser treatments that did make a difference but are very expensive. So, I turned to clay body wraps. For a short term fix it works pretty good at tightening the skin and reducing the look of cellulite. It is recommended to do at least 7-10 sessions space 7-10 days apart. Online you can find your own home recipes or most spas will offer it. There are mixed reviews out there, but it works for me.

    Well thank you :) Uhm I'm not so sure that wraps would really work for me or anything. But thanks anyways! I think it will probably get better as I lose weight since i didn't have it before I gained some...
  • bump
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I think my diary is open so you can view for clean eating ideas: I have a little cellulite on the back of my upper thighs/buttocks, but it's a LOT less than when I was in my 20's!! Strength training, hydrating with pure water & clean eating is key. The more strength training I do the better I look (alternating weights and having heavy vs light days also helps).

    Keep in mind though, every BODY is different, and what works for some may not always work for others. Genetic predispositions may also complicate matters. And no matter what companies guarantee or say, you cannot "brush" or "rub" away cellulite. Example: my Baby Sister is around 16% BF , 5'8" & 118lbs - she's a PT & certified fitness instructor - & I'm 18.6% BF, just under 5'6" & around 148lbs, yet we both have the same amount of cellulite on the back of our thighs/buttocks.

    Thank you for this. So cardio isn't needed? :D

    Cardio IS needed, it's what keeps your organs inside you functioning as much as the nutrients you put inside you. However, every body is different & some may need more or less cardio. I'll use my Baby Sis as an example again: she runs, does Jillian Michaels circuit-type training and that's what works for her. If I do that I blow up like the Goodyear Blimp. I do a 10-15min cardio to warm up before my strength training in the evenings, once or twice a week I do a 10min cooldown after my hardcore session. In the AM I do more a yoga, pilates or tai-chi based workout with low impact cardio 2-3 times per week. This is what works for me.
    Sometimes you have to find you "fit": it's a mix between cardio, strength, stretch & nutrient intake. Use MFP as your tool to track in 30-90 day increments until you find your "fit". It is not an overnight thing, it has taken me 3 YEARS to find my true "fit", but looking at the results & realizing this is something I can do for life, it was worth every second.
  • I think my diary is open so you can view for clean eating ideas: I have a little cellulite on the back of my upper thighs/buttocks, but it's a LOT less than when I was in my 20's!! Strength training, hydrating with pure water & clean eating is key. The more strength training I do the better I look (alternating weights and having heavy vs light days also helps).

    Keep in mind though, every BODY is different, and what works for some may not always work for others. Genetic predispositions may also complicate matters. And no matter what companies guarantee or say, you cannot "brush" or "rub" away cellulite. Example: my Baby Sister is around 16% BF , 5'8" & 118lbs - she's a PT & certified fitness instructor - & I'm 18.6% BF, just under 5'6" & around 148lbs, yet we both have the same amount of cellulite on the back of our thighs/buttocks.

    Thank you for this. So cardio isn't needed? :D

    Cardio IS needed, it's what keeps your organs inside you functioning as much as the nutrients you put inside you. However, every body is different & some may need more or less cardio. I'll use my Baby Sis as an example again: she runs, does Jillian Michaels circuit-type training and that's what works for her. If I do that I blow up like the Goodyear Blimp. I do a 10-15min cardio to warm up before my strength training in the evenings, once or twice a week I do a 10min cooldown after my hardcore session. In the AM I do more a yoga, pilates or tai-chi based workout with low impact cardio 2-3 times per week. This is what works for me.
    Sometimes you have to find you "fit": it's a mix between cardio, strength, stretch & nutrient intake. Use MFP as your tool to track in 30-90 day increments until you find your "fit". It is not an overnight thing, it has taken me 3 YEARS to find my true "fit", but looking at the results & realizing this is something I can do for life, it was worth every second.

    I hope walking can be sufficient because i simply cannot run, due to a knee condition, and thanks to asthma I find many vigorous exercises challenging to do. :<
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    Walk Walk Walk! Its great for you! Keep a steady swift pace... think 3.5 miles an hour....

    Lifting weights is also great... I ususally lift 3/4 times a week and do Zumba 2/3 times a week.... I try to walk atleast a mile everyday...
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I think my diary is open so you can view for clean eating ideas: I have a little cellulite on the back of my upper thighs/buttocks, but it's a LOT less than when I was in my 20's!! Strength training, hydrating with pure water & clean eating is key. The more strength training I do the better I look (alternating weights and having heavy vs light days also helps).

    Keep in mind though, every BODY is different, and what works for some may not always work for others. Genetic predispositions may also complicate matters. And no matter what companies guarantee or say, you cannot "brush" or "rub" away cellulite. Example: my Baby Sister is around 16% BF , 5'8" & 118lbs - she's a PT & certified fitness instructor - & I'm 18.6% BF, just under 5'6" & around 148lbs, yet we both have the same amount of cellulite on the back of our thighs/buttocks.

    Thank you for this. So cardio isn't needed? :D

    Cardio IS needed, it's what keeps your organs inside you functioning as much as the nutrients you put inside you. However, every body is different & some may need more or less cardio. I'll use my Baby Sis as an example again: she runs, does Jillian Michaels circuit-type training and that's what works for her. If I do that I blow up like the Goodyear Blimp. I do a 10-15min cardio to warm up before my strength training in the evenings, once or twice a week I do a 10min cooldown after my hardcore session. In the AM I do more a yoga, pilates or tai-chi based workout with low impact cardio 2-3 times per week. This is what works for me.
    Sometimes you have to find you "fit": it's a mix between cardio, strength, stretch & nutrient intake. Use MFP as your tool to track in 30-90 day increments until you find your "fit". It is not an overnight thing, it has taken me 3 YEARS to find my true "fit", but looking at the results & realizing this is something I can do for life, it was worth every second.

    I hope walking can be sufficient because i simply cannot run, due to a knee condition, and thanks to asthma I find many vigorous exercises challenging to do. :<

    Walking is good cardio. Though please don't use the excuse of asthma causing the challenge: I have asthma, I've built up my endurance & stamina & lungs with exercise (yes it took years, but worth every moment to not have have to rely on an inhaler!). Some days are more difficult than others depending on nature, but they're getting easier & easier. I also have damage from the neck down due to car accidents (people hitting my car) and looking at me working out, no one would know. Modify workouts to your limits - something like a stationary bike can be incredible cardio with little knee impact, even an elliptical can give the illusion of running without major joint impact. Where there is a will there is ALWAYS a way.