

  • Just thought I would check in at 22 weeks with a fun graph. I use a Fitbit Aria scale a few times a week to track my weight. But I also have it linked up to a site called Trend Weight which normalizes the daily fluctuations from water etc. Here is a graph from the last 6 months (I got pregnant late September). The grey…
  • Just thought I would check in at 22 weeks with a fun graph. I use a Fitbit Aria scale a few times a week to track my weight. But I also have it linked up to a site called Trend Weight which normalizes the daily fluctuations from water etc. Here is a graph from the last 6 months (I got pregnant late September). The grey…
  • SW: 126 Weeks 8-13: fluctuating between 127-130 Weeks 14-18: fluctuating between 129-131 Crossfiting 3-4 a week and jogging 1-2 times a week. Eating mainly paleo + lots of chocolate :)
  • Height 5'5" Start: 126 Weeks 10-13: 128-129 Week 14: 128 Somehow no gain over Thanksgiving. The fact that I finally pooped yesterday probably helped!
  • Height 5'5" Start: 126 Weeks 10-13: 128-129 Before leaving to visit family for Thanksgiving I was fluctuating between 2-3 pounds gained. We're flying home today and for the past week I have eaten (multiple) pieces of pie every singe day. Also bread, sooo much bread! I cook 90% Paleo at home but we loosen up and eat what we…
  • June 4th for us, first baby and we just found out it's a little girl!
  • SW: 126 Weeks 8-13: fluctuating between 127-130 Other than scoffing ALL the chocolate I have been eating and exercising pretty normally.