PNGmeri2000 Member


  • Sorry only respondinh now! Yes - it's just figuring out what your body needs macro wise and then eating that. I am LOVING it! So much more energy and actually building muscle now. I definitely wasn't eating enough of the right macros Before.
  • I'm working on losing baby jiggle too :) My son is four months old. I'd love an add from whoever. I definitely need the support and accountability!
  • Yes!! The first stage of the Perfect 10 Diet is paleo :) So I'll be following paleo for the next three weeks. Thanks for the friend request! :)
  • Hello! I am pregnant with our first child and SO excited! We are due Sept 12! I was so excited to see a group of other pregnant women due in September! I had a rough start - was diagnosed with HG or severe morning sickness. I ended up needing to quit my job because I couldn't even take care of myself. I spent about 4…
  • Hi and welcome! I would love to be friends with you and with anyone since I'm looking for friends as well. I've been off and on and finally feel like I've had a really good routine for about a month now and I can add on MFP. Before, I would start with MFP and get side tracked with being on it all the time and the work I…
  • Thanks! I would love to hire a personal trainer, but we just can't afford it right now. I have been dong all my research online and watching you tube videos to get form right. I will work on asking the trainers who are there more often. They make themselves available to answer questions but I am always embarassed and self…
  • I am learning that i have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to working out or eating. My TDEE is 1857 and BMR is 1350. You said that I need to be eating under my TDEE, so should I be eating around 1500 a day? Oh, and I am 5ft 4 in.
  • Right now I have my settings at losing half a lb a week - so just over 1300 cals per day. Should I switch back to 1200 again?
  • Hi! I am super excited to have you join the MFP family! :) I am 22 years old and work with kids (I'm a nanny) - so somewhat similar. I love encouragement and support and am very active in my friends wall posts as well. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Way to go on getting back on the band wagon :) I totally have those days when I don't want to log all those terrible things I've eaten, but logging it actually helps me realize what terrible things I am putting into my body and helps me stop! Anyways - super excited to have you back and would be happy to be support and…
  • Thank you for everyone's help! It was very helpful and encouraging to read what all of you had to say. I haven't actually tested my blood sugar - I didn't even know I could be feeling this way due to low blood pressure. I just assumed it was low blood sugar based on everything I've heard about how low blood sugar makes you…
  • Good Morning! i was so excited to read your post for new friends! I am focusing on eating unprocessed foods and exercising at least three days a week. although i have about ten pounds to shed, i am not focusing on the diet approach but rather a eat healthy, work out regularly approach and i know i will lose my fat weight…
  • Good Morning! I would love to come alongside you and be an encouragement and hopefully a motivator to you in this journey. :) I am 22 years old and need to lose about ten lbs to get to where I want but i am focusing on eating healthy and getting at least three good workouts in a week and i know i will lose the bad eat…
  • I went ahead and joined for the year. I got a discount or reimbursement thru my insurance. So, it ends up being reasonable per month. Great job on working out at a new gym after your curves closed! And thanks for helping me make my decision! :)
  • Hi Kelley, I don't call myself paleo, but i have been eating a diet of sugar free, refined grain free, and additive and preservative free. I do all my baking from home and every now and then still do something with white flour because my husband begs for it. I usually get caught eating some of that, but i am working on it.…