

  • Did you eat over 70000 calories yesterday? If not, then you did not put that weight on. I would check the scale
  • I know that I also need something sweet after dinner. I don't do snacking, I just eat 3 meals a day. However I thought it might help, after dinner I always allow myself a cup of tea and a couple of square of chocolate or a small 100 calories bar of chocolate or biscuit. It seems to satisfy my craving. And I think that my…
  • Sorry I did not read the whole long thread but wanted to give my opinion anyway. For me 1200 is not sustainable, I can do it for a bit (and no I am not starving even if it is not easy) but in the long run I now that would not work for me. If you eat right 1200 calories can offer you a good amount of food but you have to…
  • Good if this work for you. My point of view is that I'd rather live than survive and think that food should also be a pleasure not just a way to keep going.
  • If it is really a plateau, the only think is to keep going, stay motivated and be patient. I have just got out of a 4 months plateau after 17lbs lost. From beg of May until beginning of August, NOTHING! I tried eating less, eating more, eating differently, exercicing more.... It is hard to keep motivated but when I saw…