ayedemi17 Member


  • What a great feeling you must have! Congratulations.
  • You are very beautiful and I agree with some stating that when you are on this weight loss journey, it is best to stay away from shopping. I find I get more depressed. I also go to Lane Bryant if I am really looking for something that way I know that it fits and looks good no matter what the size. I always come out of…
  • If you begin to measure inches as well and think about how your clothes are fitting you will find greater gains. Also taking pictures and looking how you have changed over your journey may also help. Don't get discouraged. I find myself getting discouraged when I have lost nothing or even gained and then I go and take my…
  • I have tried the Crystal Light as well as the Mio. The Crystal Light made my joints hurt...I am not sure what made them do that, but as soon as I quit drinking it...it stopped. However, I LOVE MIO! I really like the energy kind for the caffeine. It has helped me cut out soda and coffee completely. They also make other…
  • 32 here. I too need a little motivation. I want results fast, but know that I have to be patient. Welcome to the thirties club :)
  • Just walking may even get you started. I know that it is tough when you have no support, but remember you are doing this for yourself. Try not to look for results right away...just find something that is easy to do and do it :) I am a teacher and the amount of walking you do during the day and do not realize it is…
  • You can always put them on EBAY! Or donate, or give them to consignment, or sew them to make them fit you if you love them that much. Either way...don't keep them. You do not want to have an excuse to go back to the size you were before. There are always people who are the size you used to be and those less fortunate than…
  • I too had a bad weigh in, but I am also measuring things like my hips, thighs, waist, arms, and neck to see how I am progressing. And even though the fact that I gained weight hurts, I am keeping my spirits up because it is really about the inches. So keep working...we are here to feel better and be healthy and not be…
  • I am into the cycling one...maybe that will get me motivated to use this exercise bike that it just sitting on my porch!
  • I also am choosing to measure my different body areas in inches to see how much comes off. I have found that I have a lot of muscle mass in my body and do not always get the fat off....so don't be discouraged...you are doing great!
  • Congratulations. You look great and should be very proud! :)
    in 326 to 211 Comment by ayedemi17 May 2013