early 30's getting back at it

Hellloooo MyFitnessPal peeps!

I tried myfitnesspal about a year ago and now I'm back to it hoping to stick with it this time :)

I'm in my early 30's, single, and work full time. My ultimate goal is to lose about 40-50 pounds but mostly I want to get healthier and gain more confidence.

There there are any community groups for early 30's please let me know. I'm also looking for some myfitnesspal friends to help motivate me alone the way.


  • Love4MN
    Love4MN Posts: 60
    Awesome! Welcome back.
  • Hello lovely! I turned 31 years old in April and made a fitness motivational video to celebrate. You can check it out here if you like! Feel free to add me! 30s are the new 20s haha!

    This is the video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DB1Wgd098dc
  • Hey there! I am 32...errr I mean 29 ;) lol. Welcome back and feel free to add!:smile:
  • londonboyben
    londonboyben Posts: 314 Member
    welcome back

    and nice to add more to the early 30's club :)

    good luck with all you want to achieve
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    Welcome back! I'm 32 and always welcome new friends on here. I'll send you a request.
  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
    I'm in my early 30's too.. feel free to add
  • Runhard13
    Runhard13 Posts: 138 Member
    33 here welcome! I love it and am more focused and motivated then my 20s which seemed like one big bar crawl lol
  • Aparz1
    Aparz1 Posts: 949
    About to turn 32 and a MFP regular :) feel free to add me
  • ayedemi17
    ayedemi17 Posts: 12 Member
    32 here. I too need a little motivation. I want results fast, but know that I have to be patient. Welcome to the thirties club :)
  • mkmerrill
    mkmerrill Posts: 74 Member
    Woot woot! Loving my 30's. I turn 33 next month. I am noticing changes in my body....but love life! Let's go all my young friends!
  • jlt5425
    jlt5425 Posts: 19
    I'm 33 and have about the same amount of weight to lose. Add me if you'd like!!! :)
  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    35 and looking for more quality, supportive friends. I plan on getting ino kayaking this summer - just need to buy one first! Friend me:)
  • butterflycutie1
    butterflycutie1 Posts: 23 Member
    It could be worse you all could be 40!!! lol! Feel free to add me :)
  • merryberry99
    merryberry99 Posts: 350 Member
    I'm in my early 30s as well and desperately tryin to drop some unwanted pounds. Feel free to add me!
  • Jessifer83
    Jessifer83 Posts: 17 Member
    I recently returned to MFP as well after realizing how focused I was when using it before (and how un-focused I am without it). I will be turning 30 in a few weeks. Just getting back into the swing of things and welcome any new friends to motivate and support. I will surely do the same. Feel free to add!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm 35, so getting closer to that late 30s category now! I only feel about 25 though! Feel free to add me.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    33 and holding it down.
  • gottogetinshape
    gottogetinshape Posts: 124 Member
    Hellloooo MyFitnessPal peeps!

    I tried myfitnesspal about a year ago and now I'm back to it hoping to stick with it this time :)

    I'm in my early 30's, single, and work full time. My ultimate goal is to lose about 40-50 pounds but mostly I want to get healthier and gain more confidence.

    There there are any community groups for early 30's please let me know. I'm also looking for some myfitnesspal friends to help motivate me alone the way.

    Hi, I'm also in my early 30s (33). Also looking to get healthier and gain confidence. I've been here 50 days and log in every day. Feel free to add me! :)
  • 33 year old mum too. best of luck. friend request sent xxx
  • I've just entered my 30s and I'm already feeling my metabolism slowing down lol!

    Have just sent you a FR... :)