

  • Hey girl, I have one at Have a nice day!
  • That's great!!! Congrats!!
  • LMAO, Steve!!! :)
    in 1467 Comment by shoog883 March 2011
  • Oh my gosh!! You look amazing!! Congrats on such an awesome accomplishment!!
  • Welcome to my fitness pal! It's great and the people on here are very supportive and motivating!!
  • You are gorgeous and look great! Congrats on your weight loss!
  • I understand your husband probably loves you just the way you are and hates to see you worry so much about what you're eating...but frankly, the way you lose weight is to watch what you eat (and exercise, of course). Maybe explain to him that this is important to you and in order to feel better about yourself you need to…
  • I don't think anyone was questioning people actually burning 1000 calories. It was more about people saying they burn 1000 calories in only an hour. It sounds like you work out for more than an hour so it makes sense that you're burning 1000 calories. I didn't read all the feed, so my apologies if you did feel like someone…
  • I totally agree with you Steve! I was wondering the same thing. I was think how the hell are they burning those many calories in less than an hour? I usually run for just under an hour and I usually burn anywhere from 580 to 680 calories. When I saw these high numbers that other were burning, I was worried I wasn't working…
  • Now that's just unfair! :tongue:
  • It's great! It gives you that butter flavor without being butter! Woohoo! It's items like this that make calorie counting worth it! :)
  • I love your post!! I'm doing exactly what you're doing and exercise 5 to 6 times a week. I burn 300-400 calories with my exercises (usually running/Nike Training Club/or P90X) and I'm very happy with that. I'm seeing results, so I don't really care if I'm burning way less than some people...maybe if I wasn't seeing results…
  • Hi Amanda! Good luck with your weight loss!! This site is awesome! I hope you enjoy!
    in Hi Comment by shoog883 February 2011
  • It tells me I'm starving myself all the time, but I refuse to eat more if I'm not hungry...that's just silly! I think they want you to eat your recommended calories (ex: 1200 before exercise) and you're allowed to eat more when you exercise...but they want you to eat at least the minimum of your recommended calories. I…
  • It really does!! Thank you for the add!
  • Welcome! I need friends too! :)
  • Welcome!!!
  • Oh, I think Tony is funny. He makes me giggle every time...of course, I know what he's going to say, so I say it a long with him now! ;) I'm a dork, I know! He's goofy...I like the goofs!
  • I love P90X and have seen great results, mainly because I changed my diet along with it...which was key for me! My only complaint is, I don't like the cardio part of it...I don't feel like it's enough. I started running for my cardio, which I enjoy a lot more. Everyone is different, though, so you may really like it. I do…
  • LOVE it!!! We have a jack russell/chihuahua and he just gets this manic, crazy look in his eyes when he needs to get out. He's a great walker and runner. We love running him because he's pretty beat for a day or two after...which is nice! ;)
  • That totally makes sense! I made the goal to start losing weight a couple months before the new year, because like you, I'm not into new year "resolutions". I really wanted to make a life style change, not just lose weight. When I told my husband what I wanted to do he totally supported me, but didn't think I needed to…
  • Lol! There's nothing like a good looking trainer to get your butt moving! I love that response! My trainer (husband) is cute too! :wink:
  • It is awesome and SO easy to use!! I couldn't ask for an easier way to keep track of calories and calories burned!! It is absolutely a motivator!