

  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    mine says im sposed to have 1660 cals a day...but that could be because i checked off "lightly active" or something to that effect based on my job (standing/walking 8-9 hours on a sales floor).

    after reading the whole thread it seems my imput was a bit late lol....
  • casseh
    casseh Posts: 58
    Mine are 1450...

    I find that even without eating back my exercise calories I do struggle to make my minimum for the day, but it just means that I can indulge myself a little. That being said, whilst calories are extremely important, if you don't try to stick within some sort of fat/sugar/sodium limits whats the point of bothering counting calories.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Steve and I talked in private and it was a misunderstanding that I think was misread by both of us. I'm sorry if I offended anyone else and wrecked this thread.

  • ll31tCH
    ll31tCH Posts: 16
    i disagree that a calorie is a calorie. your body needs vitamins and minerals to make it work right. im not claiming to be the messiah of dieting i eat pizza and still drink BUT majority of the time i make sure im eating foods that are giving my body everything it needs. i am in school and work so im busy i eat alot of "box" meals, but i complement them with a salad a veggie and a fruit. i dont think he was attacking, just stating the facts.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    also, sadly www.listentomyarrogantBS.com is taken.

  • shoog883
    shoog883 Posts: 29
    also, sadly www.listentomyarrogantBS.com is taken.


    LMAO, Steve!!! :)
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    i think having what you want with in your cals keeps you from cheating but if your older like me its a real good idea to watch your fat intake to

    Based on what? Fat is good for you - honestly.

    Dude, why are you so mean?? She is an older woman, what could YOU possibly know about THAT? Do you even realize what this website is for?? I think you need to get off this one and go start you own website called www.listentomyarrogantBS.com. It's great that you've lost weight and all, but you maybe you should work on your inside matching your outside. You obviously have confidence issues if your so hellbent on making it look like everyone is stupid but you. NEWSFLASH, it's making you look like a jerk.

    OMG I just apologized. That's not mean! I won't give my opinion any more, I swear....

    I am sorry that i'm arrogant and make everyone look stupid, I get on these boards to try to help. There are some people who cut their fat down so low that (in my opinion) it hurts their weight loss. Some people even base it on old or crappy science. I only intended to try to help, and quoting people just lets them know what I'm responding to. You seem like a really nice, helpful woman, and I'm sorry to have hurt you so deeply.
    I heard what Steve said in his posts very differently. I didn't hear any arrogance or rudeness in the replies simply chatting via the Internet trying to share knowledge. Perhaps I've seen/heard him post enough to know He speaks his mind and helps correct info on the boards that might be a bit off. Not trying to attack or anything in the slightest, I just know sometimes we can hear someone differently than they actually came across to others.

    I'm not defending him (as I don't think He needs one) simply sharing that I heard him come across very differently than it sounds like you might have. That's the tough part about the Internet, no body language to help with communication.:blushing:

    I will add I agree on the 1200 cals (it's like a pie in the sky number everyone picks), it does seem like so many folks on here stick to 1200 whether they are looking to lose 100 lbs. or 40 lbs. or 10 lbs., that simply makes no sense to me. Doesn't seem it'd be near enough fuel for many.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    double post:blushing:
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    ahhhhhhh never mind:noway:
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    i think having what you want with in your cals keeps you from cheating but if your older like me its a real good idea to watch your fat intake to

    Based on what? Fat is good for you - honestly.

    Dude, why are you so mean?? She is an older woman, what could YOU possibly know about THAT? Do you even realize what this website is for?? I think you need to get off this one and go start you own website called www.listentomyarrogantBS.com. It's great that you've lost weight and all, but you maybe you should work on your inside matching your outside. You obviously have confidence issues if your so hellbent on making it look like everyone is stupid but you. NEWSFLASH, it's making you look like a jerk.
    OK, WOW, just now read this... yikes, probably good I didn't see it before! Don't know that it ruined the thread but it was quite rude.:indifferent:

    Glad to see we're all living happily ever after now though...but sheesh:frown:
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