P90X: Yes or No?



  • I have not tried PX90 but I have tried his 10 Minute Trainer DVD's. They are great too. Let me tell you they are a great workout too.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member

    Aw yes, we can always depend on a thorough and intelligent answer from you.
    stop picking on me! I have my own opinion right!!! lay off person
  • 100% yes. I didnt even follow the diet plan. My diet was simple... Try to limit carbs after 4pm, dont eat too much and dont eat crap

    I never bothered with the stretching but realised the importance when i started to plateau.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member

    Aw yes, we can always depend on a thorough and intelligent answer from you.
    stop picking on me! I have my own opinion right!!! lay off person

    Then please, I implore you to give us detail about why you hate a program that you have never tried nor have completed. Yet, you always have the need to comment on it. :indifferent:
  • Oh and the guy, Tony Horton says some of the dumbest things ever in the video such as, "Swing your arms like a pterodactyl backing out of trouble.... Ca Car!!!" which is mildly amusing and makes you want to hit him.... thus delivering a much needed bit of adrenalin to the system. The guy acts like an idiot, but its entertaining! and he knows his stuff!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    So definitely YES! My hubby is doing it, he is not at all in shape and has trouble finishing the workouts, but he is getting better at it all the time. Plus, he says he feels better every time he does it. Yes, he was VERY sore and is very busy and is not able to get to the workout every single morning, but he does his best and he is losing weight fast! (He's doing the lean program, I think he weighs around 230?) It is insane for people to say you shouldn't even TRY P90X if you can't commit to following the meal plan EXACTLY or workout 6 days a week. Good grief, it's taken me 95 days to get to day 71 because I've had the flu 3 times, so what? I should just give up and toss my DVD's in the trash? By the way, I'm thrilled with the results I've gotten even though it's taken me longer, and I haven't followed the diet plan exactly. I did, however, use it for inspiration and ideas.

    Do it! It's amazing. It is really hard and you can totally do it! Just do the best you can and kick some butt! The best workout program is the one you do.
  • nesa98
    nesa98 Posts: 108 Member
    I've tried a few and all I can say is OUCH!! I am way out of shape and with my bad back and shoulder a lot of the moves were not for me. I think I tried 3 different discs and ab ripper and I really think it is something to use once you get into the swing of exercising and can stay up with it every day to every other day. I have juggled that with zumba and I have felt like a block of jello! But everyone is different. I would say try it out and if you do not like it then you move on to something else!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member

    Aw yes, we can always depend on a thorough and intelligent answer from you.
    stop picking on me! I have my own opinion right!!! lay off person

    Then please, I implore you to give us detail about why you hate a program that you have never tried nor have completed. Yet, you always have the need to comment on it. :indifferent:

    I agree if you have never tried it than stop knocking it!!! You cant have an opinion of something you have no experience with!!! Not trying to be ugly but lets get real!!!!
  • I love P90X and have seen great results, mainly because I changed my diet along with it...which was key for me! My only complaint is, I don't like the cardio part of it...I don't feel like it's enough. I started running for my cardio, which I enjoy a lot more. Everyone is different, though, so you may really like it. I do like the Kenpo Cardio +, because it keeps me moving the whole time, but the main cardio part is boring to me. Anyway, that's my opinion on it. I hope it was helpful!
  • Oh and the guy, Tony Horton says some of the dumbest things ever in the video such as, "Swing your arms like a pterodactyl backing out of trouble.... Ca Car!!!" which is mildly amusing and makes you want to hit him.... thus delivering a much needed bit of adrenalin to the system. The guy acts like an idiot, but its entertaining! and he knows his stuff!

    Oh, I think Tony is funny. He makes me giggle every time...of course, I know what he's going to say, so I say it a long with him now! ;) I'm a dork, I know! He's goofy...I like the goofs!
  • yes its tough but go at your own pace, as long as you're pushing yourself hard you will see results... dont get discouraged just because you cant keep up with the people on TV.... YET
  • p.s if your main goal is weight loss you might wanna try INSANITY before P90X. it by the same makers *beach body) and has more cardio
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I say yes! I'm on week 2 of phase 2 and I enjoy it so far. I know for a fact I'm not going to be "ripped" when I am complete my first round because I do modify exercizes as needed but I try my hardest, I work up a good sweat and do burn a ton of calories on most of the workouts. I haven't seen a lot of inches or lbs lost yet, but I feel sooooooooooo much stronger and I can do more and more of the exercizes full out everytime I try. I think my body composition is changing more than anything. I definitely look more muscular. I can't wait to see what I look like at the end of the 90 days. I hope to do P90X one more time this year, but not till august or something.

    I am doing the classic and it's not easy by any means the first week was brutal and I was sore but never got sore again beyond week 1.

    I also think Tony is funny........He's entertaining!! lol
  • I'm so glad I ran across this thread. I've been thinking about it, too, but was too scared to try it because it looks SO intense. I think I'm going to try Power 90 first, though. Thanks guys!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    If you don't lift weights it's the perfect introduction.
  • christawill
    christawill Posts: 9 Member
    I am 36 & started out at 172 lbs just over 4 weeks ago. I just started my 5th week & I really do love it. I have never been a crazy fitness guru & didnt consider myself to be very active. I could only do a couple of pull ups & have to do "girl" push-ups..........that being said- in the 1 month that I have been doing it, I can FEEL myself getting stronger, & feel the workouts that I laughed at the first time I watched them get a little easier each time. yes, some of the comments are goofy, but they distract you from the fact that you are busting your butt, & the next thing you know- time is almost up! I have NEVER stuck w/ a work out routine this long, and I totally intend to finish this one.
    So yes, it IS tough- and you wont be able to do every move every time........at FIRST. but you will work up to it. It does take time. 45-60 minutes/day- except yoga which is 90 minutes. (honestly, I hate the yoga though, so I tend to do a cardio disk instead..I really tried to like it- but I just dont. lol)
    Anyway, I got mine on Craig's list unopened for $50 & I think it was worth every penny & then some. Good luck w/ your decision! hope this helped!!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member

    Aw yes, we can always depend on a thorough and intelligent answer from you.
    stop picking on me! I have my own opinion right!!! lay off person

    Then please, I implore you to give us detail about why you hate a program that you have never tried nor have completed. Yet, you always have the need to comment on it. :indifferent:
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member

    Aw yes, we can always depend on a thorough and intelligent answer from you.
    stop picking on me! I have my own opinion right!!! lay off person

    Then please, I implore you to give us detail about why you hate a program that you have never tried nor have completed. Yet, you always have the need to comment on it. :indifferent:

    I agree if you have never tried it than stop knocking it!!! You cant have an opinion of something you have no experience with!!! Not trying to be ugly but lets get real!!!!
    :tongue: to you too!!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    seriously I think some people come to the posts just to get something started, answer the damn question and move on.........everyone has an opinion even its right or wrong. stop looking for fights!!!
  • 305muscle
    305muscle Posts: 97 Member
    I dislike the company that makes it and the guy in it. a friend of mine gave me the program a while ago and I wasn't impressed neither with program or the" knowledge"of fruit cake horton. BRING IT!! Come on seriously
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