Mely Member


  • Put ice, ice and more ice on it. A bump is a swelling and bruising is bleeding under the skin. You need to bring down the swelling so there aren't any complications. Icing it will also help the headache. A year ago I sneezed and threw my head down (as I always do) and banged my face on the handle of my vacuum cleaner!…
  • your calories seems too low as I'm sure others will start responding. Try and loose it a little slower. That may be part of the reason you gained some of it back already. You can't possibly be loosing all fat at that weight loss rate - some has to be muscle which isn't good. You've got great will power though. I couldn't…
  • Found this in my files but I don't remember if it's good. I think it was. 1 small package (1.1 oz) sugar-free Cook and Serve vanilla pudding 2 cups water 1 small package (0.3 oz) sugar-free strawberry Jell-O 4 cups sliced strawberries (I think I used frozen when fresh were out of season) In a medium saucepan, stir together…
  • I already have the no fat brownies and diet pop cake in my favorites. Can anyone suggest some more EASY to prepare baking recipes or other deserts. Must be dairy-free.
  • I'm definetly interested in a maintenance thread since that is the part where I've constantly failed in the past. I don't have a lot to loose since I'm just trying to take off what I gained back from the last time I lost weight. I think it's a great idea.
  • I've noticed quite a few incorrect entries in the food database. Be careful that you don't over or under eat because of wrong data. For instance, I thought 300 calories for a cup of pasta sounded too high. When I checked on Calorie King it showed 1 cup of cooked pasta at closer to 200 calories. I…
  • Here's an update (sorry for the gory details :sick:): Took 400 mg of Magnesium Citrate yesterday mid-morning. I had one good BM and a couple smaller ones. Had a bit too much gas the rest of the day Took 200 mg Magnesium Citrate mid evening and had the best sleep I've had in weeks. As an aside, in reading up on this topic,…
  • Big fat dates are very sweet - almost like candy. You may need to get them in a health food store as most supermarkets sell those really dried out and gritty dates.
    in sweets Comment by Mely September 2008
  • I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. I can totally relate to every aspect, especially being far away. My father died when I was living far away as did my mother's 2nd husband. He was taken off his life which was a difficult decision done together with a clergy. The silver lining of his passing was that all the family…
  • I mostly agree with this although I wouldn't say it's entirely a myth. I think the logic is not to eat big meals at night b/c most people are more sedentary and you don't burn it off as quickly as during the day. In many cultures lunch is the main meal and not dinner for this reason. Dinner is usually a light meal.…
  • I'm not an expert in this topic but I don't think your theory is correct. The healthy we eat, the more waste and toxins are eliminated from our bodies. We can't digest fiber and there for it is supposed to pass out of us and help keep us regular. It bothers me that I eat so much of it and then nothing much happens.
  • I'm reporting back already on the magnesium. Took 400 mg of Magnesium Citrate tablets and about 2 hours later I had success. No cramps or other undesirable effects of laxitives (I can't take those, they give me diarhea with bad cramps and then I can't go again for several days). I'm going to take another 400 mg tonight and…
  • Also - do you take tablets or some other form of magnesium? Which magnesium do you take? I bought Magnesium Citrate.
  • I do all these things already. I'm trying the magnesium suggestions and will report back.
  • Hi Gnomer What dosage do you take? I read an article that said to take 400 mg in the morning & 400 mg at night. It said not to take within 2 hours of other medicines. Do you take it every day or just when you have a problem? As an added benefit I just read that magnesium also helps for chronic pain like fybromyalgia. I…
  • Someone on this board suggested taking magnesium supplements for constipation. While I haven't tried it, I intend to do so. It seems logical and simpler then other supplement remedies that require powders and other variations of the supplement which are hard to find. Here is an article I found on the topic (it mentions…
  • Thanks for all the responses. My issue is not exactly constipation which I think is defined by painful and infrequent movements. I've had that. I do go most days but it is sometimes a small amount compared to the fiber I eat and so days I don't go at all. That doesn't seem right after eating 40 g of fiber the day before…
  • tried the pro-biotics.
  • This isn't a pleasant topic. I often have bouts of constipation and I thought I'd gotten over that in the last few weeks. I'm not exactly constipated, I do "go" most days but considering the amount of fiber I eat (around 35 g a day) plus all the water, I'd expect better results. For instance, I ate about 35 g of fiber…
  • That would taste great frozen. Stick one in the freezer, take out when frozen but wait a while for it to deforst a little (otherwise it's a solid block), then break it up with your spoon. Voila - diet frozen yogourt. Benefit is it takes much longer to eat then a regular yogourt.
  • I like bread too but it satisfies me more than toast for some reason. Mayonaise sandwiches?? Sounds gross but my eastern European father (obm) used to eat solidified chicken fat spread on Rye bread with a slice of raw onion and a sprinkle of paprika (guess what country he was from). Wonder why he had a heart attack later…
  • When I eat a sandwich with toasted bread I always want more. It's seems like a trigger food. Whereas bread (though I like it) doesn't that same powerful effect on me. When I was youn, I used to come home from school and toast piece after piece and eat it with peanut butter and the like. I'd eat half a loaf of toasted bread…
  • I'm a moderate coffee drinker. I drink 2-3 cups of instant a day. Coffee has almost no calories. The calories come from what you put into it. I use sweetner and a bit of 1% milk in my cofee so each cup is around 30 calories. I think that everything in the last post is correct. It does curb my appetitie for a short while…
  • great - so I made them right. I also thought they were a little sweet but was nervous that lowering the sugar would change the consistency and they wouldn't be good. How were they with a quarter cup less sugar??
  • you guys have your head in the gutter! :laugh:
  • Someone here noted last week that you should deducted your BMR calories from your excercise calories. That means, if you burned 600 in one hour, deduct how much you would have burned doing nothing. That person said they burn about 60 calories watching TV so your total would be 540. Makes sense to me.
  • Don't you know what U.N. actually stands for?? Unwanted Nobodies. Square root of useless.
  • Holy cow. You just got rid of a whole spare tire. Good work!!! :flowerforyou:
  • I started this about 3 weeks ago in an effort to loose the 10 pounds I've gained since I last lost and since I put out my back 1.5 years ago and hardly excercised. It's taken 3 weeks to get things reved up. I lost and gained, was bloated, constipated, TOM etc. Now I'm finally down almost 2 pounds and 1 inch. What a…
  • I can't wait to get mine too. I also can't do more than 30 minutes unless it's Pilates. I'm working my way up though. Good going on the inches and excercise.
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