

  • Oh gosh, this might be the thing that inspires me to tackle Insanity again. Amazing results!
  • UnFATuated, I suspect you're right - that's really encouraging to hear, thank you! Guess I'll just have to wait out this awkward phase for a few more weeks.
  • Oh gosh, you and me both! Just slipped into the 130s and my extra-wide boots still won't fit, wtfff. Good to know we're not alone though!
  • Shooting for 12, but would be happy with 6-8 if that's what happens! Coming in on the final stretch and not sure when I want to start hitting the weights hard(er), so we'll see. Focusing more on looks & composition than the scale right now.
  • Katealbright, thank you - that was so helpful! You're giving me hope that my cheekbones will come out someday...
  • Intense exercise tends to increase the likelihood of getting sick, while moderate levels of exercise decrease it. It might make you all feel better to know that people who work out regularly get fewer colds throughout the year, and bounce back much more quickly when they do! Something like a decrease in duration from 7 to…
  • At 5'7" and 23, my lowest adult weight was 139 about 4 years ago. At that weight, I was about a size 4. I started losing at 160 (higher end of size 6) in August, am currently sitting at 144 (size 4-6), and would like to ultimately get down to 127ish (size 2-4). I'm muscular and pear shaped, so you'd think the higher end of…
  • College student + Halloween = some solid motivation, haha. It's not so much about the number on the scale (though seeing it go down does provide some motivation) - it's more that I look *noticeably* leaner the day after a whoosh. Something about all the water draining out of formerly fat-filled cells. Argh. Good to know…
  • Good point! I know there's a lot of science to support this, especially if the extra calories include some dry carbs. I'll give it a shot in two or three days if the weight's still around.