tony56pr Member


  • Dont really rely on calorie burn counts. Not very accurate and can tend to make you eat too much. I'd rather low estimate my calorie burn and have ate little to little that day than to say I burned 2,000 calories (never agreed with that high)
  • You are your worst critic. You eyes like to lie to you. Are your clothes fitting looser? Can you bend over easier? Does it hurt as much getting down on floor? Say difference can be seen after 30 pounds (likely felt after 10-15 pounds) or so much depends on how objective you can be. Of course, if you've only got 15 pounds…
  • Too many "askholes" out there lol. I dont tell people anything. Even when they ask, I'm just like "eat less than you burn". I went from 295+ to 162.2 pounds in ~13 months. (Got back up to ~276 in March of this year and now I'm around 242) I'm not perfect, but I've learned a lot over these almost 5 1/2 years. (5 years and 4…
  • Theres some of that out there, never seen in stores though. Several fitness youtubers sell them along with even Wish (sizing is issue there)
  • I did this in past, still do when I dont eat right the day before. Stay away from stuff that dont fill you up before bed. I usually eat pecans (walnuts, peanuts even) for my before bed snack and dont wake up looking for food.
  • 42 year old male. Looking to lose another 35 pounds and would like some new friends to help out and to give me some additional motivation. My journey started 8-13-2013 @295 + pounds, 9-2014 was at 162.2 pounds. I've competed in 4 powerlifting meets and have enjoyed that (bulked from 11-2014 until ~July of this year when i…
  • I understand what you are saying and agree about driving slow in left lane, however, . . . People who pass on the right, especially the shoulder should lose their license... turning left with signals on and people do this all the time stop being in hurry. 1) why you in such a hurry? 2) do you know how many wrecks this…
  • Well, when I was 16 after 3-4 months of training, I had a 365 squat, 405 deadlift, and 240# bench, after 20 years of not doing any lifting (anything to be honest), I started November 2014, and best squat I've got is 350# (last Thursday, to which I pulled my groin and now will be out for couple weeks), dl hit 405 December…
  • Sorry from a stranger dont mean much, I know but i am sorry to hear. Everyone is different of course. It just takes time, I know that is likely normal response but what helped me thru might not help you at all. You just adapt over time, it took me right around 5 years to truly get over my ex wife, so I know all too well.…
  • Jealousy comes from insecurity, I'm secure and it does not make me jealous, I tease her about it in fact (just like she teases me in return). However I have been in a relationship were I was not secure and it did make me jealous when my ex-wife commented about another man. It has to do with how secure one is (I'm also 10…
  • Drew Barrymore and Meg Ryan always have been my favorites. Both are older and both are certainly more successful than me and I don't care lol
  • For as long as i can remember on most nights I toss and turn unable to go to sleep (bored out of mind so much my mind is racing). Recently I downloaded a white noise app onto my phone and so far it helps me relax and go to sleep (I'm sure I just jinxed myself). Before I became someone who enjoys fitness it was worse, but…
  • Family (kids and my fiancée)--part of this is work of course, getting up and going to work everyday but I'm the type that works because I have to, not the type that lives to work-- are first then fitness and then the rest.
  • Been trying to gain since November 2014 after losing 130+ pounds from August 2013-September 2014. Feel free to add me if you like but best thing I can tell you is, relax and try to let go a little on food choices, find some higher calorie foods and eat them, just don't go too overboard. Say 500 calories over maintenance…
  • No "diet" required, don't even have to bust your butt at the gym or home, however, you do have to be honest with yourself and track your food accurately (use a kitchen scale is my biggest recommendation) and remain consistent over time. Of course, exercise will make you healthy along the way but you don't need it to drop…
  • I have logged 498 straight, currently just over a year in a bulk, however, I lost 130+ pounds over a year, from 295+ pounds August 2013 to 162.2 pounds 09-2014. (Currently ~197 pounds) I'm 38 and doing my first powerlifting meet on 19th of this month. I have learned so much and willing to share my knowledge along with…
  • Stop fighting... believe it or not the harder you squeeze those last few pounds the more you just can't get rid of them. With all the stress have you been eating more salt? I found as I got down to my goal I became more sensitive to sodium and could swing 8 pounds in 4-5 days. I started off at 295 and got down to 162.2 at…
  • 6'-0" and my waist was 57" yeah I was obese. Now, 32.5" so lost 2 feet + around my equator lol
  • Well I'll say this. August 2013 I was 295 pounds (20 years couch potato, 37 6-0) "cut" to 162.4, went from 15.5 inch "biceps" to under 13", 57" waist to 32.5", legs shrunk too. Lifted the entire time, lost strength last 3-4 pounds (seemed drastic to me at time) I got to single digits bf% (~9% ), but didn't have lots of…
  • Eat, do strength training, (not just abs, but do multi joint movements (squats, bench, over head press, pullups/lat pulldowns, etc). and accessory work curls etc. With ab work too of course. ) more calories you eat over maintance the more your weight gain will be fat. As long as you work as much of your muscles as possible…
  • Also want to clarify. I NEVER broke my neck, radial neck fracture is reference to radial bone in forearm close to elbow joint. Neck is thin spot on bone before ball that goes into socket. Again did NOT break my neck. Fractured radial head neck, that is in arm...
  • First I have to apologize I have not paid attention to this thread in a while. Have to say thank you to everyone for all the comments they were very helpful. Weight loss caused back pain for about 10 months went to chiropractor about it, all he wanted to do was adjustments which cost me $. In the end, 2 months after I got…
  • Best diet tip I could give is get rid of your weaknesses. If cookies cause you to indulge often don't have them around and avoid being around them as much as you can. Like an alcoholic should avoid being around alcohol you have to avoid those problem foods. After a few weeks you will lose the want and be easier. Also make…
  • You don't have to give up treadmills or cardio. But add in some weight training with free weights. Stronglifts= stronglifts 5x5, means 5 sets of 5 reps of an exercise. Squats, bench press, over head press, bent over barbell row, deadlifts are 1 x 5, and any accessories (curls etc.) You want is typical lifts you would do…
  • 215ish in 1996. (6 foot tall) Reached 295+ pounds august 2013. Reached my low end of 162.4 pounds couple months ago, now ~165.
  • Well I can say this. When I had mine set to lose .5 pounds a week if I was say 20 calories under goal it basically say I'd lose 1 pounds each week, now that I'm set to maintain it still shows same lose even though calories are higher now. (Then was 2170 now 2720) so not accurate I'd say.