lifters, whats your worst lift?



  • tony56pr
    tony56pr Posts: 141 Member
    Well, when I was 16 after 3-4 months of training, I had a 365 squat, 405 deadlift, and 240# bench, after 20 years of not doing any lifting (anything to be honest), I started November 2014, and best squat I've got is 350# (last Thursday, to which I pulled my groin and now will be out for couple weeks), dl hit 405 December last year, 435 May 16 at meet, and just got 250# (paused) bench about a week ago. So I'd have to say squat is my weakest lift, at least taking the longest to match/exceed my numbers from high school. And squats is what I like training the most, go figure.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    Any pressing movement. My back and legs are huge and strong as hell but my chest, shoulders and arms are very weak and small in comparison.
  • Misspinklift
    Misspinklift Posts: 384 Member
    Anything upper body. I always need to go lighter.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Squat. I can almost double my squat weight in my bench press.

    i try to feel special for the fact i'm a woman and i can bench more than i squat atm. as a matter of fact, my bench is closing in on the highest weight i've ever squatted before needing to back all the way down and 'work on form' once again.

    i'm a bro. and to think i used to feel like i didn't belong in the weight room with all those caps-on-backwards dudes in their muscle shirts.