the peanut butter is shocking! good job i dont like it ha
i aim to go at least 3 times.... every other day if i can but i know if i push myself too much i know i will end up not going at all for ages! If that makes any sense at all....
You look fab!
I craveeee too!! But i looked up that at that time your body's metabolism is higher so it's all good to indulge!!!
I find that if i cut down my carbs, i dont get as bloated = flat stomach, and also the sit up bench at the gym is a god send - around 80 to 100 sit ups each visit (3/4 times a week) should firm your stomach in no time. Maybe try the plank too (45 seconds plank, 45 break x3) that'll make your core and abs sooo much stronger!
that peanut butter amount is shocking!